Tianyan searched carefully several times and found nothing missing. Yang Feng suddenly thought of a possibility. Would the people who built the cave backfill the cave after going out and never come in again? After years of concealment, the artificially excavated cave has also become a natural part, which can't be seen now.

"If so, how did you lose it?" Zhang Daofeng asked.

Universe of 1000000000 universes, Yang Feng, who is not a handful of strange people, is not sure whether there are any bats that have been attracted by the essence of trees. So it is hard to say whether the vampire exists in the West.

Anyway, it's meaningless to discuss here. Yang Feng didn't know what role and significance the cave had before, but it's useless now. However, he still backfilled the stone and soil, covered up the newly excavated hole, came out of the cave, searched around, expanded the scope circle by circle, found something that can be used, but he came down all day, Nothing.

In the evening, Yang Feng turned on his mobile phone. He wanted to call home, but he received several messages first. Gongsun dreamed that something had happened over there in Tianshan Mountain and asked him if he was there; And Nalan, with white hair, said he was on his way to Tianshan Mountain to let him see the information and help quickly, because he is a sick man and is not suitable for fatigue.

Yang Feng smiled. He had diarrhea and was ill. The third news changed his face. The news came from Nalan's white hair. "Brother, I'm hurt. Come and help me. The goods are too strong."

It's not generally strong to hurt Nalan for nothing. I don't know what's specific, but it's certainly not a good thing to see the official come forward. Continue to look at the information. The next one is from Mengmeng, and the content is also related to Tianshan. "Uncle, there are monsters in Tianshan. We've gone to catch monsters. Hurry up when you receive the information."

The next news came from Mengmeng again. The content was unusual, "uncle, the monster is too powerful. We were defeated."

Then, there was no information. After looking at the time, the last message from Mengmeng was two hours ago. There was no time difference. That is to say, the group fought in Tianshan in the daytime. They didn't see it with their own eyes, but it's conceivable that the battle scene that can beat Mengmeng away must be a big deal.

Things have happened, so it's not urgent. In these few minutes, Yang Feng didn't rush to Tianshan Mountain. Instead, he first dialed Dong Yuxin and asked about his family. He was relieved to hear that. Then he dialed Mengmeng's phone and soon connected. Before Yang Feng asked, Mengmeng hurriedly reported: "Uncle! Come on, that guy is chasing us. If we hadn't had a few brushes, we would have been caught cooking and eating."

"What's the situation?" Yang Feng knew that there would not be too much danger for the time being.

"There's a strange guy in Tianshan Mountain. He's very powerful. The world's wonders gather in Tianshan Mountain, and we'll come. But who knows that guy only stares at us. Now we're running in front, he's chasing after, and he's chasing a group of bargain hunters." Mengmeng replied depressed.

"Isn't it dangerous?" Yang Feng asked.

"Not for the time being. We can stop him, but we won't last long. What we worry about is not that guy, but the large group behind our ass. that group is obviously cheap. In case we get hurt and lose, they will beat the water dog." Mengmeng said.

"I see. Protect yourself. You can use all means when necessary. I'll go there right away. Find out where I am now, and then run to me." Yang Feng smiled.

"I see!" after that, Mengmeng hung up the phone. There is a unique system between them. As long as you turn on the device, you can find each other's location, unless you are in a place where you can't even use satellite phones.

Mengmeng, they changed their direction and came to Yang Feng. Yang Feng rode the eagle and dialed Nalan Baibai. As soon as the phone was connected, Nalan Baibai complained, "you have to compensate my brother for his loss. I'm ashamed and lost my hair this time."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what happened. I'm in the past." Yang Feng smiled and asked.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know! I ran over and had a confused fight. I was stabbed by some grandchildren, and then I withdrew to the rear." Nalan said in vain.

"Your uncle, can you waste more materials? Your Security Bureau doesn't have any news?" Yang Feng asked angrily.

"No, I knew there were monsters in Tianshan Mountain, and several of the people who came to deal with them died, so I was transferred. I came here. People's actions abroad were faster than me. They killed a few inexplicably, and were almost killed by several inexplicably. If you hadn't hurt my brother's strength, I would blow them all up. See how arrogant they are." Nalan said in vain.

"Save it. You don't have diarrhea. Are you sure you can blow people up?" Yang Feng doesn't believe it. Just having diarrhea can reduce the strength of Nalan Baibai's level experts. When he comes, he can't get some special tonic without looking for Xuexue.

"Hey, hey! It's not certain. When will you come?" Nalan asked in vain.

"I don't know! If there's no signal, I'll wait until I get there." Da Diao flew higher and higher, and the mobile phone signal became intermittent. Yang Feng said, and then hung up automatically. He had no choice but to take it into Jiuxi spirit domain and fly to Tianshan at full speed.

From the grassland to the Tianshan Mountains, the distance is not close. Even at the speed of variation, you can change several Eagles halfway. When you reach the Tianshan Mountains, it will be ten hours later. It was a dusty night. Yang Feng flew from just dark to dawn. It's needless to say that he worked hard.

He found a secret place to land and opened the status system. Mengmeng and them were in his southwest, about 70 or 80 kilometers away. Yang Feng went into Jiuxi spiritual domain to repair it and made contact with Mengmeng and them with this unique system.

"How's the situation?" Yang Feng asked.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I'm just a little tired. Grandma's, that guy doesn't have to eat, drink and sleep! We tossed him around during the shift, but he didn't have a rest." Mengmeng said.

"Continue to toss, I'll be there soon." Yang Feng smiled, which can toss others. It seems that this night was not bad.

"Yes, we'll sound the horn of the counter attack right away." Mengmeng said happily, hung up the phone and said something to Xiaoxiao. She really took out a horn and blew it. Sobbing, she couldn't understand those people waiting to pick up the bargain. Don't you know what this is? The cry before death?

This distance, plus the day is also bright. If it was put in the past, it would be most appropriate to run with two feet. However, this time, Yang Feng did not intend to run hard, but decided to make a high-profile debut, release a golden eagle and ride to the place where Mengmeng and them were located.

The Golden Eagle roared and spread far away. Of course, it didn't reach Mengmeng. However, there were other people between Yang Feng and Mengmeng. All of them heard it. When they looked up, they all stared in surprise. Many people exclaimed - village head Yang is coming.

Looking at the world, this is the sign, this is the image feature. Only village head Yang flies in the sky on the golden carving. The golden carving appears. It doesn't matter who can't see clearly on his back, because there is no one else except village head Yang.

They are getting closer and closer to Mengmeng. Many people see the black spot in the sky. The black spot is getting closer and closer and becomes a golden object. Then, everyone can see that it is a golden bird. Mengmeng and they look happy.

"Uncle, it's a little windy this time!" Xiaoxiao said.

"It's necessary to pull the wind. My uncle hasn't appeared for a long time. If he doesn't appear again, some snacks will dare to toss around." Mengmeng smiled.

"High profile is the greatest guarantee for yourself at some time. My uncle must have been stimulated recently and suddenly figured it out." Nan Nan joked.

"Stop talking nonsense and trap this guy quickly, or what if this guy runs away when uncle comes over." Mengmeng said.

The four people began to release their last strength. The onlookers couldn't help but change their faces. They always thought the four little girls were very powerful, but they didn't know until now that they had grown so strong unconsciously. No wonder they could make wind and rain in Europe and Africa.

Yang Feng didn't land and launched an attack directly in the air. The big black one was too obvious to find the target. Besides, they were fighting with it, so there would be no mistake. They pulled their bow and shot down several arrows, forcing the big black one to a certain position. Nannan threw the last stone, which finally trapped the big black one. Yang Feng flew down.

"Uncle, you're here at last." Mengmeng shouted excitedly.

"Your action speed this time is a little too fast. It's faster to come here from Europe than me?" Yang Feng was thinking about this problem on the way. He had been looking for trouble in Europe some time ago. He suddenly returned home without any sign.

"When we learned that there were monsters here, we parachuted. The location was very accurate. When we landed, we met the goods and started fighting." Mengmeng smiled.

Yang Feng smiled. This is indeed the fastest way. He has to learn a little in the future. Although the speed of gold carving is fast, it is still a little worse than lifting a transport plane. Sometimes, it is really unnecessary to be polite. If you are polite, you will find yourself guilty.

"Tell me about this, what's going on?" Yang Feng pointed out that there was no more movement in front of them. Looking at their big black man, he asked.

"I don't know. When we landed, the goods stared at us, and then we fought, and then it was like this." Mengmeng said simply. Yang Feng listened very speechless. It seems that he still had to ask Heida. The interrogation is always the most troublesome without using the black jade spider.

"Who are you? Give me your name." Yang Feng asked, pointing to the big black man.

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