Super Finding App

Chapter 2116: Inscription

"Altar, altar, this is the altar. We worked hard for a long time, and finally found such a group? How can there be a very weird feeling, shouldn't the last one appear to be Jinshan Yinshan? The last one Should n’t it be a magic weapon? It ’s such a tattered altar, and it always feels like a tiger and a snake. ”

"Yeah, that's true. It looks like this group is a very simple punchline. Does it seem to say that this group is filled with the profession of God, it seems that this is too simple."

"Be careful, everyone must be careful. It is the most dangerous thing to look at the simplest thing. After all, we don't know what kind of situation is inside. Everyone must be careful and be careful."

"Okay, don't be too careful like this, we don't think it will happen too much, after all, now you have entered the middle of the underground maze. If you have time here, then this Ghana city It ’s too despicable. ”

It will be confirmed that the working members of the television film crew are actively talking about the scumbags, while speaking, carefully walking around the group, looking around, no one has easily touched or opened. Some of the group's boxes look at each other.

"The crew of the setup team shot quickly, and we shot all the shots here. We worked hard to find the middle altar of this underground maze. This is an important vegetable to shoot, and we must make it. Shooting success "

In comparison, Zhang Zhen is the voice of the active participation of the TV crew ’s crew. In contrast, Jiang Zhen is the TV guide of the TV station. It is quite exciting. Er, while interacting with photography, it is a scene of 4 weeks in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. After shooting, one side showed an excited look, and carefully observed this group that was more than two meters high. Looking left and right, it felt very magical.

"Professor Zhang, can you take a look at it? Does this group have any traps or institutions? After all, the only thing we can find in the entire maze is this. Is it possible for a group to open it? Are you the eyes of God? "

Zhang Daoyi of the official TV station reached out and wanted to open up the reform of this group, but then said that when he came back and looked at his face, an excited passerby Zhang asked carefully.

After all, professional things should be left to professional talents, which is the most secure.

"Wait a minute, everyone waits a little and let me look it up carefully. I see that the group also has text on it, and the group is also engraved with text. Please wait, let me take a closer look at this carpet. What kind of thing is written above? "

As a professor of archeology, Lu Wenwen did not open these halls in excitement from the beginning, but carefully observed the group's life, and was surprised to find that the words were also engraved on his body this week. As a professor of archeology, it is clear that caution is the safest way without knowing the danger. One way is to sail carefully.

"The text is simple, is there any text? Professor Zhang from mainland China, look it up, translate it quickly, and see what the text on the group is written. If there is no danger, we can open the airport. Like the so-called magic machine, we are also very curious. "

Can't wait to say Zhang Dao of the official TV station

"That's right, Zhang Dao's words do have some truth. After all, it is the so-called Canadian consciousness. I also heard that it is related to the devil, and it will release the devil, and it will be dangerous. Honestly. There are really some people who feel palpitations. "

Chen Yiping nodded, and said behind him, he calmly dropped his body's canvas vision on Li An's body. He knew very well that the group had found it. If the contents were really what he wanted The thing you are looking for is also what you are supposed to be looking for, then the next time is to tear your skin, and the most important thing to pay attention to is the bald bodyguard and flat bodyguard behind your lover. In addition to the work of force Baopeng There are still firearms in hand.

Be absolutely careful not to paralyze

Of course, for Chen Yiping, the main thing now is to walk all at once, to see if you can find a super nihility, and Shen Zhiyuan is not what you are looking for, that is a very good thing.

"Let me take a look at it and let me see what is written in it. Although it is a long time ago, as long as we dispose of the public opinion on this group and the dirt of the Manchester City River, we should be able to know this. What exactly is written on the altar's policy? "

Passerby Zhang couldn't wait to say that he squatted down carefully. The three archeological colleges behind him also took out their tools from the package and began to clean up carefully.

This is definitely a meticulous job

"It's not easy, it's not easy for you to accept all of this. We finally found this group. What kind of things will the **** profession in this group say? It will really be like what Ghana International said above. In the same way, can this consciousness fulfill any wish? If this is the case, then it is really amazing, will it be the so-called A ** magic lamp? "

While passers-by Zhang and his three trainees were cleaning the dirt on the altar and looking at the text, the staff of the official TV station Zhang Dao filmed the environment for 4 weeks, and Chen Yiping came calmly. On the side of filing the case, he asked, his tone seemed to not care at all

"Aladdin's magic lamp, this is quite possible. Although for many people, Aladdin's magic lamp is just a fairy tale, but think about people in ancient times. If you see modern people using mobile phones, Do you think that mobile phones are also magical? "

Li An showed a bright smile, and his eyes flashed inexplicably smooth.

"This theory and idea is indeed relatively novel. Then what you think can be achieved by the so-called intellect can be any thing, it may be a modern thing, but I can't think of anything that can reflect all the wishes "

Chen Yiping, a man bearing five so-called half, said that the meridians in his shoulders and eyes were sad. He hoped that more information could be obtained through

"Mr. Chen's world is very amazing. It's the same as the super pet app you own now. Don't you think this super pet app is also amazing? So far, it cannot be explained by science? This world But it ’s big, it ’s too big to enjoy, and there are many secrets in this world. We just have to wait and see. ”

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