
Jiang Yuan crossed with the blood horse in the cleft earth, and the whole treasure house was surrounded by cracks shaking with the fluctuation of spirit power. It was obvious that the treasure house could not bear such impact.

In this fight, it is obvious that Jiang Yuan lost, because Jiang Yuan's right arm is gushing blood, but the split blood horse is unharmed.

"The power of level 6 Warcraft is really strong!"

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly. He knew that the strength of Warcraft was not as strong as that of yujinhu. At most, it was the average level of level 6 Warcraft. However, he lost half a point in his fight.

It is very difficult for King Wu to defeat Emperor Wu!

At this time, there was a little surprise in his heart. In his eyes, Jiang Yuan should have been lying on the ground just after a collision. He would never have thought that after such a king of Wu fought with him, he just suffered a little injury.

"Come again!"

Jiang Yuan gave a big drink, and the spirit power worked again. With the help of the passive blood power, the wound on his arm soon recovered.

"Third punch! The Dragon flies through the sky


With the roar of the dragon, Jiang Yuan's blood color power flashed, and the whole treasure house began to vibrate violently.

"There's something else the boy can do!"

He thought that Jiang Yuan's attack was his strongest attack. Unexpectedly, the momentum of his attack was twice that of the previous one.

Is this really just King Wu!?

Split the blood horse gave birth to a sense of retreat!

He suddenly suspected that he was not the opponent of the young man in front of him!

Shaking his head, the bloody horse gave up the terrible idea.

He must let the young man know his power as the sixth level Warcraft!


A loud noise suddenly sounded, the split blood horse suddenly yelled, a touch of blood red intentional energy suddenly appeared in front of the split blood horse.

And then the bloody horse swallowed it.

At this moment, the momentum of the split blood horse began to soar rapidly. In a twinkling of an eye, it had reached the peak of the sixth level of Warcraft, and the split blood horse's eyes turned into scarlet.

"The smell of fury?"

Of course, Jiang Yuan recognized such eyes. Seeing the appearance of the split earth blood horse, he was not afraid, and even had a touch of joy in his heart.

"Let's die, boy!"

At this moment, the already precarious treasure house could not bear the power of the battle, and huge stones fell down.

But there was no fear at all, because the gems had been melted away before they were close to their bodies.

"This split blood horse is different from other Warcraft, he was not affected by the fury breath, but also took the initiative to swallow the fury breath, to gain power!"

Jiang Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He could see everything clearly. He knew that the split earth blood horse would lead him to find the source of the fury!


The horse started to move. This time, it was twice as fast as before. In a twinkling of an eye, it was in front of Jiang Yuan.

But Jiang Yuan moves the elixir field, the blood color spirit power quickly gushes out, directly will split the ground blood horse to wrap among them.


With a twinkle in his eyes, he broke away from Jiang Yuan's blood color power.

The violent breath rushed to Jiang Yuan's face in an instant.

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