Super Finding App

Chapter 1725: Peer

Wei Qing looked at Cheng Yiping in front of him and other moving people said urgently

Seven of them, a group of college students, now three of them refuse to go to this one-eyed temple. They think it is too dangerous. They have to cross the wild swamp and go home to shoot other videos.

The four people, Wei Qing, Li Wei, Liu Gang, and Wang Yan, have only chosen to enter this wild barren swamp. In their opinion, if they can really shoot the one-eyed temple, they will definitely make a lot of money.

Not to mention anything else, just by sending this video, they can win them a bucket of gold.

With fame and money, their careers can flourish.

Compared with other students who have the right to arrange their roads, or students who already have fame or work, Wei Qing knows that they have to rely on themselves for everything.

And there is nothing more difficult than making a bucket of gold.

So they will never give up.

"Calm down, calm down, I know what you think, but if you think about it, this wild swamp is very dangerous, and I'm not afraid to tell you that there were more than a dozen people before us who were looking for the one-eyed temple. Life and death are still unknown. In other words, it is not clear whether we can come back alive if we go there. Would you like it? "

Cheng Yiping coughed a bit, although it is not clear why Wei Qing and others did this. As a college student, it is not good to say something. Whatever he does after graduation is better than this one.

But Cheng Yiping felt that he would tell them the danger and let Wei Qing and others retreat.

After all, they have no reason to look for the one-eyed temple.

Wei Qing froze suddenly. The three of them, Li Wei, Liu Wei and Wang Yan, suddenly turned pale. After talking with each other for a while, they raised their heads and said with teeth.

"I know, I certainly know, thank you, but we really want to find the one-eyed temple, and we don't have any other ideas, we just want to shoot it. It doesn't matter if you think it is inappropriate, I can follow you, Our car can follow you and guarantee that it will not affect you "

how can that be possible?

Follow us and guarantee that it will not affect us?

how can that be.

Cheng Yiping rolled his eyes, and Li An said beside him.

"Mr. Cheng is too late now, we must set off immediately, if it is delayed further, I am afraid we cannot reach the next camp before dark."

Cheng Yiping froze, nodded, and said after thinking for a moment

"Well, if you have to follow, it's completely okay, but you have to say well in advance, your safety and yours are safe. We are not responsible, everything depends on you, in our safety and your safety directly happen Problem, then I will focus on protecting ourselves, that ’s no problem. ”

Wei Qing immediately choked on the busy road

"No problem, no problem, absolutely no problem, thank you, thank you, I really appreciate it"

Cheng Yiping shook his head and ignored him, then turned around and instructed Manager Bai to wait for quick preparation to enter this wild swamp.

"Why do you agree? You should know that they are just college students. They have no effect at all here. Apart from hindering me, I can't think of any other benefits to them?"

Manager Bai came to Cheng Yiping's side and frowned.

Cheng Yiping nodded and said

"Of course I know, but manager Bai you haven't thought about it. Even if you look at this group of college students, even if they don't agree, they will follow suit. If something really happens and something unexpected happens then, to us It's quite disadvantageous. Since it's better to take them together, at least, it can be used as labor, isn't it? "

"be careful and live long."

Manager Bai hesitated and nodded.

"I see, just Mr. Cheng, you must pay more attention, I always feel a little strange, why do they have to arrive in the one-eyed temple, is it really for the production of graduation works? If so, they still It ’s really dedication. In order to shoot, I do n’t even need my own life. ”

Cheng Yiping shook his head and said

"I didn't go to college, but I also know that graduation means unemployment. If there is a relationship at home, it may be the case. If there is no relationship at home, you need to find a way out by yourself. In contrast, it seems that That's what a group of college students want "

"After all, if they followed us to find the one-eyed temple and shot it, the process of light shooting should be quite valuable. Perhaps by borrowing this thing, they can earn a bucket of gold. Of course, this also for me. It ’s not that bad. What they want to do is not a problem for us. For me, instead of letting them follow us or even ultimately affect us, it ’s better to bring them in At least, I can also use these labors, right? "

Manager Bai froze and nodded slightly.

"It's true. Although these four college students are useless, compared to being an uncertain factor behind them, it is better to leave them all by their side, at least they can control and monitor, no matter what they have The idea is that we only need to know about the graduation project or other conspiracy tricks. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly and looked at the four college students.

In Cheng Yiping's opinion, they should indeed be here for the shooting.

However, in the view of Manager Bai, they are not necessarily just shooting, but have other ideas.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he shook his head in a funny way, and it turned out to be a cow, a ghost and a snake, all of them appeared:

Cheng Yiping raised his head, looking at the wild swamp not far away, his eyes hesitated.

Before entering the wild swamp land, the crowds have begun to fight, God knows what the outcome will be.

"No matter, no matter what the final result, this wild swamp must go. My goal is also to find this one-eyed temple. Only by finding the one-eyed temple can we find the belief in the super-hunting app in the one-eyed temple. Fragments. The belief fragments of a super-hunting app are worth tens of millions of faith points. If I really saved it by myself, God knows when to save, and this time once I find the belief fragments of this super-hunting app Maybe it will be able to make the super finder app even more powerful. "

"By that time it might be possible to unravel the secrets of this super-hunting app"

Thinking of Cheng Yiping's eyes revealing a trace of fine light, raised his head, his expression became abnormally determined.

He doesn't care what kind of conspiracy the other people have, there is only one goal to be leveled.

Find the one-eyed temple.

Get the Fragment of Faith in the Super Hidden Object App.

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