Super Finding App

Chapter 1993: Overnight (Wed)

"" Forget it, forget it, I said what are you talking about? Zhaozhou is one of the four princes in the imperial capital. If Yang Juaner marries in, it will be marrying a wealthy family. This is how many women dream of. "

"Gossip is really gossip."

"What do you think will happen this time? I don't know what will happen when I wait for the monuments in Ghana"

"You ca n’t say that, and do n’t talk about anything else. I think that this time, Zhang Dao really picked up the treasure. Think of Yang Juaner, a front-line star, who is willing to join the shooting industry and join this archeology. For the reality show, Shun brought even Zhaozhou together. It can be said to buy 1 get 1 free. The luck of this guide is really good. "

"Yeah, yeah, I agree with what I said. Like Zhaozhou, in general, I do n’t participate in the show. It was really a big pie that fell from the sky. You talk about it, such good luck Why haven't we met, if we have met, we can become the host and the director "

The crew of the Jiangzhen City Television Station chatted inside their tents.

Obviously, for them, although the stars shooting on the road have made the curious and fresh sense of the stars no longer exist, the spirit of gossip is still burning.

On the other side, the gossip stars they were lying in their tents with their assistants at the moment, but the situation did not fall asleep. Instead, they are still talking about each other, even after discussing each other's actual deployment.

"I didn't expect to be really told by the agent. Zhaozhou was able to run thousands of miles from the imperial capital to this forest of forests to find Yang Juan, which was really beyond my expectations. But this is the best opportunity for me. "

Looking up and lying in her tent, the assistant on the side was ironing her clothes to be worn tomorrow.

The salary as an assistant is not high, but all the things I do are trivial.

Wang Yan'er concealed his graceful figure in his sleeping bag, but his eyes showed endless fighting spirit.

When she followed Yang Juaner, she was able to use Yang Juaner's resources and have exposure.

If you can use Yang Juaner to get to know some of the rich second generation, that would be the best thing.

"I didn't expect that this time, I actually picked up Bao, and Zhaozhou rushed to the sea to find Yang Juaner. Although this made me very jealous, it was also the best opportunity for me. I believe that this time it will take three months to half a year, I have a complete opportunity to get Zhaozhou. As long as I can reach Zhaozhou, even if I ca n’t marry into the wealthy, with the help of Zhaozhou ’s girlfriend I can also become a front-line star, and I must not miss such an opportunity. "

While thinking, Wang Yaner showed endless fighting spirit in his eyes.

These years, men are jealous of fighting for beautiful women, and women are also fighting for high-quality men.

Thinking of here, she raised her head, looked through her tent, and looked far away. Although she could not see clearly, she could still see Yang Mier's teeth gritted.

"Yang Juaner, do n’t blame me. You do n’t like Zhaozhou anyway. If so, then you might as well give me this Zhaozhou together. Do n’t worry, I will never treat you bad Yes, blame if you do n’t take the chance yourself "

"The opportunity is always reserved for the prepared!"

Wang Aier was cheering herself as she spoke, and she had already made a decision.

Apart from being able to participate in the archeological reality show this time, the most important thing is to take Zhaozhou directly during this period of three months to half a year.

Even if Zhaozhou cannot be won, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with Zhaozhou. Only in this case, waiting for the next time.

He still has the opportunity to develop with Zhaozhou. He believes that with his figure and graceful body, he will definitely be more attractive than Yang Juaner!

"Is this Wang Linger's act of an idiot? I was asked to chase Yang Juan and think about this is impossible. If the state does not appear, I will of course pursue Yang Juan Yeah, as long as Yang Juan's catches up, relying on Yang Juan's exposure and resources, I have nothing to do with becoming a star. "

"But now Zhaozhou has already appeared, and I continue to chase Yang Juaner to death!"

Inside the blue tent, Shen Xiangrui lay in his sleeping bag with his teeth gritted, and his eyes were full of thoughts.

He knows that there are many people who are handsomer than him this year, and many people who are handsomer than him. The reason why he can become a celebrity is that besides luck, he also knows how to grasp the timing.

Raising his head, his head quickly turned and wondered.

"Zhaozhou is the third prince who belongs to one of the four princes of the imperial capital. Yang Juaner is the woman she likes. Even if he didn't chase Yang Juaner in the end, it belongs to the woman he likes after all. If I am pursuing Yang Juan in the presence of Zhao Zhou, and I am also pursuing success, it will undoubtedly be the face of Zhao Zhou. Once a man is jealous, it will be more horrible than a woman. Say something casually. Then my career will plummet, and by then I wo n’t have time to cry. "

"A Yang Juaner flew to Huang Tengda with me, compared with my career, it is not worth mentioning at all"

"Yes, yes, even if I didn't chase Yang Juan in the end, but just showing it, it would make Zhao Zhou feel very annoyed, knowing that it is a woman I like, but she is still pursuing, you are not Putting Zhaozhou in my eyes, this is simply not worth the money. "

"So under such circumstances, instead of pursuing Yang Juan, I have to have a good relationship with Zhao Zhou. I believe that there is nothing better and better than helping Zhao Zhou to pursue Yang Juan."

Shen Xiangrui opened his eyes fiercely and sat up from the sleeping bag, startled the assistant sleeping next to him, looked at the light emanating from Shen Xiangrui, couldn't help swallowing it. Saliva.

As an assistant, he knows his employer Shen Xiangrui better than the fans outside.

Compared to the sun, it ’s actually a very deep-minded person.

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