Super Finding App

Chapter 1739: insane

"Calm down, calm down, the three of you calm down. The red bug that burst out of Liu Zhiyuan's body has actually entered the body of your companion. Of course, he must be strictly supervised and studied. We are not sure. Is there any change in him or if there is any unexpected situation? The most important thing is that if there is a problem, our medical staff can help him to get the bug out. Otherwise, if it spreads enough, the consequences will be unthinkable. "

Facing Li An and six other bodyguards to control Li Wei, Wei Qing, Liu Wei and Wang Yan from Xizhou University resisted vigorously, but they had no effect.

Eventually calmed down with the persuasion of Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai.

Looking up, looking worried and overwhelmed

They just could n’t accept that their companions would be infected by the worm, and there would be accidents. They knew better than anyone that the worm had penetrated into the human body. If there was no reaction, there was no change. This is It's impossible.

"Damn, **** it, it's really too scary. This red worm is all in Liu Zhiyuan's body, and this worm is quite strange, and even when it sees the wind, it will penetrate into the human body. Within that, if it does n’t matter, it ’s impossible to know with your butt. ”

"It's okay, I'm okay, I don't have anything, I don't have anything, although this bug has penetrated into my body, but I don't feel any change, I have nothing to do with me, nothing to do."

The controlled Li Wei shook his head and rattle, usually speaking quickly.

He really didn't feel any maladjustment in his body.

"Calm down, calm down. Now we don't know about this bug. Li Wei, take off your clothes and let's check it. It would be better if you could take the bug directly out of your body."

The researcher in a white coat coughed and said

After the crowd quickly took off Li Wei's clothes, the crowd instantly took a sip of air-conditioning, showing a horrified look.

It is clearly seen that there are countless bugs on Li Wei's back that are constantly twisting. If there is only one at the beginning, then you can see that the bug is rapidly increasing in value on Li Wei's back. The back was constantly creeping, dense and creepy.

"Hell, hell, this bug will reproduce itself"

The medical staff gave a loud scream, with a horrified expression on their faces.

If there is only one worm, you just need to find it and catch it, but the worm can multiply itself when it enters the human body. If so, it can be quite dangerous.

After all, once the breeding speed is too fast, there is no way to clean all the worms. Although it is not clear what the role of these worms is, it is definitely not easy to think about it with their butt.

Li Wei shouted loudly on the chair controlled by the bodyguard

"I'm fine ... I'm fine"

next moment


His pupils were congested, and an equal person could clearly see that the red bugs in his body were constantly flowing under the surface of the skin, and eventually climbed up his face into his head.

Li Wei's pupils became blood red for a moment, his face pale, and the saliva in his mouth flowed down, his expression became crazy, he growled.

"Water, water, I want to drink water, I want to drink water." The bodyguards didn't even notice that Li Wei's pupils suddenly glowed, and they struggled for a moment, and quickly ran out of control of the bodyguards Go to the place where the off-road vehicle is placed in the water, and suddenly took out a bottle of mineral water and drank it.

It took only a few tens of seconds to drink a large bottle of water, and then picked up the second bottle of water and began to sip.

"Stop him, stop him, he's got something wrong, he's got something wrong"

Shouted the medical staff member's complexion.

In six or seven years, the bodyguard rushed to the past to control Li Wei. Even so, Li Wei was still struggling, growling.

"Let me go, let me go, I want to drink water, I want to drink water"

"Let me go, let me go, I want to drink water, I want to drink water"

Li Wei's face was emaciated and twisted, and the veins on his entire face were prominent. He could even clearly see the red bugs flowing in his eyes, and various countless red bugs were creeping on the entire body, which were in the epidermis Creeping, creepy.

"Control him quickly, control him quickly."

Li Wei was desperately struggling, but he was pressed to his seat by another bodyguard, but even so, his face was frightened.

It can be clearly felt that Li Wei is like going crazy.

His movements were quite powerful and burly, with his teeth grinning, like a madmaniac.

"Damn it, **** it, what the **** is going on, what the **** is going on, is it that this bug is so terrible?"

"Only one bug has entered the body of a person, and now it has spread so many in just a few minutes. It can even make people crazy, which is really terrifying.

"Did Liu Zhiyuan and the survivor all become crazy because of this bug invasion?"

"What the **** are these bugs?"

Zhou Guoqiang's teeth were shaking and his face was frightened. Even though they had seen a lot of things, they had never experienced such things now, which was too weird.

"Be careful, be careful, we must be careful. These bugs are small and long. Once they get into the body, I'm afraid we can't even do defense. What are these bugs?"

Cheng Yiping's head shook like a rattle, his face became more dignified and unsightly.

He thought of many possibilities, but never thought that things would turn out like this

This is simply creepy terror.

Watching Li Wei himself struggled free for free shouting water, water, water is really creepy.

"Hold him, hold him quickly"

The medical staff looked dignified, holding a scalpel, and gently scratched on Li Wei's back.

The next moment, cut directly, one red insect after another in the wound quickly rushed out of the wound. When encountering the air spreading wildly, he wanted to enter other human bodies.

"Resolve them, don't let one go."

Cheng Yiping shouted quickly, and the rest of the people picked up the red bugs and crushed them one by one.

On the other side, the paramedics are carefully extracting the red bugs one by one.

After the bugs were extracted, Li Wei's crazy expression gradually calmed down.

But even so, Li Wei still had bloodshot eyes, with a sulky look on his face, growled.

"I want water, I want water, I want water."

"What exactly are these bugs?"

Li An's face was somber that he could drip water, and asked with fear.

I saw that the researcher held a smashed insect in his hand. After the analysis of the instrument, his face had a weird look.

"This is a bloodworm!"

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