Super Finding App

Chapter 2114: ready

"Great, really amazing, Mr. Li, fortunately you brought a gun this time, otherwise it is really a very troublesome thing to encounter this quintessence. I really didn't expect such a thing in Ghana The big one, can only say that the age of nature is too magical. "

Cheng Yiping watched returning with a full load. Li An, who came over with enthusiasm, two bodyguards behind him, and three staff members of the Jiangzhen TV station crew showed a bright smile.

The light flashed in his eyes.

He knows that firearms can protect himself, but he can also be a weapon to hurt himself in dangerous situations.

Li An, who has a firearm in his hand, can be said to have absolute force and ability, as long as he is willing to gain control of everyone present

"Where and where, everything I do is just to prevent it beforehand. The main thing is that this gun bullet has an effect on the essence. If it is really like the TV broadcast, there is no effect on the essence. That ’s a lot of trouble. After all, if even the gun has no effect, ordinary people want to defeat it. This is simply a difficult thing. ”

Li An grinned, and did not seem to find the haze in Cheng Yiping's eyes revealing the look of the rest of his life after the disaster.

"Films are just movies. How can there be monsters that can defend against bullets in this world? If there are really nothing else, the fur and scales of this monster alone are already valuable and have strong research. Under value "

Cheng Yiping laughed, he knew the movie was a movie, it was a fake

In the real world, if there are really hair and fur that can withstand this atomic bomb, it will definitely have a very strong research value, and it has long been invaluable.

"Mr. Cheng, what you said is absolutely correct. It is indeed possible." If there is really an animal fur that cannot be hit by bullets, I am afraid that this animal will be killed sooner or later. Erjing, after all, this is a natural body armor "

Li An laughed grinningly.

P nodded flatly, with a bright smile on his face, and he knew very well that Mr. Li An would never use face turning now, at least before entering the maze, absolutely not before finding what he was looking for. Will turn his face and the next thing will be real trouble

"The essence of the underground labyrinth has been solved. This is indeed a very good thing, but in some ways it is sufficient to show that the underground labyrinth is unobstructed in front of us. The map of this underground maze can be aerially photographed, and as long as the correct route can be found, you can enter the underground maze. Once the so-called eye of the **** is really found, I am afraid that is the beginning of the turmoil at that time.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping's long spit here, he wiped the sweat of his forehead in one breath. Fortunately, the three stars Yang Juaner, Shen Xiangrui, and did not come, if they also came to this underground maze, then things will happen Will become more troublesome

Cheng Yiping is very clear that he is not a so-called superman, even if he has a super finder app and finder to help him, he is only a man after all

If you bring a Yang Juaner, you may be able to escape from the sky, but no matter how many people you have, you will only be able to hold back.

In the final analysis, the Super Hidden Object App is just an auxiliary prop, not a real artifact. Even if you find a so-called place and a so-called route, you need to travel through the mountains to spend it.

Soon the crowds gathered again. This time without the innocent obstacles, the operator of the aerial camera controlled the aerial camera to move slowly within the underground maze, and took a clear picture of the entire pattern of the underground maze. Chu

The crowd watched the scenery shown in the underground maze through the video and took a breath of air.

"This underground maze is really very large, and it is quite complicated. It can be said that it is really very difficult. If you don't have an aerial camera, it is really not easy to get out safely."

Cheng Yiping exhaled a long breath. He was convinced that maybe hundreds of years ago, the people of Ghana had worked hard to create this underground maze below. I am afraid I never imagined that after hundreds of years, Inside, this magical way to crack this underground maze

Hundreds of years ago, I couldn't imagine that there would be an aerial camera in this world.

Mapping is a more professional matter, and it is not natural to be equal, but fortunately, the staff in Jiangzhen City TV Station can say that everyone is very much

At least the staff who control the aerial camera will draw, even if it does not draw, it does not matter. Through this video, you can print out the ground, print a suitable map, and then piece it together, and finally become Map of an underground maze

"I found it. I found you. Look at the map of the underground labyrinth. It is now fully printed."

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station jumped out immediately when the map was printed out, with an excited expression on his face. This is a map printed from the video of the aerial camera. Although it looks a little fuzzy, but A few pieces together can also see the full picture of the map almost clearly

"It's great, it's great, this is really a very good thing, the map is printed, then this maze will have no destructive power and no danger to us"

Professor Lu Renzhang said eagerly, with a brilliant look on his face, and carefully took the map in his own hand, and carefully observed, his fingers fiercely reached the middle of the map.

"In the middle, you see nothing. This map is well-connected and there are many dead ends, but if you look closely, you will find that it has two exits in total, one on the left and one on the right, and this labyrinth goes to the middle and there is A thing like an altar, if we didn't guess wrong, the middle altar should be called the so-called artifact, which is the so-called eye of God. We can easily reach the center of this through this map and find the eye of God. What is it? "

What makes the underground maze scary is that you don't know the way out

For a maze, if you can know the exact line of the maze, in fact, the maze is not vulnerable, or the maze is not in any danger.

"Okay, that's great. In this case, then we all make a little preparation, and we set off immediately. I am really curious about the artifacts in this underground maze."

Li An couldn't wait to say that he worked hard and would even destroy it. Why?

For this eye of God.

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