Super Finding App

Chapter 2085: love

Leizhou Dark Wasteland Trial Zone, Tianyufeng.

Tianyu Peak, high mountains and peaks, strange peaks, cliffs and cliffs, valleys meandering steeply, lush mountains and mountains, strange peaks lined up, strange stones stand tall, and few people travel. At this moment, several pedestrians walk at the foot of Tianyufeng.

Magnificent robe ambassador, behind them are several maids walking with a lot of money to the foot of Tianyufeng Mountain. After a while, four teams arrived, and the men leading each team wore gorgeous robes, and behind them were beautiful maids and A lot of money.

"Haha, isn't this Master Wan? I'm waiting for you. What's the harvest this time? Tell you, the village where I went to this time, to show my brother as a god, is really a group of stupid deserters!"

The magnificent robe ambassador Liu Ba was smiling, his expression was light, where is the holy and solemn color of the holy immortal.

"Oh, it ’s Brother Liu. The brothers had a good harvest this time. The villages they visited not only developed a lot of believers, but also contributed a lot of money. World of Warcraft resources, hey, with these, Zongmen must have strength and will Soaring! "

"Haha, two brethren, you are also back. Money is only a foreign body. It is the stupid famines who worship us. There are even the famines who carved the statue of the Holy Fairy at home and worshiped it day and night. A group of stupid people. Famine! "

"Yeah, hey, the village where I went to last time, those damn, stupid famines do n’t believe it, I poisoned that village before I left. This time, I ’ll go again and act as a messenger. The immortal power was detoxified and immediately worshipped by the deserters. Hey, it was so interesting to see the group of ignorant deserters being played with claps. "

"All of this is due to the elder Zongmen's plan! The most important thing is the so-called holy water, which can reduce the dead marks, so that those ignorant desert people will die and die."

"Holy water? The test of piety of the holy fairy, hehe, what about the tumult of those foolish deserters?"

The five looked at each other and laughed. The body represented this messenger angel, how indecent and dazzling the robe that is extremely important and noble in the eyes of the worshippers.

During the talk, at the foot of Tianyufeng Mountain, a rock covered with dense vegetation pushed away, revealing a deep cave. The five men led in. The cave was wet and dark, and the torch on the uneven wall was illuminated by a torch. .

Da da, da da ,,

While walking and talking, the five people suddenly heard rapid footsteps. Several Zongmen disciples in armor rushed past, Liu Ba frowned slightly, and pulled a Zongmen disciple to ask.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you greeting us?"

The children of Zongmen have not yet answered, wearing a pale blue robe, pale, and a medicine boy with two whip running out of breath

"Several brothers, the younger brother is late, and the slave slaves just fled. They all went to arrest. The master already knew that the five brothers had arrived and called on the summit."

"Hehe, it's interesting. He even escaped from the medicine slave and let him escape from Tianyu Peak. It seems that the defense inside Zongmen is loose!"

"The dark wasteland of Leizhou is infested with warcraft, how far can a medicine slave escape? It's just another way of death."

"Yes, those who were chosen as medicine slaves were the most devout believers in the Holy Immortals, even if they escaped. Who would listen to him? As long as the holy water is in his hand, in the name of the Holy Immortal, he can easily disappear. ! "

"Not just disappearing, but also the notorie of the convict, haha!"

Five people, such as Liu Ba, laughed loudly. The maid behind them and the money were accepted by Warcraft Resources. The five followed the drug boy and passed through the dark cave. The towering mountain gate appeared in front of them. The plaque on the gate above the mountain gate wrote With three flowing characters

Holy immortality!

The autumn wind is whispering, the cold wind is coming, the yellowed leaves drift with the wind.

The Bo Jianjun ran away in the bushes, his clothes had been cut by sharp plants during the escape, and his skin was lilac. The black blood on the skin was disgusting like an earthworm. Weakness, red eyes, grief and anger.

"It's a stubborn little mouse that can run so far."

"It's true that if this guy's physique is not tenacious, how can he survive to this day, to be honest, although these deserted people in the dark wasteland are humble, their physical fitness is really strong."

"Hey, the poison in his body, if replaced by other Kyushu people, I'm afraid that he would have died of poisoning. I have to say that the physical fitness of these famines is much better than the people of Kyushu."

"Hmm, how strong is your physique? You ca n’t absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, and practice your internal skills. In front of practitioners in Kyushu, no matter how strong you are, it ’s just a waste. Making them medicine slaves is a waste use. How dare you run? Really! "

"Oh, obediently, stop and go back with us. You are already very toxic. Without our treatment, you have no choice but to die!"

Bo Jianjun fell weakly in the bushes, and the withered grass mixed with mud poured into his mouth, but he did not even have the strength to spit, his eyes stared at the place where the village and the countryside fell, his eyes filled with tears, stunned In the middle, a floating object appeared in the confused eyes, and behind them four guards wearing robes of the Holy Immortal came in like shadows.

"You can count on being able to run here, but unfortunately, you are a humble and desolate person. If you are a Kyushu citizen, you may be regarded as a good source of cultivation."

"Enough, to avoid extracurricular branches, kill and kill! Kill the Islamic religion quickly, after all, this is the dark wasteland of Leizhou, I don't want to encounter Warcraft!"

"Yes, kid, let's die!"

One of the immortal guards pulled out the black iron long sword hanging around the waist. This kind of long sword combining rituals and killing the enemy is unique to the guard of the immortal religion. Penetrating the atrium of Bo Jianjun!

One hit kill!


A sense of deadly crisis swept through, and the guard of the Holy Immortal should be stabbed to stop it. An iron gun in the bush came in the shadow. With the sound of Jin Ge, a figure emerged from the bush. It is the male tooth holding a black iron gun.

"Jianjun, Jianjun, what happened to you? Who are you? Why kill Bo Jianjun!"

The newly-arrived father-in-law looked at the weak and comatose Bo Jianjun, raised his eyes and asked the guards of the four immortals.

"Damn, is this acquaintance of the drug slave? It's just a deserter, kill them together!"

The four immortal guards draw a black iron sword, which can be used as guardians of the immortalism. Each of them has mortal rank four or five strengths, accompanied by the basic defense formation on the robe of the immortal religion. It really is not in my eyes!

"Heaven has no way to go, **** has no way to come in. In that case, you will die with the medicine slave."

The four immortal guards draw dark iron swords, revealing fierce light, staring at each other, and the basic defense formation engraved on the robe of the immortal shimmers in dim light.


"Pioneer-eighteen shots!"

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