For the first time, Jiang Yuan felt the surge of spiritual power between heaven and earth, but his perception was a little worse than that of Emperor Wu, and he could not turn the spiritual power between heaven and earth!

But this is enough to show that Jiang Yuan is powerful!


Elder Li's eyes flashed slightly. The power of Jiang Yuan soared sharply. He did have some fear.

He said in his heart: this secret method is so powerful that it can elevate a king of Wu to the power level close to the emperor of Wu!

However, elder Li didn't have any fear. No matter how strong Jiang Yuan was, he was just a king of Wu who could reach the realm of Emperor Wu only by secret method!

And he is the emperor of martial arts. Is he afraid of Jiang Yuan?

If you're afraid, it's a joke!

Looking at Jiang Yuan's inflated body, elder Li's heart moved. The meteorites shining with golden light accelerated their speed. With a long tail, they fell down with the power of almost destroying the world!

Just look at the speed to know the extraordinary power of the meteorite!

Jiang Yuan was sure that he was not afraid. He took a bunch of green lotus and rushed to elder Li Jiaer in the sky that day, as if the meteorite had not stopped him in the middle.

"To die!"

The second elder of the Li family disdains this. In his eyes, Jiang Yuan is a reckless man who has no brain and only knows how to run roughshod!

"San Sheng Po Tian Quan! First punch

"The tiger roars through the forest!"


The tiger roars suddenly at this moment, and the whole world seems to be shrouded in the tiger's voice.

Li's elder two was even more affected by the deafening voice, and quickly covered his ears!

This kind of voice is likely to make him lose the control of his martial arts directly. If he loses the control of his martial arts, he will inevitably suffer the attack of his spiritual power. The result is terrible!

"Sonic wave martial arts!"

Elder Li looked at Jiang Yuan and whispered.

The martial arts that can send out such powerful sound waves generally rely on sound waves to attack, and there will be no follow-up moves!

But elder Li is wrong. Jiang Yuan's martial arts is a standard boxing skill. It's all because of the addition of martial arts that he can make such a powerful sonic attack!

The martial arts of this kind of power can definitely be said to be the best martial arts!

After all, the system produced, must be a boutique!


The tiger's roar reminds me again.

Jiang Yuan's left arm seems to be transformed into a roaring tiger. As soon as he turns, he directly devours the meteorite that can distort space and leaps up!

"It's not sound wave martial arts!"

Seeing this scene, elder Li was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jiang Yuan's move was not a sound wave martial art, so he gave Jiang Yuan the chance to make a rampage in order to save spiritual power and reduce his control over martial arts.

What's more, the stupefied spirit of the second elder of the Li family makes him have no time to control again. In a twinkling of an eye, Jiang Yuan has already rushed to the second elder of the Li family.


The bloody tiger roared, and the bloody mouth seemed to be able to swallow the elder Li into his body.


Jiang Yuan's fist hit the elder Li's chest, and the armor that had been condensed in front of him was broken in response to the sound, and disappeared as a little spiritual power.


Like a shell, the elder Li, who was hit by Jiang Yuan, flew backwards and straight out for hundreds of meters to stabilize himself.


A mouthful of blood turned into a blood mist, and Jiang Yuan's fist had already hurt the organs in elder Li's body!

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