Super Finding App

Chapter 1961: Collection (2)

The reason why a star is called a star is because the star has popularity.

Stars are classified according to their own popularity, so they are divided into different levels of stars. Although some stars seem to be piled up with traffic by many people, there are no works, but some people like it.

The representative of this category of stars is Wang Yaner.

Although Wang Faner's number of fans has almost reached tens of millions of fans, it can be said that it is definitely better than the top-tier stars, but in essence, she is still only a third-tier star. After all, her fans and data are all produced using public relations Yes, it is impossible to count.

These data can be produced at will on the network, but once it is in the real world, it will be displayed.

This is also true in this reality.

Wang Yan'er's face became more and more ugly. Although she stayed beside Yang Juan'er now, with a bright smile on her face, she was surprised to find that almost all the people who came over spoke to Yang Juan'er, looking for Yang Juan'er. Signature, she did become a background wall.

Although she was confident that her figure was abnormally hot and better than Yang Juaner's figure, she didn't know where to go, but she still didn't attract the attention of others. Wang's teeth were snoring and gritting, but she There was some helplessness, the disgust disappeared instantly, and a bright smile still appeared on his face.

"Okay, everyone, okay, everyone, everyone is here now. Thank you very much for coming here. Although it is rude here, it is a temporary gathering place. Thank you very much for coming."

"Introduce yourself, I am the director of this shoot, Director Zhang, this is the professor of archeology this time, Professor Lu and the three students around him, Liu Xiang, Luo Zhanfeng and Han Junkui. This time, we are about to go. The archaeological site of Ghana is under archeology, and the three guests would like to thank you for participating in this program. The script will be sent to you in a while. You can rest assured that professional archaeology will naturally be handed over to Professor Lu for processing. We will all follow Professor Lu's arrangements, and as for the content and tasks of the program, we will conduct a detailed analysis with Professor Lu to ensure that there is absolutely no danger to everyone. I hope everyone can rest assured. "

Director Zhang showed a bright smile and said earnestly, his eyes fell on Yang Juer's body, revealing a look of admiration.

He is very clear that with the appearance of Yang Juaner, their ratings will definitely improve. In addition to the other two people of their choice, Wang Linger and Xiaosheng Shen Xiangrui, it can be said that the ratings are absolutely 100%. Give it up.

Everything is ready, the next thing to do is to set off for the ancient monuments of Ghana.

After a brief introduction by Zhang Dao, everyone shivered and entered the commercial vehicle, and then quickly rushed towards the ancient monuments of Ghana.

The crowd was talking and laughing along the way, but no one found a faint figure standing quietly on the side of them, observing everything silently.

Looking at the number of commercial vehicles galloping out of the yard, this figure slowly disappeared.

If Yang Juaner can see this figure, she will yell in surprise, because the name of this figure is the uncle she has been looking for!

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Completed]

[Super Find Object APP completes belief finding and earns 3 points of faith]

In the quiet room, he opened his eyes slowly and sat up from the bed, exhaling a long breath, his brow slightly wrinkled,

"Sure enough, as a user of the Super Finding App, I have only received 3 faith points using the Super Finding App. It is really small and cannot be less."

"Also, how could I believe in myself, but there is still a good thing so far, at least I can find Professor Lu and Zhang Zhen from Jiangzhen City TV Station. Where are they? They ’ve already set off for the trip, and I ’m going to set off in a while. I just need to mix with them halfway, but I did n’t expect to participate in the shooting event this time.

Cheng Yiping's face became more and more strange.

God knows that when he used the Super Object-Finding App faith to find things to find the traces of Professor Lu Zhang and Zhang Dao from the TV station in Jiangzhen City, he saw that the guest had Yang Juaner, it was really a look of surprise.

Frankly speaking, Yang Juan's impression of Cheng Yiping is very deep.

I just didn't expect to be able to meet again now.

It should have been more than a year, and I didn't expect to see Yang Juaner again.

She should also belong to the front-line stars now, which is really completely different than before.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes and saddles, and people rely on platforms. As long as there is a good platform, there can be opportunities for development.

No wonder some people have said that even a pig can fly as long as it is standing in the wind.

Of course Yang Juaner is not a pig.

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly, tossed out some of these thoughts in his mind, then turned around and packed up the things at home.

He has already prepared archeology and the most wild survival equipment.

Cheng Yiping at this moment is no longer the same as before and knows nothing. Now he already knows what to take, especially after experiencing the one-eyed temple, he knows that he wants to live, Then you must be fully prepared.

The Super Hidden Object App is indeed very magical and has magical abilities, but in the final analysis, it is only an auxiliary item, and it still depends on itself.

"It's okay, it's okay. Although the Super Hidden Object App is really just an auxiliary prop, but don't forget it. The Super Hidden Object App also has the Faith Finding Object help. If it doesn't work, then you will use the faith points With the help of finding objects, you will be able to learn the skills and survive. Of course, this is the last step. The most important thing is to be prepared. After all, a clever woman is hard to find a riceless cook! "

After preparing everything, Cheng Yiping made a phone call to Zhang Xiaona to report a peace, and then took a long breath, and at the same time called his parents to tell them that they would be on a business trip, and then sat down. After the off-road vehicle, stepping on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle made a roaring sound and galloped towards the target.

"Ghana monuments, I came here, I hope this Ghana monument is really as I expected, it is inextricably related to this one-eyed temple, it is indeed the address recorded on this scroll"

"Only in this way, maybe I can really find another piece of the super-finding app faith-finding, and I can know what this super-finding app is."

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