Super Finding App

Chapter 2170: Good-hearted people (8)

"Mister Zhao, can you say this wrong? What does it mean that you don't have quality? It ’s not right at all, ca n’t you blame me? I call it non-mainstream, is n’t it just foolish, do n’t you Do I look really handsome now? It's really messy. "

Li Lei raised his head, touched his hair, and said proudly.

Looking at his appearance, he seemed quite satisfied with his colorful appearance.

The other man on the side shook his head funnyly and said with a slight smile.

"Okay, okay, how many times have you told you, do n’t talk about these non-mainstream moves, say non-mainstream, but in our opinion, this move is not much different from the outside world. In the future, I still have to dress myself better, only in this way is the best "

"Okay, I know, I know, really, I just want to change myself to have some features and characteristics like a non-mainstream, do you say that?"

"Does this really look so bad to me? I think it's okay"

Li Lei touched his colorful hair and said it word by word, there seemed to be some helplessness

"Okay, okay, you still feel good about yourself, you see, you scared the two little girls, both scared and scared. What do you think of the scared look? What a pride? Is n’t there a good compliment at all? A good person who looks at you like this will also be regarded as a bad person. "

Zhao Dazhen shook his head funnyly, exhaled a long breath and looked at Li Lei in front of him, saying word by word.

Obviously, in her opinion, Li Lei is indeed non-mainstream, making many people feel like a bad person at first glance, not a good person.

"I know, I know, I will change my hair back to the original look, OK, I will change my hair back to the original look, so you do n’t need to worry about it"

Li Lei felt his hair and said word by word, quite helpless look

"Dao Zhao, we are ready for the car. We will go to the village just after a while. We might as well send them home now. I believe they have been outside for such a long time. Their parents also I will definitely feel it. I am very worried. Sending it back sooner will make everyone feel relieved earlier, and their parents will not be so nervous and worried. "

Li Lei coughed and said

"Okay, this is really a very good thing. Is the car ready? Didn't you say that the car will be ready in the afternoon? Now it's ready so soon."

Zhao Dazhen nodded with satisfaction, but still crooked his head and frowned, feeling a little confused and strange.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's really okay, we were going to go down until the afternoon, but isn't it just right? Then go together, and the main thing is not two little girls Did you bring it back? We also thought about it, these two little girls were brought over, their parents would be very nervous and worried, since it would be better to send them down earlier, anyway, our thing in the morning If you can do it, you can do it in the afternoon, there is not much difference. "

Li Lei touched his head and said, seeing his words is indeed a very good person, even if he is a bit hard, he must first send the little girl back to his home

"Okay, if that's the case, it's really good. After all, these two little girls have just run away from home, their parents must be very worried. Since this is the case, If you can send them back earlier, this is indeed a very good thing, and it will not worry too much about their family members. In this case, I can give these two little girls to you It ’s the same as before, but you need to return them home safely. "

Zhao Dazhen nodded his head and said intently

"No problem, no problem, Zhao Dazhen, do you not worry about our work? In the past few years, you have taken a lot of people and homeless children outside, or it is not that homeless people come back Did he send him back to his home? We already take it for granted, rest assured, rest assured, no problem, absolutely no problem. "

Li Lei raised his hand and pounced on his chest as he talked, showing a confident smile

Obviously, they have done this many times, and they already have some light cars.

"Zhang Xue, Zhang Li, since this is the case, then you will follow these two uncles and tell the two uncles their home addresses, I believe these two uncles will be able to send you back to yours At home, remember what you can call me next time, don't leave home again. This is a very dangerous thing and act, understand? "

Zhao Dazhen once again said with great care

She knew very well how dangerous it was for a girl of eleven or twelve to run away with her girl of seven or eight.

"Thank you Dahao Zhao, thank you Dalai Zhang, we understand, we understand, we will not do such a thing again"

The eleven-year-old girl Zhang Xue nodded heavily and said word by word that her face was filled with gratitude.

"Okay, okay, don't say that, then let's go, let's go home earlier, it's the best thing to go home earlier"

Zhao Dazhen showed a bright smile and clapped his hands gently

Soon Zhang Xue, Zhang Li left with Li Lei and entered a van from the back door of this Fortune Inn

The van clicked galloping away.

"Did you give it away? Did you give it away? Well, I've told you so many times already. Don't do these troublesome things again, but I know it's no use telling you any more, you really are I ca n’t put these people down, after all, there are many poor people in this world. "

Watching the van gallop away, a fat man next to Zhao Dazhen was too wide, and a man with a round stomach came out

He is the owner of this fortune restaurant

"This is nothing. I see cats and puppies can be very distressed sometimes. They all want to take them home for captivity, not to mention people. You don't think these little girls are really It ’s too pathetic. If they really let them go, in case of danger, it would be a very bad and bad thing. "

"Compared to them is the best, I wasted only some time, but for these little girls can really help them avoid danger."

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