Super Finding App

Chapter 907: Buy murderer?


Zhou Jie nodded weakly, her face was full of panic, until now she felt really the same as dreaming, only one thought in her mind, that is, never go to the bar in the future, no The thought that there are even killers in it is simply a mix of fish and dragons, and it is a horrible mess.

"I forgot about it the next day, but when I think of Zhao Wanyuan and my boyfriend, my heart can't stand, so I packed up my luggage and prepared to run away from home, away from them. Since If you ca n’t be friends with them, then the farther away they are, the better ... "

"But, when I was halfway, I suddenly remembered the man in the peaked cap I met in the bar. I was afraid he was really a killer. If Zhao Wanyuan was really killed, wouldn't I Become a criminal? So I ran back again and waited at home for Zhao Wanyuan to come back, but this was a whole month, Zhao Wanyuan disappeared, she must have been killed by the man wearing a peaked cap, it must have been worn The man in the peaked cap killed it, I am the murderer, I am the murderer ... "

Zhou Jie, who was originally timid, was trembling at this moment, and the guilt from the depths of her heart attacked her like a tsunami.

This is why Zhou Jie sees ghosts. In her subconscious, she believes that she bought and killed Zhao Wanyuan, so Zhao Wanyuan's ghost will be covered with blood and come to her to get revenge.

She is a murderer.

Guilt is enough to drown a person.

"Understood, so this is why when we checked the monitor, the day before Zhao Wanyuan disappeared, I saw you carrying the suitcase and left, but why did you not carry the suitcase when you came back at last, if you really left home If you leave, this suitcase should be completely brought back. It can't disappear for no reason. You are lying! "

The heroic Wang Yuting immediately noticed the contradiction from Zhou Jie's confession, her eyes staring at Zhou Jie who was trembling with fright, and wanted to see whether she was telling the truth or the truth?

"That's because of me. I encountered a robbery ..."

Zhou Jienuowo said.


"Is there anything wrong"

"How can I do that?"

Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, Zhao Weiqian and Cheng Yiping are like listening to heavenly books. Are Zhou Jie's words true or false?

"No, is there a mistake? Is it true or not? I met a man in a peaked cap at the bar that night and said it could help you kill someone. Then you go home and take your luggage and leave home. I thought of the man in the bar on the road, worried that Zhao Wanyuan would run home, and you also encountered a robbery on the road, so your suitcase was lost. This is too fake. Even if it is a third-rate screenwriter, it will not be written. Come out with such a fake plot, Zhou Jie asks you to be honest, be frank and be strict! "

This false confession that can no longer be faked even made Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, Zhao Weiqian and others feel that their IQ was insulted. If you can believe it, then you will be a ghost.

"It's true, it's true, I swear I'm telling all the truth. The robbery I encountered at the time wasn't for me. There should be records in the police station. It's true ..."

Poor Zhou Jie was terrified to tears, tears and nose flowing down. For her, although she hated her girlfriend and boyfriend very much, in the final analysis, she never really wanted to buy a murderer. At the time, she was in the bar. She really drank too much, which was a joke, but who knows that Zhao Wanyuan is really missing? I haven't seen a person for more than a month, and I haven't seen a dead body.

"Okay, that's the case, then the trial is over. Come, take Zhou Jie first ..."

In the face of Zhou Jie's interrogation while crying, Tao Tao also cried, but in general, the issues that Zhou Jie needed to explain were clearly explained. Of course, these words fell into the eyes of everyone, and some of them ridiculous.

"It's ridiculous. How can there be such a clever thing, go out with the suitcase, encounter the robbery, lose the suitcase, and then come back empty-handed, let me say that it is possible that the suitcase contains the body of Zhao Wanyuan. , And Zhou Jie went to throw the body, everything she said was false! "

Yang Tie was thinking, she still doubted Zhou Jie holding 12 points.

"This is entirely possible. According to our existing laws, if a client is mentally ill, he will be exempt from punishment. Perhaps Zhou Jie is very clever. She knows that she killed someone and could not escape the pursuit of our police. If you become neurotic, you will slash around with a knife in an attempt to escape legal sanctions! "

"No, you can even consider the killing of mental illness. So, is it that Zhou Jiejie has a premeditated murder?"

Zhao Weiqian swallowed his saliva, and said carefully that this mental illness killing requires a mental appraisal, and a mental certificate is issued. Now, this mental card is a gold medal for death ...

Murphy nodded and agreed, meanwhile he thought more.

"Okay, okay, now everything is false, but if what Zhou Jie said is true, then we need to do two things now, the first is to find Zhou Jie's boyfriend. Is there no danger to life? If even Zhou Jie's boyfriend is missing, then it is entirely possible that it is true that what Zhou Jie said is true. Zhao Wanyuan and Zhou Jie's boyfriend were also killed by so-called killers! "

"The second is to immediately go to the police station in the area mentioned by Zhou Jie to retrieve the video and confession records at that time to see if a robbery occurred. Was Zhou Jie's suitcase taken away? If yes In truth, has the robber been caught and has the suitcase been recovered? "

I have to say that Wang Yuting, who has a bright attitude, is very clear-headed, and immediately considers the center of the problem, and then orders it.

"Yang Tie, Mo Fei, you two went to Zhou Jie's boyfriend's home. According to the information here, Zhou Jie's boyfriend is a unemployed nomad named Li Lei. There is his home address on it. Please take a look. Life or death! "

"Zhao Weiqian, you and I will immediately go to the police station where Zhou Jie's robbery occurred. Let's go check the files and understand the situation and see if Zhou Jie has actually encountered the robbery. What happened to her suitcase? Rob or bury it! "


Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian all said at the same time that they could start the action in full swing.

"Well, I said, they all have something, so what about me?"

Cheng Yiping touched his nose, feeling that he was a forgotten person to take a step forward.


Wang Yuting raised an eyebrow, looked up and down into a sail, and hummed a voice with his nose.

"It's off-hours. You are a police adviser. We don't have the right to ask you to work overtime. Now that you are off-duty, you can go anywhere ..."


Wang Yuting is definitely proud of herself, and this proud of herself has not subsided yet ...

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