Super Finding App

Chapter 2002: Arrival (a)

Sun Boyuan, a man in ethnic clothes, continued to change his face, raised his head, looked at Li An in front of him, took a deep breath, his tone was a little low

"Dear Mr. Li, rest assured, I will accept your money, I will cooperate with all my strength, and I will surely bring you to Ghana's monuments. I will also bring you out of Ghana's monuments safely. This There is no problem at all, just ... "

Sun Boyuan hesitated and said,

"It ’s just that the Ghanaian monuments are a legend to our tribe. Just like this Yasha, it is also a legend belonging to our tribe among the Ghanaian monuments. It is said that a long time ago, our tribe belonged to a country. He was then appointed to guard the Ghanaian monuments. Legend has it that there is the power of the gods who know everything, only selected people can enter this Ghanaian monument, and anyone who wants to enter the Ghanaian monuments and peek at the power of God People will receive the curse of Ghana's monuments, and they will all meet the curse of Yasha.

"Of course, this is just a legend spread within our tribe. For hundreds of years, no one saw the existence of the overnight fork, and no one went to the ancient monuments of Ghana to find the so-called power of God."

"After all, the mayor of Canghai City will also dig after digging at the ancient monuments in Ghana, but never found any clues about the power of God. As for the legend of Yasha, it seems that this time, Shen Xiangrui was suddenly said to be fainted. I was just a flash of light. When I remembered the legend of Yasha, I was not sure it would be Yasha, it would be the curse of Yasha. "

"After all, it was hundreds of years ago. Even the old people in our tribe may not know it well, only legends passed down by word of mouth."

Sun Boyuan said with a bitter smile, sometimes he really felt a little sneered at the legend in his tribe.

The world is already developing and the future is already developing, and the older generations in their villages have always adhered to the ancient traditions and lived in the jungle and the like.

For the elderly, they have become accustomed to this life, and even think that it is correct.

But as a younger generation of people like Sun Boyuan, especially after the discovery of Ghana's monuments in Canghai City, they have been excavated and received fresh things from the outside. The young people in the tribe have become increasingly restless and guard themselves.

They don't want to stay in this deep mountain and old forest all their lives. They want to go to the city. They want to see the wider world.

Among them, Liu Sunboyuan is one of the representatives. He left the tribe early to work in the city.

It has to be said that some results have been spelled out, but who can think of the unpredictable situation and the good fortune for everyone.

His parents had become seriously ill in the tribe, and even the witch doctors within the tribe had no way at all, even thought it was the curse of Yasha:

Sun Boyuan didn't believe it at all. He brought his parents to the city and was treated at the Canghai City Hospital.

Not to mention that the problem is really detected, it is a disease caused by overwork, but although it can be treated, the medical expenses are quite high, enough to reach millions.

Not to mention Sun Boyuan's high medical expenses, even family members in ordinary cities may not be able to afford it, and even some are on the verge of despair.

It was at such a time that Ang appeared in front of him, telling him that he was willing to cover all the medical expenses of his parents, on the condition that he would take him into the Ghana historic site and guarantee it Safety.

The ancient sites in Ghana are taboos for the protection of Sun Boyuan's tribe. There are many legends in them, but these legends are basically nonsense to Sun Boyuan.

Even the legend in this Ghanaian monument, even the treasure of God, is even more important to Sun Boyuan than his parents.

For Sun Boyuan, this was not a very difficult question to choose, and he immediately agreed. At this moment in the forest, returned to Lin Hai, who had been away for a long time, and looked at Li An in front of him.

"Mr. Li, rest assured, I will do my best, as long as I know, what I know will tell you one by one."

Li An nodded slightly, his eyes narrowed, looking at the Sun Boyuan in front of him suddenly showing a bright smile, and reaching out to pat Sun Boyuan

"Of course I believe in you. There is a way to use people without doubt, not to mention that your parents still need money for treatment. Don't worry, as long as you find what I want to find in the ancient monuments of Ghana, not only your I paid all the medical expenses for my parents ’illness, and even if I pay you millions more, there will be no problem at all."

"By the way, if I remember correctly, I remember that you are also doing business outside, but recently business has been very difficult to do, and you also have financial difficulties. I believe as long as you can help me find what I need in the ancient monuments of Ghana Find the items, then invest some money to revive your business again is completely fine, you should know my energy "

Sun Boyuan trembled all over his body, his breathing rushed, and his head was just like a rattle.

"Mr. Li, I know, I know, I know exactly what to do next, rest assured, I will do my best, if I really ca n’t know something in the Ghana monuments, I will return to the village Please our village heads and elders, they will know more about the news and conditions within the Ghanaian monuments "

Li An showed a bright smile and reached out and patted Sun Boyuan's shoulder again.

"That's fine, I believe in you, I believe in you ..."

Looking at the leaving Sun Boyuan, Li An's face was a little somber, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he touched his chin.

"Ghana monuments, is the power of God?"

"Interesting, I hope that the Ghana monuments really have the energy source of the one-eyed statue I am looking for, and I will definitely be one of the four dusty helmsmen."

After a little preparation from the crew of the TV station of Jiangzhen City, as well as the stars and the crowd, they continued to march towards the Ghana Monuments.

I have to say that with the guidance of Yang Li, who has a strong ability to survive in the wild brought by Zhaozhou, and Sun Boyuan, the original inhabitant of this forest, the original vastness, it seems that people can almost get lost in the forest, always walking He also got a lot smoother than Professor Lu Renzhang's lead.

The people made a trek through mountains and rivers.

Two hours later arrived in an empty jungle.

This empty place has a ruin in Henan below

Professor Zhang stepped out of Lin Hai, and looked at the endless plain in front of him, and within the plain, the pillars that came out at that time, his eyes lit up and said excitedly

"Ghana's monuments, Ghana's monuments, everyone, this is the Ghana's monuments, and we have finally arrived at the Ghana's monuments now ..."

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