"What? Look down on my low level spirit stone? I like the feeling that you can pile up dead people with it! "

Jiang Yuan was not willing to be outdone. He continued: "501 low-level spirit stone!"

"Ha ha ha, ridiculous! Then I'll see how much you hillbilly can make! "

The voice was full of sarcasm.

"Ten medium level spirit stones!"

"Lie, trough, ten dollars!? Ten medium level spirit stones!? This is the most money I've ever heard in my life

"Who is this man!? Why are you so rich? Is it the Wang family? Or the royal family? "

"I don't think it's like this. Where will the royal family and the royal family rob this? I think it's estimated that this person is from outside the kingdom of Dawu where he heard the news!"

"Dawu, foreign people! Too much money! I don't think the guy who shouts low-level spirit stone can shout it out now! "

"If he can still shout out, I'll take it. There are hundreds of thousands of spirit stones! I can't imagine that


Looking at the soaring price, everyone took a breath, and everyone's heart was guessing the identity of the person who called the price.

But Jiang Yuan is a tiny smile, continue to shout: "one hundred thousand and one low level spirit stone!"

"He He can really shout out! Where does he come from with so many low-level spirit stones? "

It turns out that the villain in the eyes of the public is a big local tyrant!

"What do you want from me!? You are not afraid of my identity! "

The voice was full of threats and taunts.

In fact, the master of the voice, the young man in the Royal dress in the private room, was sweating. He just insisted on it.

As a matter of fact, the young man didn't want to buy or sell anything when he was traveling here. He just came here when he heard about the auction of battle magic armor in Dawu kingdom. Where did he get so much money.

With a firm heart, the young man called out: "fifteen pieces of medium level spirit stones!"

"Fear? I've never been afraid of anyone since I was so big! "

Jiang Yuan's heart is full of disdain. To tell the truth, if the boy doesn't threaten, Jiang Yuan might give up buying the magic armor.

But now the boy has threatened him. Even if he goes out, he will buy the magic armor!

"Sorry, 1501 low level stone!"

Jiang Yuan laughed, his tone was full of ruffian Qi, and even more sarcastic.

At this time, the wind and snow standing on the stage was in a trance. It seemed that he saw countless spirit stones coming to him. In his eyes, whether it was low-level spirit stone or medium level spirit stone, as long as he could spend, it was a good spirit stone!

Now the more fierce the competition is, the more he earns!

"Damn it

The young man of Royal Guards was slapped on the table by the sarcastic voice.

This is not only because of Jiang Yuan's sarcastic tone, but also because of Jiang Yuan's way of asking price.

Every time, he only added one more low-level spirit stone than his bidding price, but he could only add one more medium level spirit stone at a time. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the low-level spirit stone was more useful than the medium level spirit stone.

But these are not the important reasons for his rising from the table. The real reason for his rising from the table is that he has no money!

There are only 16 medium level spirit stones in his heaven and earth ring. If the last spirit stone is added, he will have no money at all!

If there's only one stone in the mind now!

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