Super Finding App

Chapter 2061: Cliff (2)

The crew of the Jiangzhen TV station on the cliff almost collapsed

There are some nerves that are weak and weep directly.

For them, staying away from the city was just for work, but now

Now that I left Ghana, I went to the depths of the forest and said I was looking for Ghana.

The result is now lost, which is completely unacceptable to everyone

When I think that if I really get lost in this forest, I will never be able to return to the real world. Some people have already started crying, wailing, and wailing everywhere.

"Zhang Dao and Zhang Dao are all Zhang Dao's faults. All of them are Zhang Dao's faults. If it weren't for what he suddenly wanted to say to find the city of Ghana, we wouldn't be able to happen this kind of thing. It ’s going to be like this. All of this is Zhang Dao ’s fault. He ’s too greedy. What ’s called double pay plus dividends? I ’m sorry, this can only be done while we are alive. Come to the matter, if we all stay here, I am afraid to give as much money in this forest as not to use fart. "

"That's right, that's right, all of this is the fault of this guide, all of this is the fault of this guide, he must give a statement, he must give us a statement and solve it Program."

Obviously, the people on the TV station in Jiangzhen City have gradually become angry, and then they become gritted and glaring.

For them, the development of things has been unexpected, and their current requirements are simple. To live, to live, just to live.

"Get lost, get lost, and you will reach the cliff. How could we have reached such a cliff? How could all this happen? Yang Juan, you are not talking about this so-called Cheng Yiping. Wouldn't they deceive you? Will you find Ghana? Why is it on this cliff now, what is going on? "

If the people in the TV crew of Jiangzhen City are hysterical or even panic, then the psychological quality of the three stars is even weaker.

Because compared to ordinary people, they have more resources and can be said to be successful, so they don't want to be savages in the depths of the forest.

"Indeed, what's going on with Yang Juaner? What's going on here? Isn't it very clear what you say? Cheng Yiping will definitely be able to find Ghana, and it is absolutely possible to find Ghana I won't deceive you, now, what is the situation now? You answer me, what is the situation now? "

Wang Yan'er's face is also gloomy and can drip water. She is charming and pale at the moment.

Looking up at the cliffs, although the surrounding scenery is beautiful, her heart is as desperate as this continuous forest.

"No, no, since Uncle Cheng said he could find Ghana City, then I believe that Uncle Cheng will find Ghana City. Uncle Cheng will never lie to me, and Uncle Cheng will never lie to me."

Innocent Yang Juaner bit her teeth one by one and said

Obviously, even at this moment, he still believes in Cheng Yiping

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. Other people say that the IQ of a woman in love is zero. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it is 100%. Poor. Yang Juan, you really like Cheng Yiping. Even if you like it, you are not mentally retarded to such a degree. Open your eyes and see where we are now. "

Shen Xiangrui raised his head and gritted his teeth, sipped, and his face became a little hesitant.

"We are now in the wilderness, cliffs. Look at the cliffs all around. If you fall, you will die. No doubt, tell me where is Ghana and where is Ghana? Cheng Yiping is basically a living thing. Big liar "

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and drank, he didn't believe that the so-called Cheng Yiping owns the super-find app.

It seemed to him impossible at all, and if it was so amazing, how could it take them to this cliff.

Bring to this cliff, into the dead end?

This is simply impossible.

"No, no, I believe in Uncle Cheng, I believe in Uncle Cheng, I believe that Uncle Cheng will not lie to us, and Uncle Cheng brought us here, and he will definitely have Uncle Cheng's statement and his reasons We have to believe in Uncle Cheng "

Pure Yang Juaner gritted her teeth and said, even at this time, Yang Juaner still believed in Cheng Yiping.

But only Yang Juaner believes that this is not useful at all.

Obviously, other people do not believe in Cheng Yiping, and they are even very hostile to Cheng Yiping.

Each one will be surrounded by Cheng Yiping, gritted teeth

Obviously, for them, Cheng Yiping's every move now has completely threatened them.

After all, everyone hopes to reach Ghana safely, not to get lost in the wilderness, to the forest, or to the so-called cliffs.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, I think you should give us an explanation, aren't you saying that you can already know where Ghana City is? Even if you don't know the exact location of Ghana City, you should also be able to know that you have it. Where a lot of cultural relics are located, then tell me where there are a lot of cultural relics, there is nothing at all, this is a lie, you owe us an explanation, understand? You really owe us an explanation. "

Li An gritted his teeth and said, his face was icy light.

Obviously his patience has almost reached its zenith

Cheng Yiping, his eyes only flashed with the cold light, and Li An who looked at him shook his head slightly.

This Li An is really not easy

If Li An is regarded as a good person just because of some polite words by Li An, I am afraid I do n’t know how to die.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping taking a deep breath, he shook his head gently and said

"Calm down, everyone, since I said that I can take you to find Ghana, it is naturally waiting for you to find Ghana, why are you so nervous, not to mention I didn't find the wrong place at all, nor did I lead the wrong way."

"Why, what are you talking about? At the end of the day you are still dead. The duck has a hard mouth. You said that you didn't take the wrong way. Look at where you took us. This is a cliff. Could you tell me that Ghana is on this cliff? Within the cliff?

Li An gritted his teeth and said

"You're right, Ghana is right under this cliff"

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