Super Finding App

Chapter 960: The advent of the gods (3)

Zhao Weiguo is a manager of a listed company, and he can be a manager of a listed company. His status in the company is also quite high. This time, it was also because he accepted the company's task and moved to a foreign place to negotiate.

Since it is for the company's business, Zhang Weiguo naturally will not treat himself. He bought himself for first class.

Zhao Weiguo was not the first time to take a plane. He went through the procedures very well and boarded Dongping Flight 7348.

To this day, Zhao Weiguo still remembers when he landed on Dongping Flight 7348. He chose a position next to the window. His favorite place to fly was the position next to the window. When the plane took off, he looked down through the window on the right. Across the earth, there was a feeling of beings, which completely silenced his state of mind.

"I ’m going to take this seat. I ’m going to take this position. Do you guys say I ca n’t afford it? Tell you, I have money, I have money, I want to take this position! Tell you, my daughter is Jiang Zhen The famous host of the city TV station, if you have this attitude, I will immediately call my daughter and let them expose you. "

Zhao Weiguo, who was sitting on his seat, closed his eyes and raised his head, and suddenly heard the howling roar, raised his eyes and looked, but saw a proud woman wearing fur, waiting loudly to the stewardess.

The poor stewardess cautiously persuaded, and finally managed to persuade this woman!

Zhao Weiguo frowned, showing his disgust, shook his head. With the improvement of people's living standards, there are more and more rich people now. There were only a few people who used to sit in the first class. There are more and more people in the cabin. As long as they are rich people, no matter what kind of fish and dragons are mixed, they can live in it. Zhao Weiguo has also encountered such people several times. It is clear that the best way to meet such an upstart Just ignore it.

Otherwise, if you argue with her, she can do everything she can.

Zhao Weiguo shook his head funnyly, no longer paying attention to keep his eyes closed. After a while, as the time passed slowly, the entire plane began to shake slightly. Zhao Weiguo knew that the plane was taking off.

At the next moment, more than 1,200 passengers on board Dongping 7348 soared above the blue sky.

"Really, it seems that if this business is successful, I have to talk to the company to take a long vacation. It always flies around like this, the work intensity is too great, and my head hurts ..."

Zhao Weiqiang rubbed his temples with a headache, and placed a delicate notebook on the small table in front of him. This silver-white laptop had all the content he needed to work on.

Zhao Weiguo turned to look at the window on the right, and there was a dark cloud outside the window. At this moment through the dark clouds can still see the Wanjia lights below.

A moment later, Dongping 7348's plane kept flying in the sky, and below it was the turquoise ocean.


The entire plane shook violently, and there were dark clouds outside the window, lightning flashes and thunders, and countless lightnings flickered in the dark clouds. Dongping Flight 7348 flickered left and right to avoid the dark clouds, just like a little tricked by Thor. Like birds.

[Warning ahead, in case of severe weather, passengers should fasten their seat belts and take protective measures ...]

[Warning ahead, encounter bad weather, please passengers to fasten their seat belts and take protective measures ...]

[Warning ahead, encounter bad weather, please passengers to fasten their seat belts and take protective measures ...]

The sweet voice of the stewardess came from the plane. If it was a sweet voice in the past, it would definitely make people think about it, but now they are all like enemies.

The Dongping 7348 aircraft shuttled continuously throughout the dark clouds, and there were lightning flashes and thunderous clouds outside.

"It's okay, it's okay, it must be okay ... it's common for planes to encounter bad weather. It's very simple. It's okay. It's okay. You can quickly get through this thunderstorm."

Zhao Weiguo often travels by plane. He is also very aware of the many accidents that can occur in the plane. Although the news of the plane crash is often shown on TV, in summary, the plane is still one of the safest means of transportation in the world today. .


Lightning and thunders flew outside the aircraft, and there were dark clouds, and Ulan thundered several thunders and lightnings. In this cloud, a long creature suddenly appeared.

what is this?


I read it wrong.

I was absolutely wrong.

Zhao Weiguo's eyes stared out of the window of the plane, watching several lightning bolts down the sky, lighting up all around, a long creature appeared in front of him, impressively.


Just kidding.

This is simply impossible.

Zhao Weiguo was stunned, not only him, but even everyone on Dongping Flight 7348 saw this huge dragon-shaped creature, and then this huge dragon-shaped creature shuttled through the dark clouds, and then the huge dragon tail hit it instantly Up the plane.

The plane was struck by lightning. Like a sparrow that lost its wings, it was instantly dropped into a dark cloud, then fell from the sky, and quickly fell to the ground.

All the passengers on Dongping Flight 7348 screamed in horror. Only one after another felt the feeling that the plane lost its gravity and dropped from the sky. Everyone knows that if there is no way, or the plane is pulled up again, Everyone will die here.

But did they tell others they met the dragon.

Then died.

No one believed it at all!

What exactly is going on?

Zhao Weiguo felt that his three views and world view had completely collapsed. How could a creature such as a dragon appear? This is simply impossible.

People have said that before death, there will be something like a lantern, Zhao Weiguo didn't know, and now all people only have panic and panic in their hearts. The plane landed from the sky into this devil's zone, and everyone in the plane There was no move at all, and the only thing they could do was listen to their fate and wait for the impact.


The plane that crashed quickly crashed, as if a huge object had hit it, and stopped suddenly. Although everyone was knocked over, they clearly felt that the speed of the plane was slowing down and it was slowly descending.

This is impossible.

Did the pilot finally pull the plane up.

Zhao Weiguo was so frightened that he managed to get up from the fallen seat, raised his eyes and looked at the window on the right, his pupils shrinking sharply, his face was incredible.

He clearly saw that the plane was still descending slowly in the air at this moment. Through the glass window, he could clearly see that there was a person holding the plane slowly landing in front of the plane with one hand.

Hold the plane with one hand?

This is impossible.

Could this be?


Just kidding.

Impossible, this is impossible, is this man ...


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