Super Finding App

Chapter 2078: Sleep out (1)

The bright moonlight shone on this forest, and the jungle that passed through the dense forest fell to the flat ground, and the little starlight turned into a light beam, which looked unusually bright and gorgeous.

Perhaps because Ghana City has been found, the members of the numerous film crews of Jiangzhen City TV Station have shown their bright smiles for a long time. They have already taken all the machines and food to camp.

After all, they are very clear that this place is not too far away from Ghana City, and may become a shooting base in the future. Everyone must stay here for at least a month or two, and logistics supply is very important.

"I found it, I really found it, Ganacheng. This is really beyond our expectations. If you look at it from here, Ghana City is just like a monument in a movie. There is really a kind of "If the feeling of another life"

Wang Yaner stood on the hillside and looked up at the unusually striking Ghana city in the gap between the two cliffs.

There really is a feeling of coming out of the picture.

"You really feel it. I don't think so. I just think that this is a piece of ruins. I can't figure out why anyone would enter here for the ruins of all these ruins and want to find Ghana City, this is really something that is incomprehensible "

"Like archaeology in the past, the so-called relics, since it is the past, should be buried in the dust of history. If it can be found, it is a very good thing, but if it is not found, it does not matter. Then why bother to risk his own life, it is really incomprehensible "

Shen Xiangrui came over from the side, mumbling with mineral water in his hand, and now he is a bit more relaxed than before, sitting next to Wang Linger with a butt, smiling.

"So you are the actor, not the archeology professor."

Wang Yaner smiled slightly, raised his eyes, and looked at Yang Juaner aside.

"Shen Xiangrui, although our path is indeed very dangerous and even difficult, but now it seems that our decisions are correct. As long as we follow Yang Juaner and accurately follow Yiping, we can safely leave the forest. , And at the same time participating in the archeological reality show, we can also make our career more exciting. "

"Uncle Cheng, Uncle Cheng didn't expect that the scenery under this cliff would be such a beautiful scenery. It is really beautiful. You can see the moonlight shining through the jungle above Ghana, as if it were like a star. Landing really has a quiet dream. "

Yang Juaner happily came to Cheng Yiping's side, sat down, tilted her head, and kept her feet around, looking at the beauty of Ghana in front of her eyes, and a bright halo was exposed in her eyes.

"It's really pretty. It can only be said that nature really has a magical power, it can create such a beautiful view."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly and looked up at the Ghanaian city in front of him. He had to say that he was very beautiful.

But Cheng Yiping's concern is more about whether there are fragments of the faith in the super-hunting app he is looking for in Ghana.

"Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Yang Juaner tilted her head and dropped her gaze from the city of Ghana illuminated by the stars to Cheng Yiping. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her eyes showed admiration.

"I'm thinking of my girlfriend. If she's by my side at this time, it will be really good. If you look at this scenery with her, it will definitely feel very good."

Cheng Yiping uttered something very **** for girls in an instant

Yang Juaner's face changed slightly, her head bowed, and there were crystal tears brewing in her eyes.

Is there any girl who hopes that the boy she likes has another girl in front of her?

Even her girlfriend.

Yang Juan, don't blame me

After all, some things really can't get over the Thunderpool, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that Yang Juan Juan's love for himself is not really like it. At most, it can be regarded as admiration. To be precise, she pulled Yang Juan into a low tide

For Yang Juaner, I'm afraid more is grateful.

But this gratitude mixed with other emotions became what Yan Juner thinks like.

After all, for people, the more things you do n’t get, the more you like them. If you get them, you will feel it is just the same.

Cheng Yiping knows very well that Yang Juaner is just a simple admiration for himself

With the passage of time, all this will disappear

On the contrary, although the relationship between herself and Zhang Xiaona is ordinary, it is more sincere

Perhaps it is because of Cheng Yiping's previous experience that he knows how precious this relationship is.

Feelings need to be maintained by two people, not one's effort or one's request

The result of unfair feelings will eventually be a tragedy

The human heart is always greedy!

"Ghana City, Ghana City, I finally found this Ghana city, and I will be able to enter this Ghana city tomorrow. The three of you will depend on you. You should know what I am looking for"

Li An was away from the crew of the Jiangzhen TV station at this moment, standing under a tree, looking up at the city of Ghana under the starlight in front of his eyes, licking his lips, his body was slightly He shivered and turned around, and said to the three people behind him

These three people are naturally the minority man Sun Boyuan brought by Li An and the other two bodyguards or adventurers with archaeological and exploration experience.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, this is totally okay. Since we will naturally look for your money, let alone Ghana looks so old, there should be many treasures in it."

"I do n’t know if there is a treasure in it, but anyway, you just have to remember one thing. If there is a treasure, all of you take it away. I do n’t have any. I only have one request, and that is to find it. What I want to find, as long as I can find what I find, all that's left is yours. "

Li An looked up and said word by word, Guanghua appeared in his eyes.

He has spent so much money and financial resources and material resources, and he definitely does not want to give up so easily.

If anyone is afraid to come with him at this time to steal more, Li An will never mind leaving him here in Ghana forever!

"Sun Boyuan, you are an indigenous inhabitant of a minority tribe in this forest. Even if you do n’t know about this city of Ghana, there should be some mentions in your village legend. This time it is up to you. Think about you. Sick parents, think about your business again, this is your last chance. "

Li An turned to look at the minority man Sun Boyuan

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