Super Finding App

Chapter 1966: Canghai City (2)

Night fell.

Professor Lu Renzhang took his three students already in the room, and these three days made them quite exhausted.

Professor Lu Renzhang is very clear that if people continue to work hard under exhausted conditions, the work efficiency will be extremely low.

It ’s better not to be trembling at all, they need energy and energy

After all, the actual archeological site has not yet arrived.

Two days should be enough for them to recover

The director of the filming team of Jiangzhen City TV Station and the crew of the filming team have also been sleeping in the room for a long time, and they have really been exhausted in the past few days.

After taking a break, you can take a good rest.

There are those who sleep peacefully under the night, and naturally there are also those who cannot sleep

"Abominable, it's really abominable. What is going on with Yang Juaner? Have you investigated it clearly? I now seriously doubt whether Yang Juaner is a so-called lesbian. Otherwise, why is my pursuit of her fundamental? It has no effect. She is totally unsuited. If she talks about business affairs, she will laugh and laugh at me. But once she talks about private affairs, she does n’t give me any color at all, and she has no chance at all. Thing? This really hits my enthusiasm. "

Within a VIP room, Shen Xiangrui sighed.

At this moment, he had just taken a bath, barely hydrated on his upper body, and his 8-pack abs showed a body to make a woman scream.

I was sitting on the sofa at the moment, opened a glass of beer, gurgled and drank it, and then placed it heavily on the coffee table, gritted his teeth and looked displeased.

"How many times have I told you, don't drink after bathing, these carbonated drinks will affect your figure"

Agent Liu came over and picked up a piece of clothing and threw it on Shen Xiangrui, frowning.

"You can be content, but I inquired, don't say it was you. Even Zhaozhou, one of the four talents of the imperial capital, tried to pursue Yang Juaner and was unsuccessful. If you do n’t succeed in these three days, Do you think it's possible if you catch it easily? "

"No, aren't you talking about Zhaozhou, one of the four princes of the imperial capital? He also pursues Yang Juaner? I seem to have heard of this news, but it has always been a joke, after all, he is like Zhao Shao. There are so many women who have been bubbled up. I will change one today if I talk about one today. I have never taken it seriously. "

Shen Xiangrui frowned in surprise, showing a doubtful look

"It's true, but at least Zhao Shao's failure to pursue success is enough to show that this Yang Juaner is definitely not simple. You continue to strengthen the offensive. Remember, even if you do not chase Yang Juaner into a couple, you can also follow She has a good relationship and goodwill. As long as she has goodwill, next time we can also get a lot of resources through her. You should know that Yang Juaner is behind the Candy Entertainment Group. Give a little oil and water to push your top stars and It's not a difficult thing, so give me a good grip on my temper, don't drop the chain at critical moments, remember that only useless talents will lose their temper. "

Shen Xiangrui nodded heavily

"Liu, rest assured. I know what to do. Thanks to you for bringing me into the entertainment industry, it is also because you and I can reach my current status and become a star. I will never mess around. Yes, as long as this Yang Juaner can really make me angry, don't say that it's angry with me, even if it makes me a dog for her!

"How about, in the past three days, you and Yang Juaner seem to get along very well. Has she regarded you as a girlfriend or did you treat you as a true friend?"

The sea is in another room of the hotel. The lights are brilliant and the figure is extremely hot. Wang Linger is sitting on the sofa. Her face was red just after taking a bath. With her own figure, she can definitely attract her. The allure of men.

But unfortunately, only Zhang's agent can see such a beautiful view in the room. "

I think it ’s okay. This Yang Juaner is really a little too naive. I did n’t expect that she still regarded me as a girlfriend. To be honest, the more I really stay with her, the more I feel like an idiot. How can a character like her be a star in the front line, and I can only say that Gao Jingjing from Candy TV has protected her so well. "

"Okay, take back your belly and tell me what it is, no matter what Yang Juan's, at least she is now one of your stepping stones to success, continue to have a good relationship with her, understand? Only you and her If you have a relationship, you will be able to get a lot of resources, have exposure, and even the beetle you want to pursue! "

Wang Yan'er's delicate and charming face showed an excited look, and nodded heavily.

"Sister Zhang, I understand. I already know what to do next. As long as this Yang Juaner can let me fly Huang Tengda, even if she is a plastic sister with her, there is no problem, even if she is stuck in a knot. Today, the shame that Yang Juaner brought to me, I will fly to Huang Tengda in the future, and I will definitely give it back to her a hundred times. "


For Wang Yaner, she still felt that she had no fire now, everything was Yang Juan's fault!

At the moment, Yang Juaner, who was being remembered by everyone, was lying on a soft big bed. After holding the report with the agent, she held a brief talk with her friends, and she lay down slowly when she was sleepy. On the big soft bed

Looking up, looking through the glass window to the bustling scenery of the city outside

This sea city is really beautiful, as if it were a city in the woods. It is full of green trees and feels pleasant.

She thought of someone involuntarily and muttered to herself.

"Where are you, uncle?"

"Finally arrived, finally arrived, is this Canghai City? It is really pretty, if you have the chance, the next tour to bring Zhang Xiaona to this Canghai City should be a good choice. After all, this sea is It's pretty good. "

A black off-road vehicle rushed slowly into the city of Canghai.

Pedestrians on both sides stopped to watch from time to time.

Cheng Yiping yawned, the driver off-road vehicle slowly came to a long-established hotel in Canghai City

This is not an upscale hotel. After parking the car and turning into the hotel.

After driving for several days, he felt quite tired

"Yes, if you look at the itinerary, Professor Lu Renzhang should have arrived in Canghai City at this moment. All they have to do is wait. They just need to wait for them to enter Linhai. At the same time, I also enter Linhai. If you meet on the road, you will be fine. "

"It's just that some people think this world is quite small. I didn't expect that there would be Yang Juaner in this archeological activity."

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