At this time, Jiang Yuan was standing in front of the seven or eight shivering giants, with a twinkle in his eyes and an innocent smile on his face.

After a long time, no Warcraft came out. Jiang Yuan pointed to the little snake lying on the ground, and said with a smile, "choose one quickly. It's almost dinner time. The snake and I are hungry!"

And in the eyes of these Warcraft, this little man in front of them, who is like an ant, is a devil in the world!

Just because Jiang Yuan said, as long as you amuse me, you can avoid death. They have been singing and dancing all afternoon.

And now he put forward a more rude request, let them choose one for him to eat!

This is not only bullying, but also maltreating!

Beast can bear, Warcraft can't

Forget it!


Shivering Warcraft are making humble eye contact with each other, looking for the Warcraft willing to sacrifice.

At this time, the most powerful seven color scale snake in the group of Warcraft flashed a smear of poison in his eyes and fixed on the dark greedy wolf who had been hiding behind the Warcraft.

Obviously, these Warcraft have not been affected by that violent breath, and they still retain their intelligence like human beings.

"My Lord, I think this guy is very suitable!"

Seven color scale snake flatters the soft voice to say, the tail then points to dark swallow greedy wolf directly.

"My Lord, I think so, just him!"

"Yes, my Lord, you see how fat he is. The meat must be very delicious!"

"My Lord, wolf meat is a great tonic!"


Smell speech all Warcraft all see to dark swallow greedy wolf, have not a put forward a not word.

"Lie down, trough! How can you do this to me! "

Dark swallow greedy wolf's eyes trembled, and his body trembled violently. He never thought that these Warcraft suddenly focused on himself.

"What? You don't want to be adult food? Don't you feel the glory? What a great honor to be an adult

Seven color scale snake's eyes narrowed, and the tone was flattering more than those sycophants. In his words, Jiang Yuan's food seemed to be a real honor.

The cold pool Python stared at the colorful scale snake with a slight blink in his eyes. He couldn't help admiring the flattering skills of his own kind.

And the other Warcraft is also looking at the seven color scale snake with a full face of flattery and smile, disdain repeatedly.

"No, I don't!"

Dark swallow greedy wolf back half step, heart is full of despair.

"Want to escape? My Lord, I'll help you catch him now! "

Seeing this, the colorful scale snake suddenly appeared and catapulted out like a bow and arrow.

See this dark swallow greedy wolf completely Leng in situ, he knows he is not the opponent of seven color scale snake!


Colorful scale snake whistling past, the huge body and rapid ejection speed, with a hurricane.

In the twinkling of an eye, the colorful scale snake wrapped with dark blue and powerful spiritual power has reached the body of the dark swallow greedy wolf, and the venom in the eyes of the triangle is even more serious.


There was a big bang.

But it was not the dark wolf that fell, but the colorful scale snake that had won.

"Bah! I hate you so much

Jiang Yuan shakes his fist. It's obvious that he just hit the colorful scale snake on the ground.

See this scene, other Warcraft is dare not move disorderly, this disorderly move but want to give animal life!

Jiang Yuan this small fist, a punch down, the presence of Warcraft are unable to bear!

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