Super Finding App

Chapter 823: Master Cheng (2)

The corners of Wang Yuting's mouth twitched, and it was so depressing. He watched the other groups of people around Cheng Yiping, stagnant, and his face was ugly. No matter what, they became consultants of the six groups. If they really let them The other group abducted Mr. Cheng, a police adviser, and it was definitely a huge loss to their tribe.

However, in the face of other groups running over and offering diligence, she could not explicitly prohibit it. After all, everyone belonged to the Jiangzhen City Police Department to do things for the people. It ’s not good. If the director orders one day, you can even send people from the six groups. It is also entirely possible to break up and assign to other groups, so just watch the other groups come and nod their police advisers.


Absolutely not.

"Enough. Enough. You all give me a little quieter, Mr. Cheng, when you come with me, the director asked me to ask you to come and say someone is looking for you!"

After finally finding an empty place, Wang Yuting pulled Cheng Yiping surrounded by the crowd and said pantingly, before waiting for Cheng Yiping's reply, she pulled Cheng Yiping into the desert and fled, leaving behind Aggressive crowd.

"Slow down, the police station is so big, it won't matter if you slow down in the past. If you run around like this, it won't be good if you hit someone ..."

Cheng Yiping casually ate the snacks served, drank the drink in one hand, and looked at the breathless Wang Yuting and shook his head. He certainly knew what Wang Yuting and the members of the six groups thought, but it was funny to him. Besides, he doesn't care. In this period, he used the super group search app to help the Jiangzhen Police Station to find people and find people. He has broken a lot of cases. Although every time there is a win and a loss, but in general The value does not count as a loss, and of course it does not earn much. There is still a slight gap between the value of 4000 points and the value.

"Current Finding Value 38203000"

Cheng Yiping followed behind Wang Yuting, narrowed his eyes halfway, and looked at the superfind app app in his right pupil.

"It's fast, it's fast, it's 180 points away, and 4,000 points are found. At that time, not only will you be able to improve the super-finding app, but also get the help of finding objects, and you can also determine the type of finding assistance!"

Cheng Yiping breathed a long sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the purpose of finding value, he would not come to other groups to ask for help. When he refused, he promised in one fell swoop, in plain words, in order to collect the value. .

"I know, I know, Mr. Cheng, let me tell you, our six groups are already very good for you. Even if you have been on vacation for a week some time ago, you have been dragging for three days before coming back. I did not call the police chief. Small report, if you change to another group, this is not possible. You see that the captain of a group has always been famous for being severe. If you remove their group and go to work every day, if you dare to be late and leave early, he can Let's spray the dog's blood! "

"There is also the leader of the three groups. Don't look at him with a smile. I tell you that he is actually a smiling Buddha. In their group, I don't know how many people have been pitted by him. He leads, there are goods under his back, if you go to his team, you will definitely be killed! "

Cheng Yiping looked at him with amusement. Although he was talking bad things, he was more embarrassed, and his face became more and more ugly. He obviously knew that he was pretending to be calm Wang Yuting, and shook his head with a smile.

"Well, Wang Yuting, I know, no matter what, I am very happy to be in these six groups, at least for now, I have no idea of ​​changing groups yet!"

"Really? Cheng Yiping, but this is what you said. There is a manly husband who talks, and what he says is like spitting out, immutable!"

Wang Yuting's surprised eyes glowed, and then she couldn't wait to press hard, looking at Cheng Yiping, rolled her eyes, and walked.

"Yes, this is what I said, but I just said for the time being, if you are not happy in the six groups, then I can only find a group that makes myself happy!"

"Relax, Cheng Yiping, you will never make you unhappy in our six groups, as long as you can help us find people and find things, help us solve the case, it's easy to say anything, I'm very open-minded!"

Wang Yuting patted his chest fiercely, and seemed to get Cheng Yiping's reply, his face was filled with a bright smile, with Cheng Yiping

I went to the police chief's office.

"Well, Wang Yuting, you just said that someone was looking for me at the police station? Do you know who it is?"

Cheng Yiping frowned while walking, and the police chief would find someone who he would be? Is it Tan Xueqing? After all, the job of this police consultant was found through the third princess Doudou. Could it be said that Doudou had an accident?

"I don't know. Someone came to the director today, and then the director asked me to tell me to call you there. It seems that someone is looking for you. There is something urgent, maybe your acquaintance?"


Is it really Tan Xueqing?

Cheng Yiping wanted to break his head and didn't think of 12345. After all, in this official, it seems that the only person he knows is Tan Xueqing.

Soon after, Cheng Yiping and Wang Yuting came to the office of the Jiangzhen Police Station, knocked gently on the door, and a voice of invitation was heard, then they pushed in.

The office of the police station is still what Cheng Yiping saw when he first came in. The director smiled and sat on the sofa talking with a middle-aged man who was clearly wearing glasses and wearing archeological clothes. A few young-dressed young people stared curiously into Yiping.

"Professor Anxi, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Cheng you are looking for. We are the consultants of the sixth team of Jiangzhen Police Station, Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng!"

"Oh, it turns out that you are Mr. Cheng. It really is Jiu Yang Daiming, hello Yang Daiming, hello!"

Professor Anxi immediately stood up, showing a bright smile, grasping Cheng Yiping's hand, shaking it constantly, excited tone, emotional excitement, Cheng Yiping looked at him for a moment, and he turned for a long time in his mind. , I didn't see who this person was opposite?

"Hi, what do we know?"

"Then, Mr. Cheng, we are meeting for the first time today."

Well, the writings of the Tang Dynasty were really profound and profound. For the first time, they even said that they had known for a long time. They really thought that they had known each other for a long time.

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but rolled his eyes and was about to ask, but he saw that Professor Anxi seemed to notice Cheng Yiping's doubts and couldn't wait to say.

"Mr. Chen, although I don't know you, someone introduced me to you. I heard that your ability to find people and things is a great way to find traces of ancient tombs. You also found it, this time I just wanted to ask you to help me find the tomb! "

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am a professor at the School of Archeology, Professor Anxi, and Wang Ming from the Cultural Relics Conservation Association recommended me to come to you."

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