Super Finding App

Chapter 2089: history

"This is affirmative, it is absolutely affirmative. According to the interpretation of the general story type of the story, it should be that the people of the Shura tribe and Luoshalu tribe are very resistant, who can let the two tribes get married, So these two young couples fled around, and came here to build this Ghana city. This is really a love story that can sing and cry. "

"Impossible, impossible, please, how can this be, you don't want to think about it, the building of this city of Ghana is at the bottom of this cliff, with such a large area, do you think it will be established by two young people? This is simply impossible. This is a city, not a small village, or a small house. Do you think that these two people can build this city? Is this simply impossible? "

"Yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the opposite. This is a city, not a village, or a thatched hut. It only takes one or two people to build it. This is indeed impossible, so what is going on in Ghana? Who built Ghana? "

"Yes, yes, this is the most critical problem of all problems. Who is building this Ghana city? It cannot be established by these two people. This is impossible."

More staff of Jiangzhen City TV station actively strengthened the conversation.

They looked at the magnificent city of Ghana in front of them, and it was clear that this was definitely not something that two people could build.

"Yes, yes, you are right. According to the records of the two tribes, Raksha and Shura, although they did not agree at the beginning, under the circumstances of two lovers who were forced to die by death, eventually Raksha and The Shura tribe grouped together into a new tribe, this is the Ghana tribe, and they also moved here from thousands of miles away, and you established the city of Ghana. "

Professor Lu Renzhang looked at the inscription on the inscription and said it word by word

While talking, he looked up, his face was excited, and he couldn't wait to say it.

"Of course, Ghana was not founded by the two of them. How could a man and a woman build this magnificent Ghana city, but that the two tribes of Rakshasa and Shura were reconciled, they jointly built the city of Ghana, and At the same time, the statue established in this city of Ghana is in honor of the Eye of God. It is said that because of the existence of the Eye of God, the two tribes of Raksha and Shura will be unified with each other. "

Professor Lu Renzhang exhaled a long breath as he said it, his eyes were glowing with light, obviously he was quite excited.

"This is the case, the original is the case. If you say so, we can all know the result. This is a story of dog blood, but also a story of happy dog ​​blood."

"Yes, that ’s exactly what they said. This is a story of dog blood that is reunited. I did n’t expect it to be like this. This story tells us a problem, that is, this city of Ghana The two tribes of Shura were formed together, and I said how a man and a woman could build Ghana. This is simply impossible. "

"I still thought that such a life would exist only in modern times, and such a situation would occur. I did not expect that this would also happen in ancient times. This is really something we did not expect."

"That's right, that's the right thing to say, but then again, I think there is a more important possibility besides this, and that's what happened in ancient times. More dangerous than we are now, after all, ancient people did not have such an enlightened idea as we do "

The members of the Jiangzhen TV station setup group chattered and talked

Li An frowned. He didn't hear what he said he wanted to hear, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"Professor Lu Renzhang, Professor Lu Renzhang, what do you mean by all these? I am not interested in how the city of Ghana was established. Since you said that the eye of God is written on it, where is this eye of God? "

"Since the two tribes of Rakshasa and Shura became the city of Ghana, where is the eye of God?"

As soon as Li An's words fell, the other people had already reacted one after another. Come over and ask one of his thighs.

"Yes, yes, Professor Lu Renzhang. Since the so-called Raksha and Shura have the so-called eye of God, what kind of place will this eye of God be? We are really curious."

"Yes, I would like to know exactly where the eye of God mentioned in this Ghana city hundreds of years ago is and what role it plays. This is really a very curious thing. When I really see it, there will be some depression, after all, the ghost knows what the eye of God is exactly hundreds of years ago. "

"We don't know what kind of things it is, but isn't it saying that this eye of God can fulfill anyone's wish? If it is really so amazing, then it will be issued. I must be asking for money.

"Wrong, wrong, what is the use of asking for money, and how much money you can bring, you can also spend it. What I want to say must be to give me a unique talent and make me a talent that can use Money maker "

"What can it be, why don't you say that you have become a Super Saiyan and become a Superman?"

"I feel that if I can really achieve my wish, then I must have a beautiful and virtuous wife."

"Wrong, wrong, rich is king"

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team talked and talked again.

Obviously, everyone thinks that if there is really an eye of God in Ghana, anyone's wish can be fulfilled. It is really a very exciting thing.

And everyone ’s wishes are truly diverse.

"Yes, yes, if you do n’t say this, I forgot. This is based on what is recorded on the inscription. This so-called eye of God was formed after the two tribes of Raksha and Shura became Ghana City. It is also enshrined, and it is recorded that this artifact should be enshrined in the temple of Ghana "

Professor Lu Renzhang raised his head while talking, exhaling a long airway.

"Temples? There are actually temples in this city of Ghana, everyone. We've all turned the city of Ghana around. Have we found any so-called temples?"

"No, there should be no temples in Ghana. We don't seem to see any so-called temples."

Shen Xiangrui frowned and looked around. This week he also counted the Ghana city around, but he didn't really see the so-called temple.

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