Super Finding App

Chapter 1977: My luck is really good

"Come, come, do n’t miss passing by, do n’t miss passing by, Tiantang Communication gives back to new and old customers, Tiantang Communication gives back to new and old customers, 100% draw, 100% Big draw, 100% winning rate, don't miss it when passing by. "

The night market is still brightly lit. Many of you in the shops and vendors on both sides are eating food and shopping, and here are the fireworks on the earth.

A group of people who have come to watch in front of Tiantang Communication's tent have stopped and watched.

Some people are still eager to try, and many have hidden in it listening to the words of the host and then going to the lottery in a timely manner.

Cheng Yi stood quietly behind him, with his mouth slightly tilted, watching the host in front of him shouting emotionally, as if he were really doing a very good thing.

Sometimes he really wants to know, does such a thing really hurt their conscience? Then again, if their conscience really hurts, they would not have done such a fraud.

The main thing is that they may justify their actions.

Blame everything to the deceived.

It is the guilty person who is greedy and who has left himself completely.

People's thoughts are good ideas as long as they can make money.

As for conscience.

How much can a catty be worth?

Where can I buy it?

"Come, come, come and see, come and see, walk by, do n’t miss it after passing, second prize, third prize, fourth prize induction cooker, rice cooker, what do you want? No matter what you want, do n’t miss the 100% sweepstakes when passing by. ”

"Missed this time, but there is no chance next time"

The host of Tiantang Communication still yelled in agitated emotions, as expected

Only one trustee came over and took 100 yuan from his arms and handed it over.

The host took 100 yuan and said it again according to the previous statement

"The 100 yuan represents integrity. The 1 million yuan represents sincerity. As long as you win the prize, you will naturally return the 100 yuan to you."

Sure enough, I saw that the trustee put his hand into the lottery bag. After a while, he directly drawn a third prize, and then picked up the prize. He left with joy, as if he really won the prize.

There is no doubt at all.

Some other viewers looked with a touch of emotion

Obviously they are all very excited

When some viewers who eat melon think that this lottery is really taking advantage, and they are about to move, Cheng Yiping takes a step forward.

"Wait, I want to draw too"

When the host saw the stranger Cheng Yiping, his eyes lighted up, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, this customer can come quickly. First of all, I want to tell you something first. I think everyone has already seen it, right? We want to collect 100 yuan in advance, these 100 yuan. It ’s not about giving me money or receiving any fees. It ’s a deposit. You also know that some people now talk about honesty, and some people do n’t talk about honesty. This 100 yuan is pressed to me. Then you go to the lottery, no matter what you get, as long as you pay the truth, I will return the 100 yuan to you "

"For example, if you get a second prize, a third prize, a fourth prize, and a fifth prize, things are given to you for free, and 100 yuan is completely returned to you. Of course, if your luck is very good, you will get For the first prize, you will have to spend a little bit more and spend 1,000 yuan. "

"The 1,000 yuan is not for me, nor is it for the purchase of a mobile phone. It is a recharge, not only the recharge. You also get 666 for this recharge. In other words, if you are really lucky, If you are really lucky, you will win the first prize. Then you only need to pay 1,000 yuan to get this mobile phone, plus 1666 free phone bill. This is a very good discount. An activity to give back to new and old users. Of course, you don't need to worry about it. Such first prizes must be quite small, and they must be quite small. Otherwise, the business hall will still lose money, right? "

The host finally said a joke,

Cheng Yiping laughed

"Of course, so hurry up, I can't wait for some."

While talking, he took 100 yuan from his arms and handed it over, and his eyes fell on the rural middle-aged couple who were still going through the formalities.

The faces of the two were unusually pale, and the middle-aged woman was shaking with the hand that took out the money.

There are a lot of small pieces of money, five and ten.

"Okay, okay, okay, I received the deposit, I received the deposit, come, please draw now, please draw now"

The host said in a timely manner, made a gesture of please

Cheng Yiping nodded, stretched his hand into the lottery box, and wandered around, talking about the lottery ticket and speaking.

"Is your lottery really real? Are there really few first prizes? Most of them are second, third and fourth prizes, so don't you all lose money?"

The moderator's face changed slightly, then he began to say

"Loss is of course a loss, but this is what Tiantang Communication is called losing money and making money. It is to give back to new and old customers. It is also a celebration and entertainment event, so do n’t be afraid, do n’t worry, this Opportunity, but the opportunity never comes again "

"Today you can come here to participate in this 100% Tiantang Communication Lucky Draw. It can be considered a fate. There is no such shop in this village."

"Yes, what I said to you is extremely correct. If you go out of this village, you really don't have this shop."

Cheng Yiping nodded and slowly took out the lottery box.

"Has it been drawn? That's great. Let's take a look. How many prizes did you draw?"

Cheng Yiping smiled, and then spread his hands out, and saw that there were seven or eight piles of lottery tickets in his hand, and he touched his head.

"Oh, sorry, because I'm too nervous, I seem to draw too much of this lottery ticket, I'm really sorry"

"Come, come, let me see what prizes I have drawn"

The host's face changed instantly, his face was a little pale, and his mouth was opened. When he was about to speak, he saw Cheng Yiping put his hand back, and picked up one of the lottery scrolls.

"My luck is really good. Is this the first prize? Let me see, hey, this is the first prize again, hey, this is still the first prize, hey, why is this the first prize?"

"Host, I'm very lucky."

"The 7 lottery tickets drawn from this lottery ticket are all first prizes. Do you think my luck is really good?"

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