Super Finding App

Chapter 2196: Survival (4)

"The reward and the luck of Shuanghui are really quite good. Although it is the most important thing for them to fall on this cliff now, it really looks like they are not in front of the village and not in the ground. Dangerous things, but then again, it ’s like falling off a cliff. If it ’s not dead, it ’s a big life. I have to say that this is a pretty good thing. The soul is floating on the cliff quietly. At least on the edge of the platform, watching the reward and everything that happened to Liu Hui quietly, all their actions passed, his eyes passed into the eyes of Chen Yiping's body, and the corners of Chen Yiping's mouth slightly Up

"So far, they should have been together for one day. If you add the distance, you should be able to reach Qingyun Mountain in the next two days, and you will be able to rescue them by then, but this is not the case. The best, after all, the place they are in is really strange and dangerous. It is the most important thing to bring cliffs and cliffs. It is not easy to save them. Chen Yiping was half-stunned. The eyes and brain began to turn quickly. Although he was not able to tell other people what the situation of the two girls was in front of him, Chen Yiping knew that he still needed to take good measures. After all, the world is big, Human life is the most important thing. Money is very important, but Chen Yiping has not yet arrived. For the money, he can let any two little girls die at will.

What's more, watching these two women on the platform in the middle of the cliff, I'm afraid they can't hold it for long.

"Everyone, I think we should find some rescue equipment before we go to Qingyun Mountain. You have all the rescue equipment with you. Do n’t find people who do n’t have rescue equipment at that time, that ’s a very funny thing. Chen Yiping said quietly and asked, the man with a Chinese character face talked about Kay and said to the rattle in a hurry, and brought with us a lot of things, why all the ropes brought these We have already thought about things, yes, yes, we have already brought them, and now we want to know where our daughter is, and the men with glasses are also echoing, Behind them was carrying a large parcel containing various rescue equipment and tools.

"Okay, now that things have been brought, then I can rest assured, let's go, as long as we can find your daughter in what kind of place, according to the navigation system of this Super Xunwu APP" Chen Yiping is satisfied Nodded, talking and looking up, not far away, under the setting sun, Qingyun Mountain frowned slightly, can only say that Wangshan ran a dead horse, although there is a guide , But wanting to reach Qingyun Mountain quickly is really not a simple thing. The most important thing is that Qingyun Mountain's roads are quite complicated. Even if you ride and have an off-road vehicle, you cannot drive into it. You can only walk on two legs to cross the mountains. I have to say that this is indeed a very Things that make you feel sore

However, for these two couples, hope is better than no hope. As long as there is hope and motivation, even if there are some mountains and mountains, even if the road is quite rugged, for these two couples, They still follow their teeth quickly, only to urge them to go as fast as possible, and they do not think that the road will be quite difficult.

Chen Yiping followed closely, and his eyes narrowed slightly. At the same time, according to everything that the soul avatar saw in his mind, he quietly observed the situation of the two young girls. Prepared for

"Super Finding App believes in finding things. Although it is very magical, one thing is undeniable that this Super Finding App is not 100% omnipotent, nor is it magical. Just like now, although through the soul You can see where the two young girls are rewarded and Liu Hui are separated, but then again, I can only see where they are at most, and they cannot rescue in time. In other words, only real people can arrive at the scene. In the period of waiting for rescue, if they have an accident, then I can only watch it, like this one can only watch but not cheat. "The sense of weakness that can't be stopped really makes people feel very aggrieved."

Cheng Yiping exhaled a long sigh of breath, then revealed a bitter smile, the super fetish APP faith awakening is indeed very magical, but in some ways. It can be said that it is almost the same as an artifact. If you want to find it, you can find everything you want, but from a certain aspect, it shows that this super Xuanwu APP does have disadvantages. Even if you have a soul clone, you can only know everything you see, but not. Rescue in time.

The thought of Chen Yiping raised his head, and then exhaled a long breath, saying it word by word. In this case, I hope that this time will come, hope the reward and Liu under this cliff Hui two girls can persist, don't get into trouble, otherwise things won't become really troublesome. "

At the same time, within the platform in the middle of the cliff, the rewards hoped by Chen Yiping and the two young girls Liu Hui were freezing and shaking, although they were some warm sunshine in the setting sun, they still made them pale. The flowers are eclipsed. When there is a live broadcast at this moment, the pretty looks are more like two lambs that are frozen and shivering. They want warmth but no one cares.

"You say your sister is so hungry. I am so hungry. I feel hurt and my body is very cold. Can you give me another piece of chocolate? Give me another piece of chocolate and add some heat. Liu Hui opened her mouth carefully He said that his tone was a little hesitant. He really felt very cold and very hungry. He needed a piece of food and he needed food.

"No, no, no, no more, no more. The food in our bag is not much. If we eat it like this, I won't be able to hold it for a long time. We don't know what the rescue team is. Time can come, so we must save on what we eat. Only by saving the food we eat can we persist until the rescue team arrives.

Reward's head shook like a rattle, and while talking, he put his package tightly in his arms, but he didn't know that his actions fell into the eyes of tears. The huge waves that made Liu Hui's heart instantly turned up, and her eyes were unhappy and hateful.

In the face of survival, sometimes the so-called feelings are really vulnerable.

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