"Everyone, the bonfire party goes on."

Jiang Yuan, with a smile, went to the crowd waiting for the king's return.

Jiang Yuan, on the other hand, started his journey of eating goods again.

He didn't eat the meat of the sixth level Warcraft, because he wanted to keep in the realm of King Wu so that he could go to the secret place of Yuanshen, so most of the meat he roasted was the fifth level Warcraft.

Because swallowing the fifth level Warcraft does not have the ability to let him break through to the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Ding After eating the five level advanced Warcraft, the unicorn giant ant, the affinity cultivation progress of the basic earth attribute aura is increased, the ability to mobilize the earth attribute aura is improved, and the power of the earth attribute Wujue is improved. "

"Ding The progress of Wu Mai cultivation has increased. "

"Ding The progress of cultivation has increased. "

"Ding I've absorbed a bit of fury. "

"Ding Because the host is in a weak state, absorbing the fury breath, the recovery progress of weak state is accelerated, and the current recovery state takes half a day. "

Can absorb violent breath accelerate weak state to restore!?

And that kind of thing!

Jiang Yuan immediately stopped the movement on his hand, turned to look at the meat on other hands, and grabbed it directly.

"Sorry, these are mine. You want something else."

Looking at the confused eyes, Jiang Yuan said calmly, as if what he did was not a disgraceful thing.

Nonsense, these are all good things that can restore the weak state, and they must not be wasted.

Moreover, I don't know where I can find the fury in the future. I don't save much now, but it will be hard to find in the future!

No matter how shameful he is, Jiang Yuan has to do the same.

In this way, Jiang Yuan put the meat in everyone's hands into heaven and earth, only the woman in the corner.

Because she's been eating it!

Jiang Yuan was slightly embarrassed in front of the woman.

"What? I've chewed it. You want it? I'm still a pervert

The woman snorted coldly and looked at Jiang Yuan with disgust.

Jiang Yuan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly when he heard the words, and then he recognized the woman by the light of the fire.

"Aren't you the woman I took the sword from in the spiritual space of the Dibang?"

"Oh, so what? It's just in the spiritual space, not the real space. What if you take a sword? Besides, my master is dead. I has the final say. "

The woman snorted coldly, as if she thought of something unhappy, and her temperament was even more prominent.

"It's all about what!? Is it really the blood of the dog who robbed the sword and married whom? "

Jiang Yuan completely confused, looking at the woman's heart suddenly jumped out of a puzzling idea.

"You've got battle magic armor?"

The woman's face became more and more indifferent, and suddenly asked Jiang Yuan.

"I'm sorry. If you want to ask questions, just talk well."

Jiang Yuan shook his head, for such a question tone, even if the woman was beautiful, he would not answer.

"You pervert, no way!"

The woman's eyebrows became a ball.

"Don't ask. I'll tell you the meat. Even if I feed the snake beside me, I won't give it to you. Don't think you can do that just because you're a little pretty."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, he grabbed the meat from the woman's hand and walked to the distance.


Little snake is a little speechless. What Jiang Yuan said just now makes her feel like a dog.

See Jiang Yuan straight away, a woman bite silver teeth, quickly catch up, for her master, she is willing to put down.

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