Super Finding App

Chapter 820: archeology

Jiang Lei was crying. The cry was called a thin rush, and the ground shook. After crying, Jiang Lei was angry and banged outside the door, cursing, what kind of bad language, how bad and how come, how dirty He really couldn't believe that Xinger, who was yelling at her husband and his dear husband just now, turned his back on his face and ignored him.

You know, he's on Xing'er. I do n’t know how much money I lost, and why? It ’s not all about making Xinger happy, because Xinger is willing to follow him wholeheartedly, and can satisfy his small and inferior self-esteem, but now all this is shattered. When the truth is revealed, Jiang Lei seems like Waking up from the fog, he found that he had nothing but debt to a butt!

Facing Xing'er's cold rejection, the closed door once again sobered up Jiang Lei. He seemed to have had a very wonderful dream. In the dream, he killed the rich second generation. He was a rich man. He Enjoying the beauty surrounded by nephrite and warm fragrance, I feel that I am a man, a proud man, and a successful person.

Now, the cruel reality and the coldness of reality have completely awakened him. Xing'er closed more than just a door, but completely broke a beautiful dream compiled by Jiang Lei's self-care and let him know. He is not a so-called rich man, the beauties are warm to his nephrite, and all kinds of sweet words are not sincere, everything is just for the sake of money.

"Do not……………"

The ideal is beautiful, the dream is wonderful, but the reality is cruel. Jiang Lei cannot bear the cruelty in this reality. He thunders and falls to the ground, crying, and Jiang Ping, who is standing aside, shed tears However, my heart is also happy here, cry, cry, brother, as long as you make a loud cry, this shows that he has been fully awake, as long as he wakes up, people will not die, debt will not rot, always In your early days.

"It's true that heavenly iniquity can live, and self-iniquity cannot live!"

Looking at sitting in front of the door, wailing and crying, Jiang Lei, whose anchor star didn't care, kept shaking his head, Cheng Yiping gently shook his head, and explained once again, God of evil He who is alive cannot work iniquity.

Sure enough, there is something hateful about being a poor person.

"Success in finding things"

"Get 53 points for finding things"

"Successful use of the double search for super-sense find ..."

"Get 106 points for finding things"

"Current Finding Value 35723000"

"Yes, yes, you have already got 3572 points. You only need to get less than 500 points to get 4000 points. You will not only be able to upgrade the permissions of the super finder app, but you can also specify the type of finder help. ! "

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, looking at the personal information of the Super Hidden App in the right pupil, his eyes flashed.

"Now I can think about what kind of skills should I get if I really do find things?"

On the other side, in a wild countryside in Jiangzhen City, a number of off-road vehicles rushed past, thick wheels pressed against the bumpy road, crushed all the small stones to crush, and set off the sky behind the rear wheels. Dust and mist.

Several off-road vehicles rushed past, like Mercedes-Benz Mustangs, and they were running rampant. If they were in urban areas, such speeds and such riding would definitely cause traffic accidents, but in this wild countryside, they can really be brazen. As long as you do n’t drive your brain to hit a tree, basically nothing will happen.

Crunch ...

After a series of driving, several off-road vehicles stopped crunching. The off-road vehicle came down with only seven or eight men and women. They looked at their clothes and dressed completely like archeologists. On the off-road vehicle's main driver's seat, a middle-aged man with a hat, a beard and glasses is obviously a professor-like looking up at the wilderness, but his pupils are bright and excited.

"Yes, yes, this is here, this is here, according to the maps we have obtained and the many materials we have searched, the ruins from the ancient Tang period thousands of years ago should be here. If we can really find the ancient Tang period For the archaeological community of the Tang Dynasty, it is definitely a huge discovery! "

"Professor Anxi, is that true? We have seen the national football for thousands of years and were divided into the ancient Tang period thousands of years ago. I heard that there are very few written records in the ancient Tang period. Is it here? Are there really so-called relics and ruins under the wilderness? "

Apparently a man dressed as a student yawned, his eyes were polished, and he asked in confusion as he looked at the wilderness.

"I don't know, all this can be cleared through scientific research and excavation, but we have researched for two full years, collected research data and various geological maps of Jiangzhen City, and now we can It is certain that in ancient times, Jiangzhen City did have an ancestor of the ancient Tang kingdom, and he was also famous in the ancient Tang empire. It is very likely that his burial place is here! "

Professor Anxi's eyes are shining. People think that archeology is a very simple thing, but archeology is very difficult. First of all, you do n’t mention that you have to determine the location of the site first, and then you will go through a variety of things It can be said that archeology is a very, very boring industry.

Only when you succeed in archaeological excavation can you get a sense of joy. Before that, it was a slow and boundless search, because you do n’t know whether this search can be found below. You did not find the right site. It is possible The tombs of the ruins that were discovered after hard work, but found that the grave robbers had been ransacked and left an empty shell, but it was really impossible to take off the pants and go to bed.

"Professor Anxi hasn't done that. I think we should be able to find the right thing. After two years of continuous exploration and searching, we even compared the map to finally be able to determine the address of the royal tomb of Gutang. There is absolutely nothing wrong here, should we just find someone to start digging? "

The students are righteous, and the two pupils emit a confident light. If they are not even confident as archaeologists, how can this archeology proceed safely?

"So we need to make an application with the local authorities, and then start excavating this piece. In any case, if there are really sites and tombs underneath, this is definitely very important, everyone, you are all my students , Who is also a member of the archeological team this time, if you can really find the site, your academic points will be no problem! "

Professor Anxi's eyes were glazed all over the students.

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