Super Finding App

Chapter 1786: Confluence

"What happened, what happened, what happened?"

Stars are in the sky, and night falls.

In this barren area of ​​the wild swamp, the panic yelling of the girl came, and it was a very weird and even creepy thing to think.

Cheng Yiping raised his head and turned to look at the horrified manager Bai, Zhou Guoqiang and Li Andao.

"No, something happened. Let's go and see."

Saying four people ran quickly through the bushes of the wild swamp in the direction of the jeep.

"Let go, let go, hurry up, let go of my sister, hurry up, let go of my sister, let go quickly"

Jiang Yan struggled desperately, beating Jiang Wei's body with both hands.

At this moment, Jiang Wei had already pressed Jiang Ting to the ground, and reached out to tear her clothes apart. Jiang Ting struggled and twisted, but she did not know that such an action fell on Jiang. Wei's eyes inspired Jiang Wei's beastiness even more, his teeth grinned, and the breath he exhaled was full of heat.

I didn't even bother about Jiang Yan's beating behind, even turned her head and grinned.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't be partial, neither of you can escape, neither of you can escape."


Jiang Ting fought desperately and kicked, kicking Jiang Wei's third limb instantly, Jiang Wei's hands covered her lower body instantly, fell to the ground, and moaned in pain.

Jiang Yan quickly got up and pulled Jiang Ting toward the bushes, with a look of panic and confusion on her face.

"Damn, damn, don't think you can run, neither of you can run, neither of you can run."

Jiang Wei grinned his teeth, his face was covered with blue tendons, and he slowly stood up.

A quick brick was found from the ground, holding it in his hand and chasing towards the dark bush.

Now Jiang Wei has gone completely crazy, or he has completely lost his sense of being as a man, and he has been controlled by animal desires.

For Jiang Wei, the only idea is that since everyone is going to die, it is better to die comfortably, rather than to die in pain.

What Jiang Wei did not find was that under his back clothes, a small bug seemed to be slowly creeping under his skin ...

"Run, run, run, run!"

"Run quickly, run quickly ..."

Jiang Yan pulled Jiang Ting desperately running through the wild swamp, her feet were on the ground of the swamp, and her nose smelled of acrid smell.

But they couldn't care less. The only thing they could take care of was to run away and run away.

Jiang Wei was completely crazy.

"Sister, sister ..."

Jiang Ting stumbled to the ground during the run, just ready to stand up, the ground on his right foot collapsed, and his body slowly slid down.

She stepped into the swamp, with a look of horror on her face, struggling desperately, but falling faster and faster

"Don't move, don't move. If you are caught in the swamp, don't move. The more you struggle, the faster the swamp will fall. Don't move, don't move."

Jiang Yan's experience was very rich, and she quickly prevented her sister from struggling hard. Then she lay on the edge of the swamp and stretched out her hand.

"Sister, sister ..."

Jiang Ting desperately stretched out her slender hand, trying to hold her sister's hand, but the hands of the two were only a few centimeters away, but she couldn't hold it anymore.

Jiang Yan desperately pushed her body forward while holding the ground with her other hand. If she couldn't save her sister, she even fell into the swamp. Raw.


The desperately struggling sister in front of her eyes dropped slowly, her face became frightened, and her hands turned from palms to fingers, pointing behind her.

"Behind me, isn't it ..."

Jiang Yan's cold hair burst instantly, and a feeling of fear rushed into the back of her head from the back.

Under the light of the moonlight, Jiang Wei with a sullen face appeared behind Jiang Yan, holding a brick, and his face was extremely ugly.

On his body, on his chest and even his face, there were traces of worms constantly crawling. It looked inexplicable, like a ghost.

"Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei, your face, your face, your face"

Jiang Yan's face was pale and bloodless, and the sweat on her forehead fell down, revealing a look of horror.

The swamp fruit cannot be drunk, even after it has been burned three times. Can the eggs of the nematode be so hard?

"It's so itchy, it's so itchy, it's really too itchy"

Jiang Wei clutched his face desperately, and even scratched his own skin. He could see some A. nematodes squirming under his eyelids, and he was just as scary and disgusting as a ghost.

"But it doesn't matter. We all have to die. All of us have to die. Let's enjoy it before we die. Enjoy it well."

"So don't resist anymore. It's useless to resist again!"

Jiang Wei seemed to be completely desperate at this moment. The brick in his hand smashed against Jiang Yan's body. The severe pain instantly made Jiang rolled aside and made a wailing sound.

Jiang Ting plunged into the swamp, struggling desperately, shouting, but the more she struggled, the faster the swamp fell.

"Don't struggle, don't struggle, we're all going to die, we're all going to die, don't struggle now, enjoy yourself before that, enjoy yourself."

He threw the bricks to the ground, then overwhelmed Jiang Yan on the desert grassland of the grass swamp, opened his mouth wide, and his face was full of greed.

His chest, limbs and even his face were under the skin with worms constantly crawling. It was like a ghost, Jiang Yan was terrified and struggling, but it seemed to have no effect.

I saw Jiang Wei open his mouth and wanted to kiss Jiang Yan, even a few nematodes crawled out of his mouth.

Jiang Yan was terrified of her head, shook her head desperately, struggling, and was about to kiss.

A huge force came, and one person flew up and kicked Jiang Weiyu directly to the ground.

"All right, all right, are you all right?"

Cheng Yiping pulled Jiang Yan from the ground, looked up, and saw Jiang Wei as a devil, his face became increasingly ugly.

Jiang Wei slowly stood up from the ground, raised his head, his face became abnormally haggard under the light of the moonlight, and countless bugs were swimming under the skin.

Lifting his head to look at an equal person, he suddenly snarled, holding his chest constantly with his hands, tearing his clothes apart, and even tearing his skin with bloodstains, shouted hysterically

"Water, water, I want water, I want water!"

As he spoke, he ran towards the darkness of the wild swamp.

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