Super Finding App

Chapter 2194: Survival (2)

"Did you find it? Did you find it? Did Mr. Chen find it? Did you find a man with a Chinese character face? Liu Kai couldn't wait to ask, originally Lin Yiqiang was handsome, and his face now was also a little worried and upset. Even if he is a successful person, he is very nervous at the moment. He really only has a daughter, and the man with glasses on the other side Jiang Wei nodded as well, his face became abnormally dignified, even some Worried and feared, he did n’t know what the development of the situation would look like, but he really wanted to know if they had found their own daughter, he was really very worried about his daughter

"Mr. Chen, have you found it? Do you know where our daughter is in Qingyun Mountain? What kind of place are they? Long-haired women can't wait to ask the short-haired women aside, the same urgent Asked if our daughter had anything, whether our daughter had anything, it is clear that both couples are very clear. Although a guide can be found to Qingyun Mountain within this period, can I know my daughter? What kind of place in Qingyun Mountain is unknown? After all, injury is definitely not a simple matter and requires a lot of manpower.

If the super-Chen Yiping app in front of them can really find where their daughter is, then it is totally equivalent to finding a straight channel. It is really very important for them, even there are some Can't wait

"Faith is not as good as life. Although it requires a lot of faith points, for me, this point is really enough. I have found it now."

Chen Yiping showed a bright smile, reached out and shook his hand, shaking the super majesty in his mobile phone, not quite sure, but one thing is sure, we already know where they are. "

"Really? Really? Great, great, this is really a great thing, finally found our daughter, where are they? Where are they? Long-haired women and short-haired women They and their two husbands can't wait to find out that the faces are filled with some worried expressions, and their expressions become abnormally excited. They are really disturbed. They really want to know what their daughter is. What kind of place, sorry, this is probably not a very clear thing, although my Super Hidden App shows that you have found your daughter, but what I have found so far is just the one pointed to Indication sign, in other words, I do n’t have to follow this indication sign, I believe that following this indication sign, you can know exactly where your daughter will be

Chen Yiping persuaded his shoulders, pulled out his mobile phone, and showed everyone the red arrow of the Super Find App in the mobile phone. He would never say words that knew their daughter's current situation. The soul avatar can clearly know what kind of state their daughter is in, but I'm sorry that the backup system's hand Super Finder does not show the situation of the finder, it only shows simple road signs and routes. That's why Chen Yiping will definitely not reveal it easily in this regard. He is very clear that sometimes some small exposures are exposed from the details. Be careful, be careful and be careful, only be absolutely careful. Only then can you make yourself foolproof.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let ’s go, let ’s go, find the daughter earlier, we can rest assured that we can find the daughter one day earlier, we can feel at ease. The two husbands and wives have to talk to each other immediately Xiaomi wrote the poem, watching the navigation game displayed by Chen Yiping ’s Super Hidden App, and said that his tone has become a little bit agitated. "

They didn't even care whether Chen Yiping said it was true or false, and now the only idea was one. Hurry to the Qingyun Mountain quickly and save their daughter completely. This is the most important thing.

Chen Yiping nodded slightly, led by the middle-aged rural old man Lao Zhang and the people in the village, quickly headed for Qingyun Mountain. Thanks to the guide and the navigation of Chen Yiping's super-find object app System, everyone on this journey can be regarded as surprisingly smooth and smooth, but no one noticed Chen Yiping's face, but it became a little weird. At this moment, he can clearly see the super in his mind. The soul avatar of the Xunwu APP is standing beside Reward and Liu Hui at this moment, watching it quietly, staged a real person. Survival drama? have to say. Sometimes life always gives people a lot of strange places, and life is really very cruel.

A cliff in Qingyun Mountain

"It hurts, it hurts. It really hurts, sister Jiang Li. My leg seems to be broken. My leg seems to be broken. It really hurts. It really hurts. The cow moves hard. With his own body, he leaned his back against the back of the cliff and panted vigorously, with a look of worry and fear in his face. Looking up at the endless jungle ahead And the cliff below is trembling in my heart, who can think of the rock under his feet cracking when the two of them took photos at the top of the cliff, and the two of them fell down directly, which should have been directly fried into meat sauce, but Fortunately, two people fell to a cliff platform protruding below the cliff. Although they were injured, they survived, but this was also the most unfortunate, because they were not on the center of the cliff. The most important thing to say about the dilemma is that they didn't have a lot of twenty-five in one moment and even fell into a desperate situation.

"Be patient and bear with you. Obediently bear with you. We believe that someone should come to save us. When we take pictures, we have always been a live broadcast. I believe that people in the live broadcast room will be able to When we see it, we can see that we will definitely call the police when it arrives and then come to save us.

The reward for keeping her long hair is constantly given to her partner. Liu Hui is gasping, while talking, leaning her body against the wall, breathing hard, although he did not sink his feet. Broken, but one arm was unusually painful. He easily took out the package behind him. Now, for him, the most important thing is to see what kind of things exist in this package. This is the most important thing.

After all, the reward is very clear. At this moment, myself and Liu Hui want to run out on their own. This is simply impossible. The only thing that can be done is only by the players and only waiting for people to save themselves. This is the most important thing. . And if you want someone to wait for you, the main thing is to be able to survive just before the player and the rescuer's arrival.

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