Super Finding App

Chapter 2135: Look for

"No problem, no problem, Mr. Cheng, please be sure to look for it. If you can find it this time, it's better. If you can't find it, there will be no problems. I know where the store is, Sun Boyuan No. When we return to the city, I will find him out, even if I dig the ground three feet, I will find out this Sun Boyuan. "

Li An gritted his teeth and said, his face showing an angry look

Although the words are relatively calm, as long as everyone can feel the unusual anger from his plain words

Obviously Li An has really started to grit her teeth and get angry.

He would never just give up.

"This Sun Boyuan really doesn't know why he did such a thing. If it is really for the gold and silver jewelry, it would be quite interesting if it is for the so-called eye of God, or Sun Boyuan is not Know exactly what kind of person he will offend "

"Okay, you guys understand, let me try it and try to see what is going on."

Cheng Yiping nodded, took out his mobile phone from his arms, and clicked on the page of the Super Find App

In an instant

A bright and rotating starry sky emerges from his phone, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerges

At the same time, Cheng Yiping also clicked on his own super finder app in his mind.

In his mind, a bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil also appeared in a starry sky, echoing the images in the mobile phone and updating in synchronization.

"Appeared and appeared. This is the Super Find App. I also have the Super Find App on my phone. I will also try to see if I can find it. If I can find it, I can find it. Where exactly is Sun Boyuan who stole gold and silver jewelry? "

"That's right, that's right, Super Find AP, we can say that we have one man, and I have also prayed sincerely during this time, and I have gained some faith points. I do n’t know if it ’s enough or not. We can also look for ourselves "

"That is, that is, we can also look for it, we must find where Sun Boyuan is and take back the gold and silver he stole."

Some of the interlocutors of the staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station also opened the page of the Super Find App in their own hands and started to look up.

I have to say that although Cheng Yiping has more faith points in the Super Hidden App, this does not mean that no one else can get the faith index.

It just depends on how many faith points others have.

Cheng Yiping didn't mind, he clicked in his mind for a moment, and then the text appeared.

[Connecting to the Super Finder]

[Super Finding App Belief Finding Connection Successfully]

[Please find what you are looking for]

[Items Seen: Eye of God]

[Super Finding App connection completed]

[Whether the required faith points are 32 or not?]

【Lost! 】

Cheng Yiping looked at the text that appeared synchronously in his mind and on the page of the mobile phone, and agreed without any hesitation.

next moment

Suddenly, the bright and rotating starry sky in my mind turned into a colorful channel, and the soul appeared quietly at the edge of the colorful channel.

Then turned around and stepped into the colorful channel step by step

next moment

With a bang, he was in this dark universe, with a blue planet on the side.

The immense attraction passed from this azure planet **** the soul into it

In an instant

The soul split across the sea of ​​clouds and fell into the world, and with a bang, it fell into this forest of seas.

At the same time, there is no soul clone in Cheng Yiping's mobile phone, but a red dot appears.

This red dot is constantly falling from the sky above the screen, and the surrounding scenes are constantly changing. This is the forest of the sea.

next moment

A red light constantly flashed on the flat map of the phone

at the same time

In Cheng Yiping's mind, the soul floated quietly in the sky of the sea of ​​clouds, raised his eyes and looked at a red beam of light soaring into the sky, straight into the clouds, bright and eye-catching.

"Sure enough, as I thought, after my super finder app faith-seeking was successful, what appeared in my mind was the soul clone, and the same soul clone can walk on the map and even return the time. And of course everything that goes back in time is related to what you are looking for "

"And the Super Find App in my mobile phone still shows the flat map of the Super Find App, except that the previous flat map has now become a three-dimensional map, and the red light point marks the item you are looking for. , And the green light point indicates your location, and some people and things you met on the way have white light points. Through this navigation indicator, you can find what you are looking for. "

"In other words, if other people really use the Super Find App to find things, they can find where they are looking as long as they follow this navigation, but he ca n’t have them like me. With the soul avatar, the entity enters the map, and even performs time reflow "

"I have to say that the belief of this super-hunting app is really amazing and not easy."

Cheng Yiping's brain turned quickly, his eyes were slightly closed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

The things he considered were very clear. The faith-seeking of his super-hunting app was really amazing.

Although he is not clear so far, what kind of changes and functions will be opened after absorbing the fragments of the super-finding app ’s faith to 90%?

But there is one thing that can be determined, this super finder app is really not simple.

"I've found it, it's great to find, it's great, sure enough, Mr. Cheng, I know you will never let us down, everyone, what are we waiting for now, hurry up and look, hurry up Find where the **** is Sun Boyuan? "

"We have to make him frustrated, we have to make him thoroughly regret it."

Li An couldn't wait to say that his teeth were crunching

He will never give up.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Cheng, where is the specific place? You take us now, we go now"

"That's right. What we said is that we are leaving now to avoid long dreams. We have been in a coma for a day. God knows where these minority people have gone. It ’s too late to spend all of it, or even destroy the eye of God. You must find it. Find this Sun Boyuan earlier, and find the stolen gold and silver jewelry and the eye of God to the end. where"

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