Super Finding App

Chapter 1932: chat

Du Qiu gradually awakened from the coma, opened his eyes violently, panting vigorously, and felt hot pain in his body.

Looking down, almost all of his body was burnt, and it hurt when he touched it.

The white nurse on the side carefully wiped him with the ointment, the doctor said

"You guys, you are really strong, rest assured. You are just an ordinary burn. Although the area is large, but they are all skin trauma. You have rubbed the ointment. You do n’t need water during this time. After a while, the scald on your body will be completely cured. On the contrary, the scald on your shoulder and left shoulder is quite serious. I am afraid that it will leave scars in the future. "

The doctor looked at Du Qiu with anxiety, and exhaled a long breath.

There is a ruthless fire and fire, especially when there is a fire. He has seen a lot of people who are good. After being sent here, the burnt skin of the whole body is really pitiful.

Like Du Qi in front of him, he can be considered good luck.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, thank you doctor, thank you doctor, may I ask the doctor, how about the Du Mingyue who came with me? Is she OK? Is she OK?"

Du Qiu hurriedly asked.

"Du Mingyue sent with you? Sorry, there are so many people sent to you this time, I don't know which one you are talking about, but you can rest assured that there should not be much problem, after all, I There is no information about people with particularly severe burns here, they should all be skin injuries. "

The doctor grinned and said.

No serious injuries?

This is a blessing in misfortune.

"Is that so? Thank you, doctor, thank you doctor."

Du Qiu's heart was relaxed, he nodded heavily, and sighed in the hospital bed. The original nervousness slowly and completely relaxed.

"You just have a good rest here"

The doctor simply checked Du Qiu and turned to leave.

There are so many things in the hospital today, and he is quite busy.

When the doctor left and the nurse left, the door of the ward was squeaked open again, Du Qiu opened his eyes, followed the voice, and his pupils shrank sharply, revealing a puzzled look.

In front of him were Peng Donghai, Li Lei and others.

"Du Qiu, we have come to see you. You have nothing left. How is your injury?"

Peng Donghai's smile was so bright that he came to Du Qiu, looked him up and down, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It turned out to be the head, I have nothing to do, the doctor said, I am all skin trauma, just rest for a few days."

"Are all skin traumas? This is really very good, just fine, just fine, you just rest well, rest assured, we will take care of the things in the regiment."

Peng Donghai laughed and behaved quite kindly

Du Qiu nodded, he was really afraid that the head of the group was dissatisfied with himself because of his injury. Although he belonged to the group in the group, he still liked the theater group very much.

"Thank you, leader, thank you"

"No thanks, no thanks, I'm here today to see you in addition to seeing you. I hope you can help."

Peng Donghai grinned, stretched out his hand and patted Du Qiu's shoulder, a hint of light flashed in his eyes.

"Head, what do you want you to say?"

Du Qiu said

"So, before I came to see you, let me go to Du Mingyue's ward first. You can rest assured that Du Mingyue's injury has completely recovered. The doctor said that she didn't have anything to do, just take a good rest "

As soon as he heard Du Mingyue, Du Qiu became nervous.

Knowing that Du Mingyue was okay, he just relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief.

There was a hint of discomfort in Peng Donghai's eyes, but it disappeared immediately

"But, there is one thing I want to let you know, that is, Du Mingyue regarded me as her life-saving beneficiary after waking up. In order to prevent Du Mingyue's wounds from cracking or worsening due to emotional excitement, so I agreed and didn't tell the truth. I don't think you would mind, Du Qiu? "

Peng Donghai said lightly, the words spoken were as simple as saying that I invited someone to drink tea today, and instantly made Du Qiu angrily rushed to his mind, opened his mouth, and looked at Peng in front of him. Donghai suddenly felt very strange.

Just ready to speak, Li Lei came over, reached out and held Du Qiu aside, and said with a smile on his face.

"Du Qiu, I think Du Mingyue should have been rescued by the head of the team. You don't want to think about it. The head of the team and Du Mingyue, Miss Du was originally in love with each other. Neither of them just took the last step. As long as you raise your hand a little, it will be able to promote the two heads of delegation and Miss Du, don't you think it is a merit? Or do you think the head is not worthy of Miss Du "

Li Lei's words were soft and hard, and soft and hard, blocking Du Qiu with some dumb words.

He bit his teeth and said,

"But, but it's actually me ..."

"I know it's you who saved Du Mingyue, but what can you do? Can't you say that you like Du Mingyue?"

"no no"

Du Qiu's frightened head shook like a rattle.

"Really? Since you don't like Miss Du, what kind of relationship do you give to the head of the team to save Miss Du? What's more, you think about it, the talent of the head of the table and Miss Du are in a relationship with each other They are the most suitable together. Do you think Miss Du has a good life in the future? "

Li Leipi continued to persuade without smiling, the words were like a demon who was bewildering.

"You think about it carefully. If you agree to mute this matter, it is tantamount to that the adult leader owes you a favor. If you are in the troupe, you will be on stage for a drama. There is no problem at all, think about it, Du Qiu, haven't you always wanted to play a drama? Haven't you always wanted to come on stage? Do you want to let this opportunity go? "

The light in Li Lei's eyes flashed. As Du Qiu's roommate, he knew very well that Du Qiu liked the play very much.

He believes that this is Du Qiu's dead point.

Du Qiu's complexion was constantly changing, and one red and one white seemed to be entangled in the tangle.

"What's more, the most important thing is that you have to think about Du Qiu carefully. If you offend the regiment when you grow up, do you think you can stay in the theater company?"

"Even if Du Mingyue knows what you can do to save her, or do you really think that Du Mingyue will be with you, do you deserve to be like Du Mingyue?"

Du Qiu's face suddenly became abnormally pale, and the spirit of the whole person seemed to have dissipated.

Li Lei reached out and patted Du Qiu's shoulder

"So Du Qiu, if you really like Du Mingyue, you should know that she is the most suitable with the head of the group."

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