Super Finding App

Chapter 2058: Ghana City (1)

"Departed, departed, finally departed, finally departed? Great, although it is said that walking in the forest is tiring, if you can rest, it is still the best thing, but I still hope to Find Ghana City earlier, this is the main thing, I hope this time should be successful, after all, we have been wandering in this forest for nearly three days, if we have not found the forest, Ghana City That would be troublesome "

Members of Jiangzhen TV Station's filming team, you talked and talked with each other

Then under the arrangement of Zhang Dao, they stood up one by one, carrying their bags and equipment, walking step by step toward the depths of the forest and the jungle.

"It's okay, this time it should be successful. I have just inquired about it. I heard that this time Professor Lu Luzhang's map is not clear, but one person can know the direction of Ghana. Being able to find Ghana will not stay too long "

"What, someone can actually know the direction of Ghana. It's really fake. This is a bit wrong. If he really knows the direction of Ghana, why didn't he take us directly? Instead, let us I have lost almost three full days in this forest. To be honest, it really makes people feel terrible and creepy in the wild countryside, especially if there are too many of these poisonous insects, and some other poisonous insects. The emergence of "is really scary"

"That's right, what I said is quite correct, but I heard that this time it seems that this person has a super-hunting app, and he will only shoot when Professor Lu Renzhang did not fully find Ghana City."

"Do you have a super-hunting app? You are talking about a super-hunting app. I have this too, but my phone also has a super-hunting app."

"This is of course. The Super Hidden App is now a recognized rogue app. As long as you download anything online, it may be loaded into the Super Hidden App. Honestly, it is equivalent to one more application. It ’s just that, although I have n’t known what ’s going on, I ’ve used it. I ’ve heard that using the Super Finder app requires enough faith points to use it. Honestly, I ’ve never had enough faith points, otherwise Useless at all "

"It's true, it's true. I just tried this super-hunting app, and I can really find any object, but the number of faith points I need is quite a lot, but I don't have so many, many faith points. , There are still people on our side who can use the Super Find App, so we can rest assured. "

"Yes, yes, so we can rest assured that we can find Ghana, we must find Ghana"

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team talked a little bit, and there was some uneasiness, and even some annoyed emotions gradually dissipated after the departure.

After all, as long as they can know the destination, as long as they are not trapped in the forest, for the majority of the crew of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, they can still afford it.

"Is the Super Hidden App? It ’s really weird. I know this Super Hidden App. I did n’t expect that someone could actually use the Super Hidden App. I have always regarded it as a rogue software. It ’s really useful, but is this super finder app really effective? ”

Shen Xiangrui panted vigorously and followed behind

At this moment, where is he still looking quite handsome, sweating all over his head, can be said to be quite exhausted

At this moment he frowned and listened to the news he received, he had some hesitation and uneasiness

"Is this super finder app really effective? If it is not effective, it will be a troublesome thing. If we really lose our way in the forest, the consequences will definitely be one. Unimaginable things "

"It's true, but according to our understanding, this super finder app is really amazing. It is said that users of the super finder app can find items accurately, but I didn't expect that even Ghana City could find it. This super find The app is too weird. Can Cheng Yiping really have so many faith points? "

Wang Aier nodded her head gently. As a fashion star, she naturally knows Super Finding App. Although she has not used it, she also knows the role of Super Finding App.

"I'm sure there is no problem. If other people use the Super Finder app, I still won't believe it, but if it is Uncle Cheng, then there is no problem at all. I believe Uncle Cheng is absolutely not Will deceive us in this matter "

Yang Juaner raised her head and came over with a bright smile on her face

If she had some fears in the beginning, now she is very relaxed

"Yang Juaner, what you said is not right, what kind of certainty do you have to be sure that he will be able to find Ghana, is it because he is Cheng Yiping? Is he so famous?"

Shen Xiangrui frowned, with some doubts and puzzlements. He always felt that Yang Juan's attitude towards Yiping seemed completely different, which made him feel strange.

"This is of course. If anyone in this world would deceive me, then anyone can do it, but if there is a person in this world that allows me to fully trust, it can only be Uncle Cheng, since Uncle Cheng Saying he can find Ghana City using the Super Hidden App, then I trust him 100% "

Yang Juaner looked up and said word by word

"So it turns out that you believe Cheng Yiping so much, who is this Cheng Yiping?"

Shen Xiangrui and Wang Yaner glanced at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Obviously, they did not expect Yang Juaner to be so trustworthy and even surprised them.

"Strange, really weird, who is this level? How can Yang Juaner be considered a front-line star? People are beautiful and now famous, how could this be a success Yiping has such a soft spot, it just feels strange. Who is this Cheng Yiping? "

Shen Xiangrui's brow frowned tightly, he really felt very strange

"It's really strange, but it doesn't make much difference for us. We just need to reach Ghana. Maybe our previous guess of Yang Juaner was wrong."

Wang Yaner said softly, with a dignified look in his eyes

"Is it true that Yang Juan's willingness to find Ghana is because Cheng Yiping will protect her?"

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