Super Finding App

Chapter 1944: Yang Juan

Candy Entertainment Group.

Candy Entertainment Group, as one of the three leading entertainment groups in the Tang Dynasty, can be said to have a large number of stars.

Some of these stars are singing and dancing. The entertainment variety can be said to be everything, including thousands of people. At the same time, a large number of scouts go to all parts of the Tang Dynasty and even to film colleges and art colleges to find new students. Packing

Newcomer training classes have newcomers pouring in every day.

It can be said that the competition in the Candy Entertainment Group is quite fierce, and it is not a simple matter to get ahead.

After all, they are all stars who have been killed from thousands of troops.

Similarly, by virtue of these star candy entertainment groups, they can also be regarded as making a lot of money. For them, as long as they can bring out a first-line star, they can make money. If they can raise a superstar, then the money is simply earned Soft hands.

After all, the stars have to sign a contract before solo, before the solo, and this contract is to make money to split accounts, can only say that this is a willing to hit a willing to suffer.

You want your partner to be a star, and they want to make a lot of money on you.

Gao Jingjing, as a gold medal agent in Candy Entertainment Group, has many stars and a lot of resources

Have a relatively high status and status within the Candy Entertainment Group

Even the boss must be polite when she sees her, and other little stars nodded when they saw Gao Jingjing. From here you can see the strength of a broker.

If it is some small brokers, I'm afraid they have to ask their own stars to do things and nod their heads, this is called the guest bullying the host.

And gold brokers like Gao Jingjing in the Candy Entertainment Group Company are more stars staring at him.

After all, as long as Gao Jingjing fancy throws away some resources, this is a godsend for some small stars.

In many cases, what a star lacks is a chance to become famous.

And this opportunity is indeed quite small. Many people say that the so-called success is 99% of effort plus 1% of inspiration, but often, that 1% of inspiration is more important than 99% of effort.

Also for the star, no matter how hard he practices, it is useless. 99% of the effort is not as important as Gao Jingjing's 1% chance.

At this moment, Gao Jingjing's complexion was somewhat low and ugly.

She is sitting in her office. This is a large office located on more than ten floors. It has more than one hundred square feet. It is unusually large. A black high-end table shows the extraordinary nobility of Gao Jing's identity.

Behind her are floor-to-ceiling windows that give you an unobstructed view of Kyoto.

Here is a status symbol. Being able to sit here is a qualification in itself and a strength in itself.

"Are you really sure? Yang Juaner, you really have to make sure that you have accepted this announcement. You should know that it is a star in the first line in terms of your value. If you pack it a little, you will become an international star. It's not impossible, after all, the songs you sing since your debut are quite good and inspirational, and the degree of singing is also very high. In addition, the image you set up is also an inspirational image. Now it is exactly You have a great opportunity, why do you give up? Is it really so difficult for you? I really have some things I ca n’t understand! "

Gao Jing frowned, looking at Yang Juan's temperament at the moment.

Yang Juaner in front of her and Yang Juaner a year ago have undergone earth-shaking changes. Now Yang Juaner is more fresh and refined, and her body is shining like a shining star.

Walking on the road can definitely make people turn around 100%,

From the beginning, she entered the candy entertainment group and the rustic Yang Juan was just like Tianyuan.

This is the charm of the entertainment industry.

Even if an ugly duckling without any background enters the entertainment industry, as long as he can kill the siege and become a star, he can be born into a real swan!

This is not like there are some second-generation rights and second-generation stars, nor is it a ridiculous story that the ugly duckling was born ugly and turned into a swan in the ugly duckling fairy tale, because the parents of the ugly duckling are swans, which is itself swan!

The entertainment industry can turn the real ugly duckling into a swan, and it is precisely because of this charm and temptation that it will attract a large number of young men and women to flood in, hoping that one day they will be able to fly yellow.

It ’s just that there are so few opportunities. After all, not all ugly ducklings can become swans.

More turned into roast duck!

"Sister Gao, I know you are doing this for me, but please do n’t advise me anymore. I have decided that even if I bet on my future status and future, there will be no stars who will fall to the second or third tier. Relationship, I do not hesitate, and I do not think he can cover the sky with only one hand "

"If I was banned just because I was unwilling to agree to his pursuit, then it can only prove that he doesn't love me at all, but just use his power to want to get me, and people like this I will not even talk to him Together, even the so-called false flattery, even the so-called playmaking! "

Yang Juaner raised her head and bit her delicate red lips.

At this moment she seemed unusually innocent and innocent.

But in this sophistication and innocence, there is a hint of stubbornness and maturity.

It is this special charm that will attract everyone and make Yang Juan become a front-line star in a year's time.

It is also because Wang Juaner has become a star, and has become famous, and her face has become quite pure and delicate, which has attracted the favor of many stormy butterflies.

Although there was a saying in ancient times

This sentence seems to be nonsense to people nowadays.

It is used to discredit the so-called woman, but this sentence does have some truth in some ways.

After all, because you are beautiful, because you are attractive, you have attracted many wind and waves.

And some wind and storm butterflies are not gentlemen, they will not pursue you seriously, and they will not use normal means, let alone in this mixed entertainment circle.

For some princes, they are more adept at using threats, using resources and being tough.

In many cases, celebrities can only go to great lengths for their own careers.

This is a hidden rule that no one in the entertainment industry can avoid.

Obviously, Yang Juan'e was meeting the hidden rules.

The only difference is that Yang Juaner seems to be quite inconsistent with the hidden rules. Even if he fights for his position as a front-line star, he loses a lot of resource announcements and endorsements. If he does, he will definitely not go to a town The programs that are not well-known on TV stations last from three months to half a year.

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