Super Finding App

Chapter 1665: instrument

"It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. What does this guy mean in front of me? For a while, he said that Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming were killed by people, and that Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming might have been killed by ghosts. It's simply a dilemma. "

Police officer Zheng Guoqiang's face became more solemn, looking at Chen Chengyiping with a look of doubt.

In his opinion, Cheng Yiping is probably a liar, but at this moment he is riding a tiger. Could you tell everyone that you would not obey Cheng Yiping's suggestion because you suspect him?

This will never be recognized even in police stations.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said okay

"That being the case, then I will give you this opportunity, but I have to explain in advance, if you are just kidding or a program set up with your so-called Jiangzhen City TV Station, then I will obstruct official duties. At that time, you will be arrested. After all, if you delay the solution of the case because of you, or let the murderer run away, then everything will be legally responsible. "

"No problem, no problem, you can rest assured, you can rest assured, so come with me"

Cheng Yiping laughed and turned a deaf ear to Zheng Guoqiang's warning. He owns the Super Hidden Object App more clearly than anyone else. The Super Hidden Object App never disappoints Cheng Yi Ping. He pauses and says

"Now that we are all taking the first floor of Xinglong Apartment, go to the bathroom. Zhou Qiming was submerged in the toilet in this bathroom, drowned by the toilet water, and arrived at the scene. Everyone You'll know what's going on. "

Not much to say, under the leadership of Cheng Yiping, the crowd poured into the bathroom on the first floor of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

Zheng Guoqiang's face became increasingly ugly, and he said

"Here is the bathroom. There are only three squatting positions. At that time, only two people, Zhou Qiming and Lu Weiliang, came to the bathroom to facilitate it. Among them, Lu Weiliang was a small solution. After coming in, these came out. Qing Erchu, and then no one in the bathroom entered, but Zhou Qiming died strangely in this bathroom. You said that since someone was killed, who is it? How did he do it? Or how do you avoid the camera? "

"Or was someone hidden in the bathroom from the beginning?"

Police officer Zheng Guoqiang carefully analyzed.

From the beginning, he wanted to analyze it carefully. If according to the situation recorded by the monitoring picture above, there really is a killer, and the only possibility is that the killer hid in the toilet in advance.

But this is not possible!

Because there is a camera at the entrance of the toilet, even if the confusion after hiding can be sure to leave the toilet, the police have checked it from the camera from before the incident to the incident. There is nothing in the toilet at all. People have appeared.

This also caused Zheng Guoqiang's reasoning to have a huge loophole, which was totally untenable.

"Hehehe, Officer Zheng, Officer Zheng, it is normal for you to see no one on the monitor, because there was no one at that time. Those who killed Zhou Qiming could be said to be ghosts, and they could not be seen on the monitors. presence"

"What? The absurdity is so ridiculous. You just said that the person who killed Zhou Qiming and Zhao Xiaotian was a human, but now he is a ghost? It is ridiculous. Are you here to make fun of us? Want to get in the way? "

Zheng Guoqiang's complexion instantly became cold, gritted his teeth, he felt his IQ was insulted.

Behind him, other viewers and Zhang Xiaona and others also talked about it with a hesitant look on his face.

Seeing Yiping and shaking hands quickly

"Wait, Officer Zheng, I said it was a ghost, but I did n’t say it was a real ghost, Officer Zheng. You see that there are no ceilings above. If you can, can you please find some people to give the ceiling here and the floor here Pry open? "

Cheng Yiping smiled and pointed with his fingers, and the ceiling on the innermost bathroom and the floor on the floor laughed.


Pry all the ceiling and floor?

What does it mean?

Zheng Guoqiang frowned.

"What on earth do you want?"

"Mr. Zheng, please believe me. What I say is true, but as the saying goes, it is true. Seeing is believing. You must know how Qiming died this week. Is there a ghost in this bathroom directly? Pry the ceiling and the floor apart and everything will be clear. "

Officer Zheng's face became increasingly ugly. After thinking for a moment, he turned his head and said to the officer.

"Get a few people to pry open the ceiling and floor all"

Then he turned to look at the owner of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

"There should be no problem prying your ceiling and floor apart for the case."

The owner of Fuzhou No. 1 Fierce House Inn nodded, saying as quickly as Xiaomi pecked

"No problem, no problem, definitely no problem"

Just kidding, where does he dare to say what's wrong now.

He also felt very strange.

Not much to say, the police officer got tools and started to climb up the ceiling and pry open the designated floor of Yiping.

Zhang Xiaona came over from the side and asked with some worry.

"What do you want to do in Yiping, what is there on the ceiling and floor?"

Cheng Yiping smiled lightly, looked at Zhang Xiaona, reached out and held Zhang Xiaona's hand, and showed a bright smile.

"What else can there be, there is a ghost in this ceiling and floor"

Are there ghosts under the ceiling and floor?

Zhang Xiaona felt strange, just in doubt.

Suddenly I saw a surprise cry from the police officer on the ceiling.

"There is discovery, there is discovery"

As he walked down the stairs from the ceiling, he was holding a long, weird instrument, and the police officer who groped for a moment after prying off the floor on the other side shouted

"Sergeant Zheng, there is discovery, there is discovery"

It was also a small projector-like instrument, and it was delivered to Zheng Guoqiang.

Zheng Guoqiang's doubts took the two strange instruments jumping from the ceiling and floor, twisted his head a few times and looked dignifiedly at the first murder house in Fuzhou. The owner of Xinglongke Apartment went to the boss.

"What's going on with these things, can't you say you're taking a sneak shot in this bathroom? It's illegal."


Candid photo in the bathroom!

Numerous female customers immediately exploded.

Just kidding, when I think of being shot in the bathroom when I was about to go to the toilet, this is simply an insult of personality. I looked at them one by one, and the owner of Xinglong Apartment in Fuzhou's first fierce house swayed his hands as soon as he heard it.

"Don't, don't, police officer, police officer. Misunderstanding misunderstanding, I don't know what these things are, I don't know what these things are? I have never seen these things at all"

"Just, boss, do you think this is interesting? This is your Xinglong apartment. You found these instruments in your inn apartment, and they are still on the ceiling and floor of the bathroom. You told me you did n’t know anything. Love, do you think anybody believed this?

Zheng Guoqiang's eyes were wary and skeptical

There was a bland voice in my ear

"I believe, of course, I believe that the boss of Officer Zheng, of course, does not know this, because these things are not used for sneak shots, these things are ghosts!"

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