Super Finding App

Chapter 1956: Dynamic (1)

And such a 10 million sponsorship is rare in the TV station in Jiangzhen City, and it has long been talked about.

Of course, more is indeed full of jealousy. After all, some people will have rivers and lakes, and some people will have struggles.

And TV stations are not infrequent.

"It's him. He's Zhang Zhang. I really don't know what kind of **** was gone. I heard that he received 10 million sponsorships. He originally let an unpopular show that nobody liked. Suddenly it became a hit, which is too strange, and his luck is too good. "

"What's the matter, even if he sponsors more people? Archeology shows have fewer people. If there is no explosion, it won't do anything at all. Don't look at him now. , Spent a lot of money, in the end it will definitely have no effect. "

"Okay, that's what he said, but he was able to find 10 million sponsors, which is really amazing."

"That's 10 million. What's this, what's the great sponsorship fee? Look at us. There is no 10 million sponsorship for the explosion show in Jiangzhen TV Station, but it's just a drizzle. What's so great? And it's worth making a fuss, do you find yourself in the TV station of Jiangzhen City every day? "

"I want him to say that he shouldn't have gotten it at all. It's really a villain who gets his will."

"Okay, okay, we are talking about this sponsorship but not others, and I found out the inside information. I heard that the sponsors came to you by themselves. What is this? This is not a good thing to lose pie in the sky. ?"

"No, no, how could this happen, I think this is simply impossible, how could there be sponsors coming by themselves, and it must be here that the sponsors are coming by themselves. It should be Looking for some good programs, it's impossible to just find this archeological program. At the very least, this archeological program has nothing, and it costs 10 million sponsorship fees. Strange thing, is it that the boss of this sponsored company is an idiot? "

"Okay, okay, stop talking, stop talking, even if the sponsor ’s boss is an idiot, why do n’t we meet such an idiot sponsor, boss, I do n’t ask too much, as long as you can give me two or three I ’m thankful for the 100,000 sponsorship. How should these 10 million be used? ”

Everyone in Jiangzhen City TV station talked loudly.

For them, Zhang's sponsorship is a miracle, and it can only happen in fairy tales.

But no matter how unwilling the people in the TV station in Jiangzhen City are, they are useless nowadays.

Zhang Dao was so proud of himself that he could be considered exultant.

Who told you not to use me at all on good shows.

Drove me to this people's archeological type show.

Well now, I did not expect that my unpopular archaeological program sponsors could have more than 10 million in one fell swoop.

It's too late to regret it now!

Zhang Dao proudly took a pleasant step into his office.

At this moment, the original office has become quite large, and many assistants inside are busy. The original assistants have also been upgraded to be in charge. Now they are commanding other workers busy with their waists and toes.

This is the benefit of large sponsorship fees.

"The work has been completed. We don't have much time. Just now I have contacted Professor Lu Renzhang and guests on the phone. Tomorrow, all of them should arrive, go to meet, and go to the ancient monuments of Ghana. We have to be successful once, and we have to give the show this time to make it a blockbuster show, so that everyone who sees our joke ca n’t laugh ”

The assistant nodded heavily, with a bright smile on his face.

"Okay, guide Zhang, rest assured, I have called all the people, all the schedules have been arranged, and everyone will meet at my scheduled place tomorrow."

"Very good, I'm assured of what you do. In this case, everyone will have a good rest today. We will meet at the meeting point tomorrow morning, and then lead to the historic site in Ghana under the leadership of Professor Lu. Performance, we must do a good job in the evening, I will comb the show again in the evening, I hope everyone can work together! "

the next day. The dazzling sunlight shone on the beams and beams of the five-star hotel in Jiangzhen City, reflecting a beautiful golden color.

"It's really too sleepy. I have to get up so early in the morning. Anyway, I just want to start today. Isn't it so early? Can't I get up later? As a result, I didn't even get my makeup done after I got up."

In the VIP suite, on the soft large bed, a graceful woman sat up from the bed. The slender figure and the long black hair of the shawl exudes a seductive taste.

He is the famous singer **** singer Wang Zhener in Jiangzhen City

Since her debut, Wang Yaner has always been based on his **** figure and hot dance. Many people first remember not her singing voice, but the hot dance and graceful figure on her, which absolutely attracted attention. force.

But unfortunately this year, with the start of the Internet age, there are many girls with good stature, and it is not easy to attract attention by just dancing.

Therefore, although Wang Dier was desperately dancing and making announcements, her fame was not too much, she could only be regarded as a third or fourth line star.

It's hard to find a third-tier star or above a third-tier star.

Even if there are some good resources, she ca n’t make it to her directly. Most of them are some bars or some square opening ceremonies. Please ask her to go for a dance and set off.

This can make a little money for her, but it is not very useful for raising awareness

"Well, my young lady, don't complain, you should be very clear, this is the best program we can find for you so far. Although this is a bit longer, it doesn't matter, you It is also possible to post news and news on my Weibo. The main thing is that it can be shown on TV. Once the show is broadcast, if it explodes, your popularity will rise linearly. For you, right There is also a lot of help in your career, and it is a best opportunity. "

The female agent with glasses lifted the sheets without hesitation, pulled Wang Aier from the bed and said earnestly

"If you really want to be famous, this archeological reality show on Jiangzhen TV is your best chance."

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