"Wo, Cao, there was a fight just now. The second prince who just came back from training was easily defeated by Jiang Yuan!"

"It seems that the new little overlord Jiang Yuan has completely stabilized the position of the little overlord in Tianlan city! After the second prince, there are some people who dare not provoke. "

"Ha ha ha, I've been looking down on him for a long time. Relying on his own holy power, he's rampant everywhere. You didn't see his tragedy just now, so Jiang Yuan just hanged him!"


At this time, the students of the four colleges in the school yard finally noticed the strange noise, and looked at the second prince Wu batian who collapsed on the ground, pointing and disdaining.

"Damn it

Listening to the comments around, Wu batian scolds him secretly, but he doesn't dare to challenge Jiang Yuan, because Jiang Yuan's strength can easily kill him.

"Shut up! Believe it or not

Wu Ba day a long gun, pointing at the people, he dare not provoke Jiang Yuan, but these people he can still bully!

All of a sudden, the voices of the public disappeared.

Jiang Ba just nodded his head. The reason why he was killed by gaowu was that he didn't have the face to invest.

But he will be wrong, in fact, Jiang Yuan is not looking at his Wuchang face, but look at the one hundred pieces of medium level stone, the eyes of resentment, but look at his cold sweat!

"Now all the formed teams, please go to the registration office in front of the high platform to register. After registration, you can allocate the flying Warcraft you take."

At this time, nine times on the high platform, a person shouts, for a moment, people who are still savoring the battle just now rush to the high platform.

"Boss? Do you really not form a team? "

Ye Jiuhan is a little worried. If it goes on like this, won't Jiang Yuan become a public enemy in the hunting circle?

"Don't worry, it's just level five."

Jiang Yuan, noncommittal, smiles faintly and walks to the registration office under the high stage.


"Jiang Yuan!? Aren't you a bronze class student? This is the hunting registry of King Wu. "

The woman in charge of King Wu's registration obviously knew Jiang Yuan, but she certainly didn't see the scene just now. Seeing Jiang Yuan coming towards her, she was full of surprised shouts.

"I know. Check in."

Jiang Yuan nodded and gave a smile.

The woman was even more surprised and said: is Jiang Yuan not as cruel as the legend? Mingming is a very polite boy!

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Yuan saw that the woman did not speak and asked again.

The woman smell speech complexion tiny red, hurriedly light voice way: "nothing, just here only the king of Wu can register, if don't have the strength of the king of Wu, you still please go back."

"Yes, I am King Wu."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said with a smile.

"OK, thank you for your cooperation..." The woman thought that Jiang Yuan understood the situation and wanted to leave. Just as she came out, her face changed. Her surprised expression was even more abundant than just now. She cried out: "what! You are King Wu


Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

Is the fact that he is King Wu so unacceptable?

"Please Please register the name and members of your team here, and then we can count the rewards of your team. "

The woman took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down.

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