Super Finding App

Chapter 2107: Maze (4)

"Great, great, Zhang Dao, what you said is absolutely correct. If you use an aerial camera, you can really see everything in this underground cave, as long as you can give this entire maze to After shooting, we can know the pattern of this maze, we can know the way to get out of this maze and the way out of this maze, and even know where the eye of God is placed, this is really good. Up "

Professor Lu Renzhang showed an excited look, when someone really wanted to sleep, someone sent a pillow

I didn't expect that this aerial camera would be used in such a place, which was really beyond his expectation.

"Yes, this is really a very good thing. Even if there is an aerial camera, that's really great. At least we don't need to enter the maze blindly. After all, we don't know that the line enters the maze. That ’s a very dangerous thing. If you do n’t do it, you will be lost in the maze forever. If I change to us, we will never do such a thing again. "

"That's right, that's right. This labyrinth is the same size as a football field. If you do n’t know the correct route, it is quite dangerous. If you ca n’t get in, you will be completely in your life. Ruined, we don't want to die yet "

"Yes, yes, but it's different now. Now that you have an aerial camera, you can use aerial photography to shoot the entire maze. As long as you know the correct line of the maze, it is foolproof."

"Yes, yes, yes, this is absolutely nothing wrong. After all, we are not the same as the ancient people. There is no other way for the ancient people to just enter it by themselves, but now we are different. We are With the existence of science and technology, naturally, we can use science and technology to explore without the need for us to enter it manually

"That's right, that's right. When we first saw this maze, we really had some fear. We were really afraid to get into this maze. If we were lost in it, it would be very dangerous. Things, but now it seems that this is not the case, we can use high technology to find, we can use high technology to find the way out of the maze, instead of letting ourselves enter into it like now "

The staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City looked at the aerial camera taken out and smiled brightly.

I was a little worried, so I completely relaxed.

After all, being able to shoot with aerial cameras is really much safer than entering them by themselves.

"Great, great, let ’s get started and debug a bit. If we can really take a picture of the layout of this underground maze, we can know the course of this maze. Let ’s start quickly. Get started "

The staff of Jiangzhen City TV Station's filming team chatted excitedly. The crowd surrounded the platform. One of the staff members watched the aerial camera out and was carefully adjusting it.

"How about if you can use this aerial camera, there should be a signal. We are now in this underground lava. Can this aerial camera be used?"

Zhang Jiang, the TV director of Zhangjiang Township City, asked with some worry.

"Of course, the camera can also use the battery in addition to the signal, so there is no problem at all. The internal signal is used here. We only need to connect it through the signal to control the camera."

The staff in charge of the aerial camera started talking carefully and started debugging carefully, and he was also quite excited.

"It's great, it's great, this is really great. I thought this maze would still be an obstacle for us. I didn't expect that the staff of the TV station in Jiangzhen would bring the aerial camera, which was really unintentional. Insert willows into shade "

Li An showed a bright smile aside. He was still thinking about how to pass through such a maze. I did not expect that Zhang Gui and other people from Jiangzhen City TV Station carried the aerial camera, although the main function of this aerial camera was Shooting archaeological reality shows, but to a certain extent it has now become their strength. This is the power of technology.

"It's true. This is the power of technology. With this aerial camera, we should go through this maze. It should be relatively simple. At least we will not enter the maze like a headless fly. I have to say that this is indeed true. Is good news "

Cheng Yiping nodded and said, his eyes were all shining.

"I originally thought that if this labyrinth was used, it would be necessary to use the Super Finding App to be able to thoroughly understand its line. I did not expect that people from Jiangzhen City TV Station would even bring aerial cameras, which is convenient for me."

"This is enough to explain the problem. Although the function of the Super Hidden App is powerful, the technology is actually more powerful. I hope this time it will be a successful success."

Cheng Yiping exhaled a long breath. Although he is a user of the Super Find App, he does not want to use the Super Find App for a long time.

After all, if you use too much, it will cause other people's doubts, which is quite a bad thing.

"Okay, the aerial camera has been set up and the aerial camera is now operational"

After working for a while, the staff of the Jiangzhen TV station in charge of the aerial camera showed a bright smile, and then began to operate.

With the sound of whirring, the aerial camera slowly started to rotate and slowly lifted off. There is already an illuminated probe in front of the aerial camera. The probe is opened directly, and the front is abnormally bright.

Then the aerial camera slowly floated over the maze ahead.

The camera of the aerial camera projects all the images you see into the video of the electronic device on one side

"I saw it, we saw it, we saw the video, we saw the video. I didn't expect that the maze in this underground cave would be so large. How long did it take the Ghanaian people 100 years ago to build this A complicated maze? "

Cheng Yiping looked at the picture in the video and showed his admiration. Not to mention ancient times, even in modern times, it is not easy to build such a large maze.

For hundreds of years, people in Ghana were able to build a huge maze inside this underground cave with only human power.

This shows that the people of Ghana hundreds of years ago are really amazing

However, this also shows that the people of the Ghana tribe attach great importance to the underground maze of the underground dragon rock.

Even very scared of the eyes of this artifact

Otherwise it would not be in such a lack of capacity

Build such a large underground labyrinth inside this underground cave

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