Super Finding App

Chapter 884: Seek medical treatment

Zhao Guoqiang sits refreshingly in the office of his chief surgeon, carefully examining the patient in front of him.

He remembered what happened yesterday until now. He gritted his teeth and felt itchy, but he did not take leave today because of yesterday's events. This is another reason why Zhao Guoqiang can fly to Huang Tengda so far.

He is a workaholic.

Zhao Guoqiang is very clear that he is an orphan, and even if he waits for him after leaving home, it is a lonely room. In contrast, he is more willing to devote all his energy to work. The better he does his job, the more he will use the value of his life instead of being thrown away by his parents when he was a child, as if it were trash.

And Zhao Guoqiang chose the profession of doctors. In addition to the relatively high status of doctors, the most important thing is that Zhao Guoqiang was sick when he was a child. He understands the feeling of helplessness even when he is sick. Later I went to the hospital and said there was no money. Can the doctor treat you for you? These are two more.

I have been frozen, and I have been hungry and sick, so Zhao Guoqiang is very, very clear that there are certain occupations that can be replaced in life, but there are some occupations that cannot be replaced. Eat, drink, live, and live. Among them, the profession of doctors is independent of the age. Too much change will eventually be necessary and existing, and with the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to physical health, and the status of doctors will naturally rise.

It can be said that Zhao Guoqiang's choice of a doctor was his deliberate choice, because he knew he was an orphan, and did not have the qualifications to change careers after choosing the wrong industry like other people. He could only choose a path at the beginning, regardless of Whether this road is rugged or difficult to walk, or it is a flat road, he must go down, just as the Internet snippet wrote, the road he chose must be crawled on his knees.

Obviously, for Zhao Guoqiang, he feels that the path he has chosen is correct.

As for the so-called doctor-patient contradiction.

Zhao Guoqiang didn't care at all. Speaking of contradictions, which industry in the world has no contradictions?

As a waiter, you will encounter tricky customers.

As a courier, you will also encounter employers with no qualifications.

Even if you are a security guard, you will encounter customers who have no quality at all and who look down on people.

Running business is a grandson.

Even if you are admitted to the civil service, you have to be careful every day in the system, for fear that someone will take you down by a dark arrow and step on your head.


This social contradiction is everywhere.

"Very well, your injury is now recovering very well. You should take your medicine on time in the past few days. Do not enter the water, you can come back next week for a follow-up consultation."

"Thank you doctor, thank you ..."

Zhao Guoqiang just checked the condition of a patient who came to the follow-up clinic, and then ordered.

Looking at the patient leaving with gratitude, Zhao Guoqiang's fragile self-esteem was satisfied for a moment, stood up, came to the water dispenser, poured himself a glass of water and drank, although everyone said The doctor's salary is high, but the daily workload is still quite large.

If it is in a small hospital, it's fine. There are few days a day, but if it is in a large hospital, the workload is quite heavy.

However, what Zhao Guoqiang likes most is this kind of high-load exercise, which makes him feel that he is very full at all times. He is a useful person, instead of being thrown away by others like picking up trash when he was a kid. This feeling, Zhao Guoqiang never wanted to feel it.

While Zhao Guoqiang was drinking water, with the sound of the horn, the next patient carefully opened the door and walked in. This is a middle-aged couple. A young man is behind them, it seems that a family of three.

"Come and sit down, where are you feeling uncomfortable ..."

Zhao Guoqiang quickly adjusted his emotions and devoted himself to the role of doctor, and said enthusiastically to the patient.

Although he always looked familiar to the couple in front of him, he shook his head and left the messy thoughts aside.

It seems that I see too many patients every day, and everyone is familiar.

"Hello doctor, this is my arm. I hit the table and it hurts now ..."

It seemed to be because of the abnormal pain. The middle-aged man was sweating heavily on his forehead and looked very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, just go to the hospital and show it to me. You are now injured in the arm. The more nervous you are, the more the muscle will hurt the wound. Don't be nervous ..."

For this situation, Zhao Guoqiang has already become familiar with the road, and he didn't think about it elsewhere. Instead, he carefully and persuaded him. At the same time, he looked at the injury of the middle-aged man, such as being injured, and he was hit extremely hard. It seems that there are some bones split.

"You don't have to worry about this, don't worry. Although it was a heavy hit, anyway, there is no complete fracture. You just need to take a film and show it to me ..."

Zhao Guoqiang nodded familiarly, bought his head and started writing a bill. Now that science and medicine are so developed, most doctors basically open such bills. Only through the film can the patient's condition be determined, and then the treatment method is formulated.

"Ah ..."

Zhao Guoqiang, who had his head written on his medical records and suddenly had a tingling in his head, looked up, and saw the middle-aged woman next to the middle-aged man looking nervous, his face trembling and shaking.

"I'm sorry, I saw something dirty on your head, so I took a look at you ..."

"Ah, it's all right, thank you, thank you ..."

Zhao Guoqiang froze. Then hit a haha. Carelessly, he touched his sore head with his left hand, and a hint of doubt flashed in his heart. Why was there a tingling sensation in removing the debris on his head, as if someone had pulled his hair.

What the **** is going on?

"That guy, I see you are so younger than us, and you have already become a doctor. It seems that you are proud of your family ..."

The middle-aged woman looked very nervous. After thinking for a moment, she said with a worried expression.

"Haha, wherever you are, your son looks awe-inspiring, and his future achievements will definitely be better than mine ..."

Zhao Guoqiang stunned and forced a smile, his eyes fell on the young man behind the middle-aged couple and smiled awkwardly. What he hated most was being asked about his parents, his family, this is The pain in his heart can never be worn away.

"By the boy, ask where are you from?"

It seemed that Zhao Guoqiang's dissatisfaction was not noticed at all, and the middle-aged woman asked again, her face tense, her eyes staring at Zhao Guoqiang.

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