Super Finding App

Chapter 2139: Yasha (2)

The true power of the Eye of God!

Facing the words of the ethnic tribe village chief, Cheng Yiping, Li An, Professor Lu Renzhang, and the staff of the Jiangzhen City TV station took a breath of air at the same time, their eyes were widened, there seemed to be some Cannot understand

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

What does it mean?

Does the village head of this minority tribe know how to open this eye of God?

Cheng Yiping's heart moved, his heart was beating fiercely

One thing he knows better than anyone else is that the fragments of the super-hunting app in the Eye of God have been absorbed by himself. So, if the Eye of God is still absorbed? Can it work again?

Is it true that everyone's wishes can be fulfilled as legendary?

I ’m really curious about this, and even have some uneasiness.

After all, what people fear most is the unknown events.

"What are you talking about, you know how to open this eye of God"

The angry Li An's original murderousness disappeared instantly. He looked up at the village head of the ethnic minority in front of him. His face was somber that he could drip water.

In fact, when he got the Eye of God from him, he also thought about using this Eye of God, but even Professor Lu Renzhang did not work out what the specific role of this Eye of God is and how it should work.

All this is beyond his surprise, and now the village chief of this minority knows how to open the eye of God, which is too strange.

"Less nonsense, less nonsense, don't say so much nonsense, we have no interest in whether this eye of God can really be opened at all"

"That's right, that's right, we don't have any interest in whether this eye of God can realize the wishes of all people. We will return the gold and silver jewelry to us, and return the gold and silver jewelry faster. we"

"Yes, yes, return the gold and silver jewellery to us faster and return the gold and silver jewellery to us faster"

The staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City paid no attention to the words of the heads of ethnic minority villages.

Obviously, for them whether this eye of God has any effect, they don't care at all and are not interested at all.

All they were interested in was the gold and silver jewelry and the treasure found under the altar!

"Stop, stand, all of them will stand for me. If you take a step forward, you should know what kind of thing you are waiting for you, or do you really want to accept Yasha's ability "

Ethnic man Sun Boyuan said coldly

Behind him, dozens of people from ethnic minorities opened the jars in their hands again. Numerous bugs were constantly twisting, instantly scaring the staff of the Jiangzhen TV station crew. After taking a step, there was a look of horror on his face

Everyone was very clear about this little bug.

They have all seen it very well. This bug is a bug in Shen Xiangrui's body, causing Shen Xiangrui to devour the water insanely, and even insane.

If it wasn't for Cheng Yiping's help Shen to tie Xiangrui to the tree for a full three days, I'm afraid it will soon dehydrate and die.

This bug is a very scary Yasha!

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team one after another showed a horrified look and stepped back two or three steps.

Everyone is very scared. Although it is said that gold and silver jewelry are very valuable, compared with their own lives, their lives are more important.

Even Li An's face was gloomy and extremely low at the moment, filled with iron blue, and the hand holding the air gun was shaking slightly.

He is very clear, even if his airsoft can only deal with a few people at most, but so many yasha in front of him, if it appears in front of him at the same time, as long as one of them penetrates into his body, it will definitely die.

Of course, there are also methods that can be used to force out the nematodes in your body, but this method is too cruel

"You dare, you absolutely dare not. This Yasha is really terrifying, but then again, if you release this Yasha, wouldn't you be afraid that this Yasha would also get into your body? You will be killed by Yasha at the same time, and you will die by the same time. "

Li An put down the air gun in his hand, and spoke a word and instantly hit the center of the matter.

This yak is indeed very scary, but this yak is only an animal in the end. Since it is an animal, can it still distinguish between the enemy and me?

"Mr. Li, when I saw you at the first sight, I knew that you had become very smart. You are an amazing person. You are not wrong. The yaksha in this jar is really terrible. They are not Will divide the enemy and me, but do you think we have kept Yasha for so many years, and for hundreds of years, our ethnic tribe has no way to control Yasha? "

Sun Boyuan, a minority man, smiled softly and said word by word.

Now he has become very curious, he is curious what kind of role the eyes of the **** will have in the end, whether the words of the village chief of the minority tribe are true or false.

Are the legends guarded hundreds of years ago true or false

"Okay, everyone, okay everyone, do n’t stop arguing. Today is a good day. Now that you have all come to this minority tribal village, you are the destined person and look forward to our guardian hundreds of years ago Legend will become reality "

The tone of the village chief of the ethnic tribe became strangely excited. Watching Sun Boyuan had controlled the crowd of the television crew of Jiangzhen City and Cheng Yiping, Professor Li An and Lu Renzhang turned and stepped towards the altar step by step.

"It's started, it's started, is it about to start, can it be said that this eye of God is really so effective and can really fulfill everyone's wishes?"

Professor Lu Renzhang looked at the altar with an excited look on his face.

Obviously for him, compared to bringing the eye of God, and the so-called gold and silver jewelry under the altar, the village head of this minority can open the eye of God, which made him feel more curious. And excited

Could it be said that the eye of God in the legend hundreds of years ago is real?

Can this so-called eye of God really fulfill the wishes of all people?

Professor Lu Renzhang was really curious.

"The great eye of God, the great eye of God, opened after receiving the blood, fulfill all our wishes, please fulfill all our wishes."

Between words

I saw the village chief of the ethnic minority tribe plopping on his knees in front of the altar, shouting loudly, took out a knife in his hand, slightly cut his arm, and blood flowed on the eyes of God.

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