Super Finding App

Chapter 2230: Thief (4)

"Of course I do, of course I do. How could I possibly admit that this is an impossible thing?"

The woman in fur stunned for a moment, then her face became abnormally red, as if being greatly insulted.

"Even if I do n’t try to misunderstand the **** of a person, I still remember that it was a woman who hit me at the time. She had long shawl and had fragrance on her body. This is perfume. Taste, if you talk about not being a woman, how could you have such long hair, and there is perfume, now the person you are referring to is a flat top, he is not a woman, and he has no long hair. Why? It might be a thief. Could he say that he can't cut his hair? "

The woman in fur said angrily, the man beside him nodded, hesitantly

"It's true. It's true. I can testify. I remember that woman hit me at the time. We also quarreled a word or two. I was more impressed. It was indeed a woman with a delicate face. How could it be a man, this should be impossible "

"Yes, you are right, but from your words, I can also learn that you think this is the three aspects that a woman passes, the first is long hair, the second is sprayed with perfume, and the third Her face is better, but everyone seems to have forgotten that the long hair of the shawl can be used with wigs, and perfume men can also use it. As for your good looks, I believe that as long as you open the women ’s clothing in the mobile phone Guys, if I do n’t tell you, I ’m afraid few of you will know that these ladies are men, not women. ”

"So how can you surely hit you, it's really a real woman, not a so-called man"

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, with a smile on his mouth

His words exploded in everyone's ears instantly, making a person dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Even the policeman with a Chinese character face, Zhang Gang, stared wide

"What do you mean? Do you mean that the thief is a man dressed as a woman? What's going on?"

“I ’m not sure if he ’s a so-called women ’s big guy, but I only know that the goal of the Super Find App is that he is the thief who stole this lady ’s wallet. , But there is one thing that I will pay well if I say good pay. After all, I have found a thief for you, but you do n’t admit it. "

Cheng Yiping's face became weirder

Zhang Xiaona on the side even covered her little mouth. Now he finally understands what happened to Chen Yiping's strangeness.

I ’ve heard that women dress up as men, and men dress up as women.

"Mr. Cheng, is what you said true? This is really a man dressed as a woman"

Guo Gang's face policeman Zhang Gang frowned, and asked with confusion.

As a policeman, I have cracked many cases, but to be honest, it ’s not that things like men dressing as women have not happened.

I just think that there are some strange things

"It's true, what Super Hidden App shows is indeed it. If the Super Hidden App is not wrong, then he is indeed a thief who stole the lady's wallet, that is, men dressed as women's clothing."

He nodded steadily, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

In his eyes, the soul floated aside quietly, looking at the man in front of him.

Following the thought of Cheng Yiping's heart, the surrounding environment is constantly turning like a bubble, and then the smoke disappears little by little, and time is constantly flowing back.

Cheng Yiping's soul avatar clearly saw the body of the man in front of him constantly turning, turning little by little into a girl with long shawl in front of him, and walked into a toilet.

Then I changed all my wigs, clothes and clothing, and when I came out again, I became a young little white face.

I have to say that this was unexpectedly unexpected.

Every time I saw this scene, Cheng Yiping's mouth twitched constantly, I can only say that this is really quite strange

In other words, if it wasn't for the soul avatar of the Super Hidden App, I'm afraid Cheng Yiping could not have imagined that such a thing would happen now.

"Since this is true, we only need to investigate to find out"

Police, just nodded heavily, now he understands why Cheng Yiping asked a woman in a pimp to come to them

After all, it is possible for men to wear women's clothing, but as ordinary people, they really do n’t have the right to search.

The policeman and the young policeman who thought of the Chinese character face here looked at each other, and then walked towards the man with the flat head in front of them.

"Hello, we are police, there is one thing I hope you can cooperate with us"

Guo Gang face policeman Zhang Gang and the young man directly came to the flat-headed man who was eating food in front of him and said

The man slowly raised his head, first looking at Zhang Gang and the police in front of him, and then saw the corners of the woman in fur behind him twitching, his face changed slightly and a bright smile appeared.

"It was a police officer. Please sit down, please sit down. I wonder if you have anything to do with me? Is there anything that can help you?"

"We now suspect that you have something to do with the theft and hope you can cooperate with us"

Zhang Gang's eyes with the national character face look like a hero straightly looking at the flat-headed man in front of him, and he seems to want to see him through.

The flat-headed man twitched and said quickly

"Theft? I do n’t understand what theft is. I do n’t know what you are talking about. Eh, you are talking about this lady's stuff being stolen? I know she has been blocked at the intersection for more than two hours. This is something everyone knows very well, but it ’s a woman who steals his stuff. I ’m a man. It ’s nothing to do with me. ”

The flat-headed man's voice just fell, Cheng Yiping said with a bright smile, and said

"Is that so strange? After all, it's because you blocked the door of Changhong Amusement Park for more than two hours, but she only said that her wallet was stolen. Then the problem comes, how do you know how to steal? It's a woman with a wallet "

The smile of the flat-headed man with a smile freezes instantly and then disappears, his eyes widened suddenly, he suddenly grabbed the table and suddenly opened it.

The overturned dining table forced the policeman Zhang Gang and the young police officer to retreat and turned back, and fled quickly, but it was leveled in front of him.

Looking at Cheng Yiping with a clear face, the flat-headed man said with his teeth gritted.

"Get out of here, get out of me, get out of here if you don't want to die!"

Waving his fist as he spoke, he punched him.

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