Super Finding App

Chapter 1871: Young dog blood

"Successful, successful, is it really successful? It really cost only one dollar to buy the girl under this waterfall. How is this possible? This is too strange."

When Zhao Xiaohui was holding the picture of the girl under the waterfall, which had been carefully framed, her eyes were wide.

It wasn't until the painting was put in her hands that she responded.

Looking up, looking at Cheng Yiping in front of her, Zhao Zhang Xiaona and Bai Jinglan with a kind look on her face seemed to have some feelings of dreaming.

He really did not expect that this would happen.

I thought that if I bought this painting, I would definitely lose everything, especially when he heard that art products were bidding 1 million, she really had some despair.

After all, 1 million is definitely not a small number, she can't get it at all.

"I'll leave this painting to you. Since you are Zhao Juan's granddaughter, that's my junior. I hope you can really fulfill Zhao Juan's agreement with me and Pu Lan. Completed the agreement, I also want to see the painting appear in front of me as soon as possible. "

The old teacher Bai Jinglan looked at Zhao Xiaohui with a charitable look, and it seemed that his eyes had become a little confused.

She already remembered when she was with Zhao Juan and Yan Lan three years ago.

Zhao Xiaohui in front of her is almost exactly the same as Zhao Juan, the only difference is that the two people are completely different in dress and temperament.

"I know, grandma white, rest assured, I will definitely find another painting, I will complete my grandma's last wish, and find the painting named friendship, rest assured, once I find it, I will definitely I handed it to you to watch it. This is your agreement. This is also my grandma's last wish. I will do my best to complete it. "

If at first Zhao Xiaohui just wanted to fulfill his grandmother's last wish, but now more he has a sense of mission.

From a very young age, Grandma Zhao Juan has been raising Zhao Xiaohui independently.

After all, Zhao Xiaohui's mother has been quite busy since she gave birth.

It can be said that from childhood to childhood, Zhao Xiaohui was almost always grandma.

Compared to her parents, she has a deeper relationship with her grandma, and it is her idea to complete her grandmother ’s last wish.

But this time with this last wish, she seemed to know what happened to her grandma in the past.

Become more familiar with everything

"Okay, okay, since that's the case, I'm relieved. Now think about it. If that didn't happen 30 years ago, maybe this painting has already been completed, and it won't be separated for 30 years. time"

Teacher Bai Jinglan shook her head with a bitter smile. In her 60s, she had looked at almost everything and was very open.

When I was young, I felt very aggrieved and even dissatisfied, and now it is ridiculous and ignorant to think of it.

But perhaps it is really the young and frivolous that created life. If a person is born to look so open like an old man in his 60s, no passion, no idea, then this life is too horrible.

"I see, Grandma White, Grandma White, but I'm a little bit strange, Grandma never told me exactly what happened 30 years ago, why didn't you complete this friendship painting and what happened that year? ? "

Hugging the painting in his hands tightly, looking at the white grandma with white charity in front of him, Zhao Xiaohui hesitated for a moment, and finally raised a question

She was really curious about what happened 30 years ago

"What happened 30 years ago? It was just a young and frivolous dog blood show."

Unexpectedly, Teacher Bai Jinglan shook her head with a bitter smile.

In addition to wry smiles, this smile may be more self-deprecating.

In the eyes of others, many episodes of dog blood on TV are comparable, but it is a pity that dog blood is often more realistic than dog blood.

Thirty years ago, the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, waterfalls fell from the sky like a torrent and fell into the pond, setting off huge waves, and then the ripples that continued to spread around

The atmosphere of the three young girls in this quiet mountain was suddenly frozen.

Three artboards fell to the ground.

"Why? Why do you do this? Zhao Juan, why do you do this? I regard you as my best friend and best girlfriend, why do you betray me and why are you with him?"

The girl with long hair and full of artistic flair was very embarrassed.

"I did n’t. I really did n’t. I have already rejected him. I really have rejected him, but this thing was brought to life by him. I do n’t know what happened. I really did n’t He walked together, but met him just after school. It was an accident. It was an accident. "

Zhao Juan with short hair shook like a rattle, tears were flowing.

"Accident, is this really an accident?"

A picture appeared in front of Zhao Juan. On this picture, a woman and a man embraced each other and looked quite close.

The girl with long hair, Bai Jinglan, was shaking with the hand holding this photo, and the tears in her eyes fell like pearls.

"Did you tell me that this was an accident? You would have two people in an accident, Zhao Juan. If you really like him, you can tell me clearly that I am definitely not the type of person who can't afford to lose. What's more, you know my relationship with him. If you really like it, I am willing to compete with you fairly, but you do n’t find it very ugly and disgusting if you do such a thing in the background? "

"I didn't, I didn't. That was really an accident. It was because I was almost scratched by a car when I was on the side of the road that he would help me up. It was really just that. I had nothing to do with him. Really. Have nothing to do with it "

The short-haired girl Zhao Juan shook her head like a rattle with a little anxiety.

"That is, just calm down, both of you. Bai Jinglan, I don't think Zhao Juan can tell a lie. It may be an accident."

Another young girl, Lan Lan, stretched out her hand to persuade him.

After all, when she encountered such a thing, she really did n’t know who to help.

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, and it's actually an accident. Why wouldn't such an accident happen? Zhao Juan, I have always regarded you as my best friend and most trusted person, but I didn't expect you to carry me on this matter. If that's the case, why should we play this family game here? "

"From today, we have no friendship."

"No, no, Bai came in, you believe me, you believe me, I really don't, I really don't"

On this day, three high school students parted ways, only those three artists who fell to the ground witnessed the friendship.

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