Super Finding App

Chapter 2190: Noble

Did something happen again? Or maybe his two daughters ran away from home again. It should not be possible. If the front foot was rescued and the back foot ran away from home, it is really a very strange thing. I can only say There is really a serious problem in the education of tutors for middle-aged rural men.

"It's all right, we're here to thank Mr. Chen, we're here to thank Mr. Chen. We just signed you and don't need it. Here are some very simple souvenirs. Please bring them back. Please be sure to collect them. Please, you must accept it. Zhang, a middle-aged rural man, quickly said, took out a basket from behind, some soil eggs and some food, it seems to be carrying dirt "You are so polite, unearthed in the soil, you are so polite, Chen Yiping froze, and said at random, just ready to refuse, the middle-aged rural man quickly turned his hands The man was stuck in the hands of Chen Yiping, and said gratefully, Mr. Chen asked you to accept it, and you must collect the money. You did not receive our money and we have been very grateful. If we do n’t accept small things, we are really unhappy, we are really too unhappy, looking at the middle-aged rural man veteran who is in a difficult but passionate mood, Chen Yiping nodded and took these men Over the open road, well, in that case, then I'll disrespectful of the "

After all, there are some natural green foods in this year, but the glasses are quite expensive. The man's stuff in the countryside really doesn't make much money, but now they are all natural and should have a lot of nutrition. value

"Mr. Chen, you like to eat. Mr. Chen, you like to eat. If you really like it, you can also call directly after eating well. There are still many other gadgets in our countryside without these. Yes, a middle-aged rural man, Lao Zhang looked at Chen Yiping and accepted the gift, showing a bright smile, but expressed gratitude from the heart.

After taking the gift of Lao Zhang, a middle-aged rural man, Chen Yiping turned and put it in the car. A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes

On the other side, two couples in Qingyun Mountain have not been found. At this moment, they are full of panic. When they see a middle-aged rural man running over, their old eyes suddenly blink, as if they have found a savior. The man with his Chinese face rushed over. Liu Kai looked at the middle-aged rural man in excitement. Lao Zhang hurriedly asked this fellow, this fellow, I'm sorry, I have something to ask you. I don't know if it is okay. What are you asking? The middle-aged rural man veteran showed a look of doubt. He was really surprised. He didn't know where he could help, and these people even came to them happily. It was really strange. Nothing good or weird can attract people.

"Hello fellow, I would like to ask if there is a place near you called Qingyun Mountain. We want to know exactly where this Qingyun Mountain is. Liu Kai, who has the national character face, can't wait to ask, eyes straight Staring at Zhang, a middle-aged rural man, if he does n’t even know it, or even local people do n’t know where Qingyun Mountain is, they really have no other way than to find a needle in a haystack, except to call the police and let the police Investigation, there is really no other way

"Qingyun Mountain, are you talking about Qingyun Mountain? Oh, I know this very clearly. Qingyun Mountain is a wild mountain near our Qingxian County, and there are not many people going there. I never thought you would know if you saw it. After turning over two peaks in front, the third peak is Qingyun Mountain, but what do you do to Qingyun Mountain? The Qingyun Mountain is relatively steep, and even people in our village rarely go to Qingyun mountain"

The voice of the middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang, who just fell in front of the Chinese character face, suddenly showed a surprised look, can't wait to say, really? really? Great, you can know where Qingyun Mountain is. This is really a great thing. Thank you, thank you. We are going to Qingyun Mountain immediately, and we are definitely going to Qingyun Mountain. Wait, do you want to go to Qingyun Mountain? That ’s really very dangerous. It ’s already night. If you send them now, it ’s too dangerous. It ’s best to wait until dawn tomorrow morning.

Obviously, the middle-aged rural man veteran treats the person in front of him as if he came here to play. It ’s definitely a very dangerous thing for tourists to go up the mountain so late, no, no, we ’re going tonight, we ’re going now, we ’re not here to climb the mountain, in fact our two daughter The accident that happened when they climbed Qingyun Mountain should now be trapped in Qingyun Mountain. We must find her quickly and find our daughter. If you delay one more night, God knows what will happen. The woman with long hair shook her head with the rattle. Her face was full of fear and fear. It was very simple for her. She really felt very dangerous. It was dangerous for her daughter to spend a day in the wilderness. It's too dangerous to stay one day and know what will happen.

"Yes, we must go before New Year's Eve, we must go before New Year's Eve, our daughter reward and Liu Hui have been trapped in Qingyun Mountain for a day, if we wait until tomorrow morning now That is, another day of sleepiness is equivalent to two days and two nights. If it is really two days and two nights, then God knows what will happen, not to mention that it is quite dangerous and lack of water and food in the wilderness. If our daughter's accident is really caused by the delay of time, then we can hardly blame it. It must not happen like this now, absolutely it cannot happen now. "

That's right, that's right, we have to get over now, we have to get over now, even if it is late, we have to pass, even if it is late, we have to go to another short-haired female department and say the same With an impatient look on their faces, this is motherhood. Even if it is too dangerous, it is a must-go for them. Even if Daoshanhuohai is trying to save their daughter, they will not hesitate.

It is said that the speaker is careless and the listener is intentional. The words spoken by the two couples fell into the ears of the middle-aged rural man's old man in an instant. He lifted his head and said with a look of surprise on his faces.

"What did you say? What did you say? Your daughter went missing in Qingyun Mountain?"

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