Super Finding App

Chapter 985: Grope

Tiantang Guojiang Town.

It's a very magical feeling.

Cheng Yiping was sitting leisurely on the seat of his own office in Group 6 of Jiangzhen Police Station, closing his eyes tightly, feeling the power of faith in his body silently.

This kind of belief power doesn't seem to exist at all, but Cheng Yiping can clearly feel it, as if he can move with his mind, when he comes across the power of faith, there seems to be some kind of law Introduce it, and tell Cheng Yiping what the power of this faith is and how to use it, just like it is born to use it.

But this feeling is very confused, like a cloud of fog, so Cheng Yiping can touch, but can't feel it.

"It seems that in the final analysis, it is still necessary to integrate the super finder app with the host to 100%. Only in this way can Yunwu truly understand the role of the power of faith ...."

"But before you try other systems of the Super Hidden App ..."

Super Hidden App Hidden Object Help, Conscious Space.

In the next leveling mind, a spinning and bright starry sky appeared in an instant, and the power of faith was instilled in it. A wide space of consciousness emerged in this space of consciousness, and countless spaces appeared densely.

Moving with one mind, you can clearly feel that each of these countless spaces is actually an object-finding help.

These kinds of object finding help are numerous and dazzling.

"Is this the conscious space for finding objects? It is so amazing that there are so many. Before the super finding object app has not yet evolved, I can only upgrade through the super finding object app, and then through the finding compass. To get random help, or use a thousand points to find a specific type of help. "

"But now it's different. I just need to use the power of faith to find the help I need in this conscious space. It's really amazing ..."

[Looking for Help-Firearm Skills (Top) Consumption: One Hundred Points of Faith]

Cheng Yiping took a breath of air. In this conscious space of object-finding help, he just clicked on the wayfinding help with gun skills, but it took 100 points of faith to scare Yiping into rejecting quickly.

"See the ghost, the original need to consume the power of faith, and it needs a hundred points, it seems that these dense search within the space of consciousness to help if you really want to learn all, how much faith power it requires, this is simply massive! "

Cheng Yiping shook his head and then exited the object-seeking help consciousness space, and set his eyes on the entertainment reward in his mind.

Like the space to find things and help, entertainment rewards and so on are numerous, there have been countless movies and song series, etc., and the power of faith required according to the different movie and song series is different.

"Let me look at the data collection system again. Has it changed ..."

Cheng Yiping withdrew from entertainment rewards. After all, the power of faith is still too scarce for him today. He could not bear to waste this in the so-called entertainment rewards project, and then entered the data collection system, but found that the data collection system and super search The thing app is exactly the same as before.

"The data collection system is exactly the same as before the Super Hidden App has not evolved. As long as a piece of data can be collected to the top, the formed humanoid can be redeemed for an object finding help in the conscious space!"

"I finally understand why there are so many skills for finding objects in the finding object help space. After co-authoring for a long time, all of them are exchanged using a one-for-one ratio. It seems that this super finding object app may be in my There were many hosts before, otherwise there would not have been so much help in finding things! "

Cheng Yiping breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed with light, and his heart became vigilant. Through these seeks, he helped Cheng Yiping suspect that the super seeker app also had other hosts before him, and these hosts did not Did not become the so-called new god.

It seems that even if you have a super-hunting app and want to become a **** and become a new **** as the gods encountered in the devil zone, it is not a simple matter.

Cheng Yiping opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and he lifted his eyes to look, the other members of the serious case six were busy.

Cheng Yiping lifted up the coffee shop that had been prepared on the table, took a sip, and quickly turned his head.

"Before the super finder app has evolved, I just need to help people find things, and I can get the finder value"

"Now that the level of the super-hunting app has evolved, the level has disappeared, and the value of searching has been replaced by the power of faith. In other words, what I want to get now is the power of faith, but the power of this faith is too far-fetched. How can I get it? "

"Or is it just like helping people to find people and things, the previous value of things is converted into the power of faith?"

Cheng Yiping had some curiosity. After all, he really knew nothing about how to obtain the power of this belief. Suddenly, the power of faith in his mind came into the news, and he suddenly realized.

"So it is ..."

"The so-called belief is actually the so-called incense of the East, and now it is what people call worship. It is like a star has many fans, just like a great number of believers. As long as these people The worship of a person ’s belief produces the power of faith ... ”

"And the power of these beliefs and what people call worship are actually the same as the incense from the East."

Feeling the message from the power of faith in my head suddenly burst into a bitter smile.

"Good guy, I have never wanted to be a magic stick, but it seems that this is forcing me to become a magic stick ..."

"Then I have to think about what methods can be used to gather the power of faith ..."

Cheng Yiping smiled bitterly, and his fingers kept beating on the desktop.

"I have a super-hunting app, in other words, even if I want to become a so-called new god, I have the power of faith, but my ability is still to help people find things ..."

"It's just today's super-hunting app. After helping people find things, it has changed from the original flat map to today's immersive. Maybe I can make some articles on it ..."

"It is necessary to be able to help people find things and find things, but also to give people a mysterious feeling, to collect the power of people's beliefs ... and to ensure their identity ..."

"It's really difficult ..."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, he has been very scared all the time, fearing that the secret of owning the Super Hidden App will be known to some people, but after seeing the magical power of the fairy in the devil zone, Cheng Yiping Remember one thing very clearly.

Only by becoming a new **** can we guarantee our safety ...

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