"Third punch! The Dragon rises to the sky

Jiang Yuan gave a big drink. This time, his spiritual power had reached the extreme. Countless bloody spiritual power rose up and crackled around Jiang Yuan.

Dantian is running crazily, and its spiritual power seems to be released endlessly.


Seeing this scene, the snake took a cool breath. It's hard to imagine that Jiang Yuan is just an eight star king.


the sky bursts and sounds, and Jiang Yuan's martial arts skills seem to have caused the vision of heaven and earth!

"The vision of heaven and earth!"

The little snake was even more surprised. The vision of heaven and earth could only be triggered when the gifted Emperor Wu exerted his best martial arts!

And Jiang Yuan is just a king of martial arts!

The display of such a martial art actually triggered the vision of heaven and earth. Although the vision of heaven and earth was not so strong, which was half smaller than the normal one, it was enough to show that Jiang Yuan was powerful.


A dragon roars on Jiang Yuan's body.

At this moment, a bloody dragon's eyes flashed and rose up, and its whole body's spiritual power was wrapped with dozens of residual Warcraft to rise up into the sky!


The thunder burst!

That was taken to the sky of Warcraft, was immediately taken to the clouds!


The sky suddenly brightened, the blood dragon's figure in the dark clouds, vaguely visible, and that pair of frightening eyes, a touch of terror, let people fear!

Jiang Yuan's right hand shook, and the dragon claw moved like thunder. Under the package of spirit power, the Warcraft had no ability to act, and in a twinkling of an eye, they were killed half by Jiang Yuan!


The Dragon roared again, and the endless blood color and spiritual power shrank fiercely. Jiang Yuan's body also created a huge barrier at this moment.


The explosion sounded in the sky.

The whole sky seemed to be torn.

Warcraft have exploded down, no one is still the breath of life!


The little snake didn't know how to express his feelings at all. After thinking for a long time, he just came up with this sentence.

Jiang Yuan is a king of martial arts!

With three punches!

Then I will kill all the fifty level five Warcraft!

If someone sees it, this scene can definitely be famous in mainland China!

It won't be long before many scholars will write this matter into their own books!

As soon as Jiang Yuan's momentum receded, he fell from the air. Looking at the snake's eyes, he blinked his right eye, and his eyebrows were frivolous. He said with a smile, "how about it? I'm so impressed by my charm

The little snake's admiration disappeared in a flash. Sure enough, Jiang Yuan was still Jiang Yuan, not someone else. He shook his head and said angrily, "I'm afraid this kind of power will disturb the seventh level Warcraft. We'd better hurry up!"

Jiang Yuan nodded and gave a little smile. What the snake said is true.

This time, Jiang Yuan hurriedly put more than a dozen complete Warcraft into the heaven and earth ring.

Then he led the snake directly and began to devour it happily.

"Ding Swallow up... "



With a series of prompt sound, Jiang Yuan's basic fight and basic attack power also improved to the four stars of the earth level, but the fury of the constant reminder was not affected.

This makes Jiang Yuan extremely depressed.

This kind of absorption has not triggered the reward of this fury.

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