Li Feng, the owner of the Li family, looked anxiously at the servant who rushed in and yelled: "where's the young master!? Is the young master back? "

It can be said that this Li dariang is a genius of their Li family, which has only appeared once in hundreds of years. It has always been the pride of their Li family. Now that their whereabouts are unknown, it certainly makes the Li family anxious.

The servant kneeling on the ground said in a trembling voice: "no No The young master has no news... "

"No news!" Li Feng gave a loud drink, overturned the table at hand, and then yelled: "waste!"

The scalding tea was full of servants, but the servants were biting their teeth and didn't dare to make a sound.

Li Feng suddenly in front of a flash, deep voice asked: "Jiang Yuan back?"

"Go home Lord, this Jiang Yuan has come back and become a hero of our country..."

The servant didn't dare to hide, so he had to tell the truth.

"What hero of dawukuo!? Is Jiang Yuan still alive? "

Li Feng was even more restless when he heard the speech, and a bad premonition spread in his heart.

The servant nodded and said in a soft voice: "yes, there was a tide of animals on Feihuang peak. The hunting of the four courtyards ended ahead of time. Jiang Yuan became a hero because he dared to sacrifice."


Li Feng spat casually, stepped forward, kicked the servant out of the door and scolded: "hero!? What kind of hero is he


At this time, Wang long, the head of the Wang family, was also full of worries.

I paid so many people, even paid for my two sons, but I still didn't get rid of Jiang Yuan!

Jiang Yuan, this bone is too hard to chew!

Is this the destiny of man, destined to rise?

Wang Long shook his head and looked at the back of the elder of the Wang family. He said in a soft voice, "the Li family has failed. Jiang Yuan is still alive."

"Damn it! What a bunch of rubbish

The elder of the Wang family stands with his hand on his shoulder. Even if he turns his back on Wang long, Wang long still feels the elder's anger.

"I suspect that the Li family didn't concentrate on it."

Wang long thought about it and added a sentence.

The elder of the Wang family was puzzled and said in a soft voice, "why do you say that?"

Wang Long stepped forward and said in a low voice: "a few days ago, at the auction hall, the Li family and I competed for the real dragon carrying stone. When I was bidding as a royal family, he said that he wanted to dedicate it to the royal family. I think the Li family has some connections with the royal family!"

"Oh, how dare the little Li family? It seems that this time the punishment for their bad work will be heavier! "

Hearing that the elder of the Wang family was very angry, he laughed and his eyes flashed cold.

They dare to stay in the underground city, but they don't think it's a big difference!

However, the Li family is just like the elder thought. Without the big tree of the Wang family, it's really a little lonely just by the contribution of Wu pulse!


At this time, in the palace of the state of Dawu, Wuchang was smiling. Although he wanted to give a heavenly elixir, he was still in a good mood when he heard that Li Daniang had been killed.

Who is Li Daniang!?

The strength of Li family depends on Zhang!

Without this Li dariang, the younger generation is even weaker than some second rate families.

It can be said that the back road of the Li family has been broken!

In less than 30 years, the Li family is bound to break free!

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