Super Finding App

Chapter 1929: I am right

One way is ruthless.

Fires often start with small things, often with a small fire.

In the eyes of many people, some fires are very small and can be extinguished at any time, but no one does not know that these small fires can instantly become devouring everything in just tens of seconds Blaze.

Once the fire has formed, ordinary fire extinguishing tools are simply useless.

And in the scene of the fire, not many people were actually burned by the flames, and most were strangled by the thick smoke formed by the flames.

Therefore, at the scene of the fire, the early rescue and escape time is very important.

You must run away before the fire is fully formed and before the so-called smoke effect is formed, otherwise you can only wait for rescue.

Walking around the fire at will is definitely an act of seeking death.

Fires are never a trivial matter and must be prevented before they occur.

Du Qiu was desperately running inside the fire scene, so there was a pull from the firefighters, but for Du Qiu, the only thing in his mind now was the sound of help from Du Mingyue at the fire scene.

He immediately picked up a fire-fighting suit carried by the firefighters, put it on his body, and rushed into the fire.

Although he could escape the burned Repertory Theatre apartment as long as he turned around, but to save Du Mingyue, he still rushed into the fire despite the danger of his life.

The flames are constantly burning, and even he can clearly feel his skin feel hot, and may even be buried here

But Du Qiu couldn't even care, there was only the signal of Du Mingyue's help in his head.

He rushed into the room, and the flames around him continued to burn, as if everything in the room was going to be burned into ashes.

The fire does not take into account whether it is a child or an adult that it burns, whether it is worthless wood or an ancient painting of great value.

Within the scope of the flame burning, everything will be extinguished.

It's like a ruthless scavenger who cleans everything up in the flames.

Although in many cases fires are accompanied by pain and sadness.

"Du Mingyue, Du Mingyue!"

Du Qiu rushed into the room and looked around. At this moment Du Mingyue has fallen to the ground, his consciousness has gradually blurred, and a large amount of thick smoke has made him seem to be unable to breathe normally.

He rushed over and put on the fire-fighting suit on Du Mingyue's body, and then hugged it.

In the middle of the blur, Du Mingyue could only see a man wearing a monkey mask picking himself up.

This feeling of being protected caused her uneasy heart to settle instantly and opened her eyes slightly.

I can only see the man wearing a monkey mask, looking around at her constantly,

"Live, live, Du Mingyue, you must live strong."

Du Qiu kept cheering on Du Mingyue, hugged Du Mingyue and turned towards the door of the house.

Even if the wood on the room beam fell down and hit his left shoulder, his hot teeth grinned and he could not help but release his hand, he still insisted to hold Du Mingyue tightly.

Then burst out of the fire room outside

On the aisle, the firefighters followed closely, and quickly stepped forward to support Du Mingyue and Du Qiu, and rescued the scene of the fire.

Behind them, the Repertory's apartment was continuously burned by flames, and it seemed to burn all this into ashes.

A large number of water cannons screamed on the firefighters' fire truck.

The sky seemed to be red by the flames.

"Abominable, abominable, why is this, how is this, why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

Tossing the East China Sea and gnashing his teeth, one after the other is uneven, his fists clenched tightly, standing not far away, watching the Theatre Company's apartment burning by the flames, and those with a dull face can drip water.

"Boss, boss, you must not blame yourself, this has nothing to do with you at all, even if you rush in, you will probably be buried in the bottom of the river if you rush in, you have not decided to rush in Is correct, after all, the flames at this fire scene are too big "

Li Lei carefully lowered his eyebrows, watching Peng Donghai's face became increasingly ugly, and immediately understood, came over and carefully advised

The dog legs on the side also spoke.

"That is, boss, such a large fire scene, even if you go in, it is useless at all, and the best way is to wait outside like we are now and leave professional things to professional people, otherwise If we go in and act as heroes, if we ca n’t save Du Mingyue, we will also put ourselves in the scene of the fire, which will increase the difficulty of rescue for the fire brigade. This is wrong, after all, they are professional of"

"I believe they will be able to rescue Du Mingyue"

"Yes, yes, boss, you must not blame yourself. Your current move is the most correct, let alone look at the flames burning so fierce. We do not have any professional equipment and professional Training, going in is definitely an act of seeking death, even if it is true, if Du Mingyue is in trouble, you will still be the boss. "

"If you are here, our Repertory Theatre will be able to persist. All of this is for the Repertory Theatre. I believe Du Mingyue will forgive you when he knows."

Brothers of the Repertory Theatre, you said to me, Peng Donghai's face was abnormally ugly and gradually eased.

Although he was still sweaty, the handsome face was trembling with a hint of shivering, he nodded heavily, and gritted his teeth.

"Yes, yes, you are absolutely correct, I am right to do this. I am not going to save people. This is the right choice. After all, I am not a regular firefighter, nor do I have professional equipment and facilities. It ’s better to do it to a professional person. It ’s going to be okay. Du Mingyue will be okay. Du Mingyue will be rescued by firefighters. It will be.

Peng Donghai seemed to be catering to the team members' words, and more like cheering his teeth, saying it word by word.

The hand unconsciously touched the back of his hand. At the moment, the back of the hand had been blanched by the flames, and several blisters appeared. The pain was felt as soon as it was touched.

Peng Donghai's face was even colder

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong, I'm a play actor, and I'm the head of the Repertory Theatre. If I really had an accident in the fire, or if I broke the picture at the scene of the fire, it's worth the money. , I'm not wrong at all! "

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