Super Finding App

Chapter 2120: Totem (1)

I do n’t know if Zhang Dao of Zhangzhou TV Station has a strong WeChat, or is it because of the flat-headed and bald-headed two bodyguards behind you and Li An, the guns in their hands were originally confused by gold and lived The towns with eyes are the staff of the television station crew. At this moment, they calm down and look at each other. After all, although Jin Jinjin is said to be valuable, after all, compared with his own life, his life is more important. .

"Everyone hurry up and look. Since it is the so-called eye of God, it will definitely be placed in a very clear place. It should be taken seriously and should be visible at a glance. Chen Yiping was anxious He said that now he has become quite excited and has some shortness of breath. He really wants to know what is going on in this matter.

"That's right, find it faster, find it faster, we must be a little faster, you find out this is the most important thing, we must find out this **** man. Passer-by, Professor Zhang is on the sidelines He hurriedly said that, of course, his opinion was turned over to the country for the gold and silver treasures he had found, but he was not a fool, knowing that what he said now did not make any sense, and the main thing was to make the altar first. Find the word of God in it. This is the most important thing. Shoot faster and shoot faster. You must shoot it during the process of searching. It can never cause any problems. This is not possible. of"

Jiang Zhen is the director of the TV station. Although he is quite enthusiastic about the gold and silver treasures in the altar, he is more concerned about the shooting of the work. He believes that once the work can be shot, he also discovers the so-called gold With Silver Treasure, the consequences are definitely explosive. News shows will definitely catch fire, and as long as the show gets hot, is he afraid that there is no money? Is he afraid that he will not be without military fame? Obviously, Zhang Zhen is the director of the TV station. Compared with the rich eunuch, he thinks more.

Although everyone can be regarded as having their own misfortunes, it is undeniable that they cleared the altar quickly when they discovered it, and found a lot of gold and silver treasures. The most striking thing is that there is a black metal in the middle. The metal box looks shabby and worn, not so much as metal but a special material, completely different from the gold and silver treasures in the altar. The main thing is that the box seems to be placed At the very middle of Ditan's financial treasures, I know that it is very important at first glance.

The passerby Professor Zhang almost shook his hand and picked up this box. He extended his hand and gently opened the dust on it. It does have an eye mark on it. Hurry up and look, this should be an artifact. I found no, the material of this box should be made of ordinary iron blocks. Although it looks quite unsightly now, it is undeniable that in ancient times, such a large iron box needed It is really not easy to gather the power of the entire tribe to make it successful, and the top of the box has a peaceful appearance, which is quite interesting. "

"Yes, that's really interesting. There are so-called eyes on this box. It really looks like human eyes, but after all, their technology in this lesson is really Quite good, otherwise it would not be possible to go through such a long time, everything will be so good, and you can see the shape of the eyes, which is really something we did not expect. "

Will confirm that TV guide Zhang Dao ’s eyes widened, watching what was happening in front of him, and nodding heavily, he was really curious.

"It's really a very strange thing. You say what's going on here. It turns out to be an eye on it. Can it be said that the so-called miracle formed by Canada is the eye? If it is the eye This is indeed omnipotent, or is this eye an artifact? "

Listening to the words of the official TV guide Zhang Zhang, passerby Zhang nodded his head and said in a word that he was busy with light.

"It is true that in ancient times, people were very worshipped by the eyes. It should not be said that every tribe has a totem of every tribe, and the so-called totems are tribe. They do n’t know about the world or they feel about science. In awe, they do n’t know what to explain, so they will worship some things and animals that appear in nature and even some heavenly gods they made up. They will do all these things that they can't understand. Blame it on the gods, and finally turn into a totem. "

"Obviously for the people of Ghana, they will feel a considerable dedication to human eyes. It is not impossible to treat human eyes as a totem. After all, human eyes represent a limitation. , Represents that you can see all things in the world, so the ancient people can understand the eyes as a totem. As for whether it can be a so-called artifact and whether all wishes can be realized, I am afraid that some benevolent see wisdom and see wisdom Things "

Passerby Professor Zhang is worthy of being a professor of archeology. Compared to others, he is surprised, and some do not know what to do. He is a good passerby. Professor Zhang does pass, and analyzes it carefully from the beginning It is obvious to the ancient people that every tribe has a totem of each tribe. These totems may be animals, or the fabricated people are more likely to be some strange and weird fabricated. They are simply people. Unacceptable things

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, this is indeed possible. After all, in ancient people, if people say that their eyes are full of respect and worship, this is also totally reasonable. After all, in ancient times, if Saying that the eye can represent seeing all things and may actually be used as a totem for offerings "

Three passers-by of Prof. Zhang, you started talking to me with a whisper, and everyone's face was excited, and it was clear to them that what happened in front of them really made They felt very excited. This is the first time that they have participated in this archeology, and they have also dug out the so-called artifacts. Although it is not known what the magical effect is so far, they pay attention to make them feel very excited.

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, open it quickly. What exactly is in this box? What kind of artifact is it? As long as we teach it, we should be able to know what this so-called God's Blade is. "

One of the trainees said excitedly, your dark eyes fell in front of you, on the box filled with energy, as if you wanted to see him see through him.

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