All the attacks were shrouded in Sharjah. Sharjah was extremely strong against the next wave after wave, and tried his best to fight back, which made Yang Feng happy. But how crazy Sharjah was at this time, which began to burn the small universe.

"Break it for me!" a roar came from a distance. Yang Feng and their hearts sank. This is norin's voice. It seems that norin heard Sharjah's cry for help and rushed to rescue Sharjah.

"Pipi, you and Wenwen restrain norin." Yang Feng ordered. Pipi, who was hidden in the dark, didn't make a sound. There were a lot less fireballs that had been bombarding Sharjah, which made Sharjah relieved.

We can't delay any longer. Yang Feng knows that if we can't kill Sharjah this time, we won't have a chance again. With a cruel heart, we let them all out from the Jiuxi spirit domain. These guys are extremely powerful now. No one may be the opponent of Sharjah, but we don't need to fight alone at this time.

"Be careful!" Yang Feng told him that with Sharjah's strength, he was desperate at the last moment, so he would attack without reservation, and Yang Feng could not trade his life for his life, take advantage of it, and then trade his life for his life. That's not stupid!

At the periphery of the maze, Noreen is shifting rapidly. Even Wenwen can't catch up with his speed by using the power of space, but she can't escape. Her purpose is to break the array and get out of Sharjah, and Wenwen's purpose is to stop her action. Therefore, for Wenwen, this job is much easier than Noreen.

Pippi's arrival added great help to Wen Wen. The brother and sister chased behind norin's ass and bombed norin. Norin had no time to crack the array. She roared several times. The two were still very close like dog skin plaster. She had no choice but to pray that Sharjah could hold on for a while and want to solve the brother and sister, It's also something that can't be completed in a short time. The brother and sister are also special chicken thieves. They are completely the strategy of the enemy advancing and retreating and advancing. They will never come face to face with you. They have one purpose, that is, to prevent Nolin from destroying the array. As for killing Nolin, they didn't think about it. Even if Nolin showed his flaws, they ignored it. Anyway, they are just trying to prevent Nolin from saving Sharjah.

In fact, Pipi and Wenwen know from the bottom of their hearts that even the big flaws are deliberately shown to them by Nolin. Once they are excited, they will go into the pit. With Nolin's ability, they can't do it. It's OK to contain them for a period of time.

Fighting with smart people is the most painful. Noreen has a deep understanding now. She believes that if she pursues these two, they will definitely run as far as they can. Don't chase them. They are arrogant again, as if she likes to bully.

Listening to Sharjah's roar, norin felt a hate. If it weren't for her arrogance, how could this situation happen? It was entirely her fault to trap Sharjah in danger. She mistakenly estimated Yang Feng's actions, and she couldn't imagine what kind of situation she would face once Sharjah had a problem.

Sharjah is working hard, and Noreen is also working hard. She knows that if she doesn't work hard, Sharjah will have to stay here. Sharjah's fight inside is much stronger than that outside. Sharjah is completely carried by a turtle shell, with bursts of fatigue. He knows that he doesn't have much time and must get out of trouble as soon as possible, or he will never leave.

"Well, sleepy!" Dong Yuxin sensed that the insect had entered Sharjah's body. He looked happy and hurriedly commanded the insect's rapid action, destroying Sharjah's spiritual system.

"Ah!" Sharjah screamed, and his suddenly dimmed. Yang Feng took the opportunity to stab a gun and directly opened a hole in Sharjah. The golden light flashed. Two snakes with thick little thumbs and fingers flew close to Sharjah from the wound. He saw that the electric arc flashed on Sharjah, and Sharjah's body froze.

"When!" Yan Long stabbed Sharjah's head. Yang Feng's hands were numb. He didn't stab in, but he broke a little skin, which surprised Yang Feng. His head was too hard.

This stab also made Sharjah wake up. When Sharjah threw his head hard, Yang Feng was knocked out. He had no time to hide. He had to try his best to remove the force with this strength. Otherwise, the collision would break his bones. Sharjah's strength was very terrible.

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. Yang Feng frowned. His figure flashed. The Yan dragon continued to stab Sharjah. Just now, Sharjah reacted too fast. He couldn't even hide in Jiuxi spirit domain. The Yan dragon stabbed Sharjah, and there was another tinkling sound. On the surface of Sharjah's body, the layer of golden light appeared again.

Sharjah's shield was weakened twice and there were loopholes, which were all caused by poisonous insects. Sharjah also knew that, so he used the power of his soul to eliminate the poisonous insects at the first time. However, after using the power of his soul, Sharjah felt more tired. He knew from the bottom of his heart that it was impossible to use the fire of his soul to remove the poisonous insects. Do it again, I'm afraid he will have to climb on the ground and be slaughtered by others. Now he has to guard against poisonous insects in an all-round way.

"Buzzing, buzzing!" suddenly there appeared a large number of bees. Each bee was the size of a sparrow, but it was really a bee. The real bee was a little bigger. Of course, it was the product of Jiuxi spirit realm.

Yang Feng released the bees, but it was Dong Yuxin who commanded the bees. The couple cooperated very well. Many of Dong Yuxin's soldiers were stored in Jiuxi spiritual domain and would not be released until they were used.

The bee's tail showed a gradual bee sting, like an assassin's dagger, which immediately surrounded Sharjah and stabbed at Sharjah. Sharjah disagreed, but soon noticed something, and his face showed a trace of surprise. These bee stings were not finished once, but like a weapon in his hand, which could be reused, just like a bunch of aunts waving kitchen knives, The light of the knife kept falling on him.

Sharjah has a hard time saying that such a dense attack, even if the power is very small, will consume him a lot. After several times, his shield will be completely finished. I'm afraid it will be the human world again at that time.

Facing the unsolved problem, he can only wait for norin to rescue him. Sharjah has tried various ways to break through, but he finally failed. Now he can only wait for norin. He can reduce consumption as much as possible and maintain the status quo. He believes norin will kill him.

The last strength drove Yang Feng back. Sharjah looked desperate. He wanted to run and fight. However, the only rescuer was stopped outside. Now he didn't know what was going on outside. At this last moment, he didn't dare to expect norin to save him. He just asked norin not to have an accident. If norin had an accident because of saving him, Then you'll lose completely.

"Boom!" the array was strongly broken, and the heaven and earth returned to Qingming. Nolin swarmed in with the orc army and the feather army. Yang Feng and they retreated quickly. The only regret is that they failed to kill Sharjah at the last moment.

"Start!" Wenwen took him to the distance. Yang Feng gave an order. With a loud noise tomorrow, the whole earth shook up, and a mushroom cloud rose where he had just fought.

"How's it going?" Wen asked softly, standing beside Yang Feng.

"Sharjah will die. It's estimated that he didn't blow up norin." Yang Feng said with some regret.

"There's no way to master the power of space. She can run away at any time," Wen said.

"Yes! The power of space is a headache. Fortunately, my good daughter is more powerful, otherwise there is no solution." the battle has achieved great results, and Yanfeng will have a smile on his face.

"If Noreen hadn't died, we wouldn't have had a better life," Wen said.

"It's all right. She can't turn over much waves. Now it depends on the position of hell's three headed dog. If it still acts alone, it's easy to say, but once it joins hands with Noreen, it's definitely a disaster." trouble wave after wave, Yang Feng is a little tired physically and mentally.

When the smoke cleared and the battlefield was cleaned, it was found that Sharjah and Noreen were gone. They could never be blown to pieces. They just ran away. However, it was strange that even if Sharjah did not die at that time, he was not far from death. In such a crisis, Noreen would still take Sharjah with him. Is this true love?

True love doesn't know. Sharjah is saying goodbye to norin. Norin is full of guilt and says, "I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault. Don't think too much. Everything is life. If you have poor strength, you will die. This is my sorrow. As a soldier, it's my honor to die in battle. After I die, you must complete the plan when you command the orc army!" Sharjah grinned, but his smile was full of bitterness.

"Don't worry, I'll avenge you." Noreen was expressionless and angry.

Sharjah opened his mouth, suddenly spit out a few black blood, his eyes were lax, and slowly let Noreen shout. He didn't have a sound. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was silent. Noreen couldn't hold back, and his tears kept flowing down.

Sharjah died and took his body with him. Nolin didn't know where he was. He came to a place like an office building and looked around. There was no abnormality. He pressed a few times on a wall, opened a secret door, and walked into a place that looked like a laboratory. Nolin operated a lot, and a huge container appeared in a corner, Norin put Sharjah's body in and pressed the next button. In an instant, black liquid flowed out of several pipes and soon drowned Sharjah.

Sharjah's body was swallowed by the black liquid little by little. Nolin watched. When the black liquid completely flooded Sharjah, Nolin took out some things and built some miniature signal towers around the pool. He didn't know what to do.

I don't know where to start. With a buzzing sound, the signal tower starts. One by one, it emits light, and soon becomes a piece, forming a strange symbol. I don't know what it means. Noreen is talking and can't understand what she's talking about, but she looks dignified.

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