Super Finding App

Chapter 2034: Mural (1)

Cheng Yiping took over three paintings in the hands of Yang Juaner

These three paintings of Lintong's paintings still look quite good. Through this background, we can see that Yang Juan'er also has some painting backgrounds.

"It's really good. Yang Juaner didn't expect that you still have the skills to paint. This painting really looks like a decent one."

"Where? Actually, I used to like singing, and painting was really not good at it, but after joining Candy International Entertainment, my agent Gao Jingjing forced me to take some cultural courses, not just painting. There are other musical instruments, all of which I know. Although they are not very sophisticated, I can know a little about them. "

Innocent Yang Juaner showed a bright smile, with both hands on her chest, with a look of shyness on her face, seemed to be praised by Cheng Yiping, making her very happy.

"Really, really, this painting is really pretty good. Yang Juaner didn't expect that you still have such a painting skills. You are really versatile. Let me see if the painter is really good. It ’s better than others. ”

The ghostly Zhaozhou emerged from the side and stood next to Yang Juan'er, struggling to sniff his nose. I wonder if the air in this forest has become quite clear, or it has not been for a few days Close poplar.

Zhaozhou smelled the scent of Yang Juan'er, and he felt a sense of intoxication.

"Where, where, in fact, Wang Yier's paintings are beautiful. They are almost exactly the same as those in the mural. I'm just copying here, it's really not very good."

Although not praised by people who like it, being praised as a girl is still very happy.

Yang Juaner took a step back indifferently, widening the distance from Zhaozhou, her eyes staring straight.

"I'm telling the truth, all I'm telling the truth, I really think that what you copy is really good-looking."

Zhao Zhou immediately said, licking his small face, people who do n’t know really ca n’t believe that he belongs to the four princes of the imperial capital.

It's like a hard-working bee now.

"Interesting, interesting, this is really very interesting. I didn't expect this Zhaozhou could last so long. I thought that the rich second generation like him could not stay here for long. Even after so long, I have to say that this is really something beyond my expectations. Does it seem that he is sincere to Yang Juaner? "

For Yang Juaner, Cheng Yiping only had his brother's heart towards his sister.

Or someone who has helped, and that's it.

Although Cheng Yiping knows that Yang Juaner may have some thoughts on him

But then again.

If Cheng Yiping didn't have Zhang Xiaona, he might still accept Yang Juan

After all, Yang Yangjuan is not only a star, but now she looks beautiful and cute. It is indeed the type that many men like.

The problem is that since he already has a girlfriend, how can Cheng Yiping do things that destroy his feelings.

This is simply impossible.

Therefore, Cheng Yiping's affection for Yang Juaner can only live up to his expectations.

On the contrary, this Zhaozhou really cared for Yang Juaner

But as one of the four princes of the imperial capital, the natural playboy, did he really like Yang Juaner, or did he have motivation because he didn't catch up?

When you really catch up, you will germinate.

I'm afraid no one knows this.

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, you are tired, come, drink some water"


At the outer gate of the Ghana monument, I saw Li An walking in with a minority man, Sun Boyuan.

The bottles of mineral water in Li An's hands were distributed to everyone one by one, and it seemed that they were sending water to everyone.

"Thank you, thank you, we're okay, we're okay, this time the excavation of Ghana's monuments is really fruitful. We found here that some cultural relics are indeed buried underneath, although I don't know what kind of sacrificial purpose Effect, but it really has a very good effect on our study of Ghana's monuments, and this time archaeology will definitely be successful. "

When talking about archeology, Professor Lu Renzhang's complexion became very excited. He almost smiled at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, archeology was the most important thing for him.

"This is of course. No one has ever excavated the ancient monuments in Ghana for such a long time. This time, Professor Lu Renzhang, you can get the consent above and excavate here. This is really a very good thing. , Should be able to dig out the history of Ghana's monuments, after all, you can learn something new

Li An laughed lightly, and the unclear person really thought that he was really attentive to archeology

At least for now he will be Professor Lu Renzhang's but a tiger's purse, with a bright smile on his face.

If it is not certain that Li An is not a student of their university archeology department, I am afraid that Professor Lu Renzhang will keep asking Li An to accept his close disciples. This is possible. This enthusiasm even made Professor Lu Renzhang's three Students feel jealous.

"Professor Lu, I have a sudden phenomenon by the lake this time. You said that so far we have not found some major things and objects and the history of the ancient monuments in Ghana. The only thing I can record is the six murals in it. Tell me, is there any inexplicable meaning hidden in this mural? After all, for ancient people, they may draw some things through the mural, which is just a more secret. "

"So I was wondering, would you say that there are some implications in the six murals surrounding this Ghanaian monument?"

There is a specialty in the art industry

Li An is very clear

Even if I have a better understanding of history and archeological history, in the final analysis, it is just a textbook. Compared with the specialized archeologist Professor Lu Renzhang, it is worse than eighteen thousand miles.

If the murals around this Ghanaian monument really have some kind of secret existence.

The person who can know and discover is Prof. Lu Renzhang, a professional.

"Fresco, this is indeed possible!"

Professor Lu Renzhang took a short stint, stood up straight at random, looked up at the six murals around him, and nodded.

"Li An, I haven't really responded to what you didn't say, but now I hear you say this, I think it's completely possible. In ancient times, the writing was relatively scarce, and people didn't have it at all. When the method is expressed in words, some information will be hidden by murals. In this case, the 6 murals in this Ghana historic site may really hide some secrets! "

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