Super Finding App

Chapter 999: Super Hidden Object App

The sky is sunny and the birds are fragrant.

Deng Hua fiddled with his latest mobile phone and walked out of the mall. This is the latest silver-white mobile phone with 64G of internal storage. It works very fast. But he saved two months' salary. , And finally bought the phone.

"The new phone is good. It is very fast to use. Where is it like my previous phone? Although it can be used, it can only send messages and make phone calls. The current game software changes after it is updated. It ’s so much, the general memory is simply not enough. This time I bought 64G of memory at a time, it should be enough for a while ... ”

Deng Hua was playing with the silver-colored mobile phone in his hands, and the more he liked it, the more he saw joy.

The function of the previous mobile phone was only used to make calls and send messages, but with the continuous development of technology, the current mobile phone has the ability similar to a tablet computer. Even if you walk on the road, you will see that people waiting for the bus or talking will pull out their mobile phones and become heads.

Although he knew that it was not a good thing to be a bow-headed man, Deng Hua looked at the silver-colored mobile phone in his hands and rejoiced. His eyes turned to the leisure park aside and he ran over two or three steps. There is free wireless internet in this park, although it is a little slower, it is better than using your own traffic.

Don't underestimate the traffic, you can't see it, you can't feel it, it doesn't seem to have much money, but it is absolutely shameful to use it every month.

This is also a huge expense in people's phone bills.

This is exactly the reason, so the first thing people ask when they go to a place is whether there is wireless access to the Internet.

Deng Hua quickly came to the park in two or three steps, found a remote corner, sat down, looked up, and many people in the park had gathered together in twos and threes, each holding in their hands Holding a cell phone, or talking or on the internet.

"My new mobile phone can finally download the latest games now. They played one by one when they went to work. They bullied my phone. It used to be old and could n’t run. Now I really want to take it down and see what it is. Is it really that fun ... "

Deng Hua gritted his teeth. In the unit, many people were playing a 5v5 competitive game, and they were very happy, but Deng Hua's mobile phone was too old and could not be downloaded at all, even if it was downloaded. Driven by the operation, I have not been in the circle for a long time. Today I bought a new mobile phone, and the first thing I thought of was to get this game down.

After connecting to the wireless network, although the download speed is somewhat slow, fortunately, Deng Hua has time. While downloading slowly, fiddle with his mobile phone, log on to the Internet to check the news.

Soon after downloading the game, Deng Hua suddenly showed a hesitant look. He was surprised to find that there was an app on the phone.

[Super Finding App ...]

What is this?

Deng Hua's face was aggressive, convinced that he had never downloaded this so-called super-hunting app, and how could he have it on his mobile phone?

Is it poisoned?

Deng Hua was shocked. Do n’t make a joke. His mobile phone is just a new mobile phone that he just bought. If it is really poisoned, then he should not cry. He thought that he had entered the anti-virus software of the mobile phone and updated it. And after killing the virus, I found no poison.

Deng Hua was relieved for a long time, and then clicked directly to find the super finder app. I wanted to uninstall it, but I was surprised to find that no matter how I clicked uninstall, it was useless.

What exactly is going on?

After Deng Hua clicked the Super Hidden Object app, the next instant change in the screen of the mobile phone was dark, and the bright and rotating starry sky appeared like a unique pupil.

"What exactly is this super finder app? But this picture is pretty good? Is it also a game for finding things?"

Deng Hua had some doubts and came to some interests, but found that the super-hunting app's rotating and bright starry sky page has a few simple signs.

Faith Value: Use Faith Value to perform super-finds and find what you have lost.

Ordinary object hunting: Find objects using belief values.

Religious search for things: through religious prayers, the advent of the **** of finding things does not need to consume faith values.

"Hey, this is really a game. Now even God can use it to play games, it still needs the power of faith, what a joke ..."

Deng Hua shook his head funnyly, clicked on the belief value, the bright page appeared, his eyes brightened, and found that this belief point is also divided into levels.

Simple believer: get lower faith value.

Common Belief: Gain a general belief value.

Fanatics: Gain a higher faith value, have a higher chance, get pious find things.

Deng Hua looked at the explanation and shook his head funny. He was surprised to find that becoming a believer is not about saving money, but after opening the interface of faith, a bright starry sky appears, and a black one-eye pupil appears like a **** Just close your eyes and pray to it.

Different faith values ​​are obtained based on the time of prayer.

Ten minutes minimum!

"What kind of broken game is this? Who will be fine in front of a picture and silently pray. What religious game were you playing at the time? Can't this be a religious game?

Deng Hua turned around for a long time and didn't see a 12345. He thought about it and clicked on a general object search.

The next rotating interface appeared with a deep single pupil. A small horn symbol appeared on the single pupil, and a paragraph of text appeared.

[Please seekers to say what they are looking for. Ordinary objects will cost a certain amount of faith according to the item they are looking for. The current belief value is two points. 】

"Interesting, interesting, this is really a game to help people find things, and it's quite advanced, they can directly input voice ..."

Deng Hua did not mind that there are only two points of faith now. He simply regarded this as a game. After thinking for a while, Deng Hua remembered that he had to have a piece of clothing in his home and didn't know where to put it. How to find it Can't find it, or try this?

The Deng Huagui who made the decision caused the **** to click on the input and then said what he was looking for.

"I'm looking for a red jacket I can't find in my home ...."

After talking to the cell phone, Deng Hua laughed suddenly, feeling like an idiot, and then saw that the interface in the cell phone changed dramatically.

[Quest Seeker Mission Receive ...]

[Ordinary Object Finding ...]

[Consumption of two points of faith ...]

[Find the search, please search according to the arrow ...]

The next Deng Hua was surprised to find that a huge red arrow sign appeared below the phone's page.

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