Super Finding App

Chapter 969: Forbidden life (1)

"It's coming, it's coming, pay attention, the forbidden area of ​​life is ahead!"

Cheng Yiping didn't know how long he had sunk. The only thing he could know was following the fairy in casual clothes and the princess with two ponytails and still licking a lollipop. Colored glass.

God knows that this little glazed lollipop can still be licked in the deep sea, and there is no seawater to soak it, as if there is an inexplicable force on their bodies to resist the seawater.

It's just not human.

Wrong, the two of them are not human.


The fairy dressed in casual clothes shouted and shouted, Cheng Yiping looked in the direction of the fingers of the fairy, her pupils shrank sharply, and a huge city appeared at the bottom of the deep sea.

Or a huge maze.

This maze seems to be shrouded by a transparent cover, which looks very majestic, and a huge vortex in the sky above the city continually swirls around the entire maze.

"Is that so? The bottom of this huge vortex is this huge maze, and any creature attempting to approach this maze may have been torn to pieces by the huge vortex before it reached the bottom of the vortex, whether it is a ship or a person No access at all "

"It's terrible. Why is there such a huge city and labyrinth on the bottom of the devil's belt?"

Cheng Yiping was frightened. Since he owned the Super Hidden Object app, he can be regarded as fighting hundreds of battles, but even in the underground caves of the Arctic, even the cities and even the mazes of the ruins seen in the underwater ruins of Baishui Village, they are far away. The majesty seen in the deep sea without such a devil zone.

It's exactly like a city.

And it is a city shrouded by a transparent cover.

It's so strange.

"Be equal, be careful, we will go in next, remember, this is the forbidden zone of life!"

The fairy wearing casual clothes became heavy, and when he saw a big wave of his hand, he immediately swooped down with a flat wrapped in foam. Zhou banged on the transparent cover, making Cheng Yiping flat. I was surprised that this transparent German cover seemed to automatically cut an entrance to send them in, and the seawater poured down the gap, but the transparent gap was like life, gradually recovered, and only a small amount of The sea poured in.

Flutter ...

Cheng Yiping fell heavily from high altitude, and the foam hit the ground like a sponge, and it broke apart with a bang. Cheng Yiping fell down to the ground, raised his head, revealing fear, he found that he had actually entered Within this huge maze, the main thing is that he can breathe.

how can that be!

Just kidding.

First of all, don't ask how long the huge maze city in the bottom of this devil zone has existed? Even if there is a so-called oxygen supply system, it is not possible to provide oxygen and operate normally after tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years. This is simply unrealistic. Weathering alone can change everything. Weather out.

But Cheng Yiping took a few breaths and found that he could really breathe here.

"Hey, Cheng Yiping doesn't need to be surprised. It is really breathable in the forbidden area of ​​life. Do you see it? There are special plants around these plants that can emit oxygen. According to legend, it was created by humans in the deep ocean. A way to live ... "

The fairy in casual clothes laughed, explained Cheng Yiping's doubts, raised her eyes and looked, the entire large maze city was deserted, desolate, and a huge maze stood up.

"Why is this the forbidden area of ​​life? What do you want to find? If you ca n’t even enter it, you should be able to easily find it with your god's backhand as the cloud and the hand as the rain. Why do you still need me? "

Cheng Yiping lowered his head, and there were some Chen Yi. The abilities shown by the fairy dressed in casual clothes and the little girl Liuli in a princess costume with two ponytails are indeed like the legendary fairy Even in this deep sea, they can rely on physical activity alone, and they can have all kinds of spells. Theoretically, what the two of them are looking for with their fairy spells is simple and simple. Why? Will I need to myself?

"Clever, clever, leveled. You are really clever. Yes, we are indeed immortals, but you seem to forget that even immortals have weaknesses. In this forbidden area of ​​life, our spells are imprisoned. In other words, our spells cannot be used for a long time. Once we step out of this door and enter this maze, we are not much different from ordinary people. The remaining mana can only perform simple magical powers. It is really a waste of money to want to break through this maze and find the goal ... "

"If you can't understand, you can compare this deep sea maze city like the Devil's Zone to a forbidden area, and our fairy spells cannot be used here."

"But yours can ..."

What does it mean?

Cheng Yiping became more and more puzzled as he listened, why the spells of the two immortals in front of him couldn't be used in this deep-sea city, but his own half-hanger could.

"In this world, there is cause and effect, a cycle of cause and effect, a balance. This is where you originally belonged. You are chosen by your destiny. You will arrive sooner or later. Only here can you know the real reason and what you originally did. The way to go ... "

Two ponytails, wearing small princess costumes and licking lollipops, said loudly, Cheng Yiping was still more confused.

"I can see clearly through time and the fragments of the future. This is your destiny. You follow your destiny and you will know everything. And this is the way you should go as a candidate ... "


It's really troublesome.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and stopped paying attention. Until now he has reached this deep-sea city, and he has no right to choose. Otherwise, the two gods patted their **** and walked away. Cheng Yiping thought he was There is no way in this deep sea, and it will really die here.

"Okay, I understand. Although I can't understand what you are talking about, but if you think my ability can be used here, then use it. Anyway, the boat will be straight to the bridgehead, and you will naturally know what you said. What does it mean ... "

Tell me now, what do you want me to help you find in this deep sea labyrinth city? "

I don't know if it's an illusion. Although I didn't use the Super Hidden Object App, the feeling of flatness and mystery haunted my mind, as if something was calling him in this maze city on the sea floor.

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