Super Finding App

Chapter 2250: Fall in love

"The house was just nice and the area was quite large, but there was no sunlight. This is not a good thing. If we live here in the future, it will be very inconvenient to dry clothes."

"Yes, and although that house was just fine, it was a little far from the subway, and we will not be very convenient to go to work in the future."

"Also, you see, this house is really nice and convenient, but the problem is that the price of this house is really high, let's take a look and look again."

"After all, the price of a house near the company is very expensive. We can only find a little farther. If it is far away, it needs convenient transportation. Otherwise, we will be troublesome at work and we do n’t want to go. It ’s an hour or two ahead of schedule, but it ’s really tiring. ”

"Yes, yes, we look again, look again, there should be the right, there should be the right, even if buying a second-hand house there is no problem at all"

Liu Hui and Pei Yuan, sitting on the sofa in their home, are looking at the mobile phone and a lot of house advertising pages carefully.

There is a saying that people are poor and short-minded. Although everyone wants to buy a good house, it is undeniable that a good house is not so easy to buy. The most suitable geographical environment is the price. Really restricted them

The two of them together are simply not as expensive as the higher prices in the first-tier cities.

It really scared them.

Originally I hoped that I could buy a set near the company, or near the city center

Now their requirements have been lowered and lowered, and more and more, enough to fall to that suburb. If not even the suburbs are not enough, then their money can't really buy any house.

"What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Pei Yuan, who was looking at the advertisement, looked up, and looked at Liu Hui, who looked a bit painful, even with a pale face, and asked in a hurry.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I've been too tired recently. I don't know why. Recently, I always feel that my head hurts a bit. It must be that I don't get enough sleep. I will be fine after a while.

"Well, you need to pay attention to it. You must take care of your body. Don't be so stressed when you work. You are a clerk and you don't do other things. Sometimes you have to learn to be lazy."

Pei Yuan stood up with heartache, poured a glass of hot water from one side, and passed it. Then he reached out and patted Liu Hui's back gently, looking worried.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, just take a break and I'll be fine."

Liu Hui shook her head gently, showing a bright smile

He also knows very well that for them, if they do n’t get sick, it is to try not to get sick.

After all, for the poor, getting sick is really worse.

Especially when they are buying a house again today, money is really stretched.

"Okay, then you pay attention, then you must pay attention."

Pei Yuan nodded heavily, with a worried look on his face.

Time is lost little by little

Life is constantly lost in finding a house like this

Although very tired, it is quite abundant for Liu Hui and Pei Yuan.

Pei Yuan works for an Internet company. He works as a programmer. He spends his free time, but he is really busy when he is busy.

At this moment he is working continuously in the company, in order to be able to earn more bonuses and to earn more money.


Pei Yuan's own ringtone kept ringing, and he frowned. The most annoying thing at work was that someone came to harass himself, which would interrupt his work.

But I found that the ringtone was still ringing, even more and more urgent. He frowned when he thought of it, and then took the mobile phone and said slightly displeasedly.

"What the **** happened? Is there anything? Who is it?"

There was a slight urgency from the phone

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Pei Yuan?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Hello, we are the third hospital here. Do you know Ms. Liu Hui?"

"Liu Hui? I know her, my girlfriend. What the **** happened?"

"Ms. Liu Hui is in the hospital now. If it is convenient, please come to the hospital immediately. We found you based on the emergency contact in her mobile phone."

"What, Third Hospital, I'll come here now, I'll come here now."

Pei Yuan froze, stood up with a slam, an ominous feeling rushed from the back to the brain

Frightened and even the body was shaking slightly, he quickly asked the leader to take a leave and rushed out

Although the leader shouted loudly, but for Pei Yuan now, he couldn't care about everything and didn't care about anything.

The only thing I knew was that my girlfriend, Liu Hui, went to the hospital.

This is not normal at all.

Anxiously, Pei Yuan hit a car and killed him inside the hospital, with a quick look on his face.

After questioning the nurse at the nurse station, he rushed into the ward

Looking at Liu Hui, who was not awake on the bed, Pei Yuan's face became abnormally pale.

The attending doctor on the side came over

"Hello, is this Mr. Pei Yuan?"

"It's me, it's me, I want to know what happened to my girlfriend Liu Hui, what happened to her"

Pei Yuan's tone became quite hasty, even some flustered

"Okay, please come here, we can come here and say"

The attending doctor nodded heavily, pulled Pei Yuan aside calmly, and then took out a report and handed it over.

"Ms. Liu Hui fainted while she was on the road today and was taken to the hospital. We checked him and found that she had some physical problems and was seriously ill. If she is not treated, I am afraid her illness will change. Very dangerous "

Pei Yuan took a breath and took the examination report handed by the doctor. His body became colder and his voice became abnormally hoarse.

"Then ask the doctor, what kind of illness did she have, and what needs to be done to cure it?

The attending doctor nodded heavily.

"Of course it can be cured, but if she is sick, it will cost a lot of money. This is the first and second. She has a kidney problem, which means that if you really need treatment, then someone must be treated. Change her kidney! "

"Need a kidney change?"

Bae Yuan took a moment to take a breath.

He knew that changing the kidney was not an easy task.

With a tangled look on his face

"It's really just a kidney change. Is there no other way?"

"There is no way. If she doesn't change her kidney, I'm afraid she can't keep her body for a long time now. You need to be prepared

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